Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 19: The style of that 1 sword (2)

"Consolidate the murderous swordsmanship, the stronger the murderous swordsmanship, the stronger the swordsmanship." Chen Zong said secretly.

Unit Dragon's swordsmanship is indeed very strong. Moreover, it should not be Qingyunzong's swordsmanship. There are other adventures. The fact is the same. Unit Dragons has another adventure.

In the 92nd game, Qing Mang Jian Liu Zhenji came into play. He is not too young. He is eighteen years old. Like Miao Junfeng, repairing is also the sixfold limit of building a base. His sword skills are superb. Miao Junfeng has a lot to beat.

Only those who reach a certain level of fame will be given the title. Miao Junfeng does not, because the fame is not enough.

Famous people are often better.

Qing Mang Jian Liu Zhenji's opponent Xiu Wei was not weak, and he also reached the six-fold limit of building a base.

"I only have one sword." Liu Zhenji Feng said lightly and lightly, as soon as the voice fell, the long sword hanging around his waist suddenly came out of the sheath, and turned into a bit of blue sword light running through the sky. Jian Guang disappeared, and the sword was sheathed.

From drawing the sword to returning to the scabbard, it took only a short time to complete it.

When Liu Zhenji's opponent was about to make a move, he felt a slight tingling in his brows, and he couldn't help but reach out, a bit of Yin Hong was in front of his eyes, very dazzling, his face changed, and his body was cold.

"I lost."

"Another sword."

Field 101.

Feihua Jian Ye Xiwen is one of the two parties. He has the sixth stage of the construction of the basement, and the other has no title, but the repair is not weak, and he also reaches the sixth stage of the construction of the basement.

"Sister Ye, please."

"Receive the sword." Ye Xiwen Jiao yelled, the soft waist swayed between them, like a flower in the wind, beautiful.

The sword was scabbard around the waist. At the moment, the sword light bloomed like flowers, beautiful, and it seemed that the fragrance could be smelled faintly.

Ye Xiwen's opponent was in the moment, a fascination flashed on his face, and he felt as if he was in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, smelling the fragrance of flowers, and his mind was relaxed in an instant.

I just realized it was not good, and adjusted it immediately, but I was a step slower.

A sword flower bloomed and bloomed in front of the eyes, it was extremely magnificent, and then a bit of cold mankind radiated like a stamen, staying at the center of the eyebrow, and the cold feeling touched the entire scalp.

"Brother accepts." Ye Xiwen laughed softly, closing his sword into his sheath.

"I didn't give in, it was a great girl." The other side couldn't help smiling.

I want to build my own base in the sixth period of Xiu Wei and a strong boxing method, before the time to play it was defeated by the opponent with a sword, although unwilling, but helpless.

The masters contend for a moment. At that moment, they are distracted by the opponent's swaying posture and beautiful swordsmanship. Although they are immediately sober, they have lost the opportunity.

Of course, if you fight again, if you are prepared for it, it will not be so easy to be affected, but it is unknown if you can defeat the opponent in the end.

"Another sword."

The spectators were astonished.

The same practice is that defeating each other with one sword is not an easy task. It is a brilliant application of your own strength, and it is also a combination of superior martial arts realm and excellent combat capabilities.

Fight after fight.

In the 118th game, Chen Zong came to power.

"Chen Qingzong." Cao Tianxiong stared at Chen Zong, with hate in his eyes: "You don't lose in the first game."

Cao Tianxiong has defeated his opponent and successfully entered the second round. He hopes that he can defeat Chen Zong himself. He must know that he has made a lot of efforts in the past several times.

Seeing Chen Zong taking power, the sword madman Zhang Tiekang's waist could not help but straighten, not as loose as before. This change is not obvious, but it was still discovered by others nearby.

Yin Chong Yin Chong's gaze fixed, a gleam of cold light passed by in his eyes.

He recognized that this man was the one who avoided his impact on the Qingyun stairs more than a month ago.

"Hope you can make it to the finals." Yin Chong grinned, his voice low.

"Chen Qingzong, I heard that you easily defeated Cao Tianxiong a month ago." Tan Li hehe laughed: "But I am not Cao Tianxiong's waste, either I admit defeat or I am injured, how do you choose."

Tan Li's words stimulated Cao Tianxiong, making Cao Tianxiong's face sink, his fists clenched, and a clatter, but he was also very clear that even if his strength improved, he was not Tan Li's opponent.

This Tan Li ’s cultivation is in the sixth stage of the construction of the basement. It looks ordinary, but is born with divine power. The practice of boxing is more like heavy boxing. If he does n’t, he will be shocked by the stone. title.

"I recognize him, breaking a punch with a punch, fierce fist, I have seen him boxing and crushing boulders," said a casual repairman.

"Oh, his opponent is terrible, he was punched in the blow, and he will be badly hit if he doesn't die."

Fenjiang Jianjiang Baichuan stared at Chen Zong, and his superb swordplay intuition made him think that this person was not simple, but he could not see where it was not simple.

"Is it an illusion?" Jiang Baichuan said secretly, because he couldn't see anything unusual about Chen Zong.

The Mo family's owner and Feng Pingsheng and the black tiger gang's lords laughed when they heard the casual practitioners talking.

Mo's owner and the Black Tiger gang sneered, while Feng Pingsheng sneered.

What is the strength of Chen Qingzong, but they are very clear. Even the master of Jiu Jiu Jiu was beheaded and killed by him. Is Tan Li, who is known as one punch breaking mountain, stronger, can he be comparable to the master of Jiu Jiu Jiu?

No, even the ground-breaking eighth in the casual repair can torture Tan Li.

"Stupid." Zhang Tiekang smiled.

A month ago, he killed with one sword and failed to hit the Chen Zong. Although he didn't know the specific strength of the opponent, he could also infer that he was not weak.

Tan Li, not necessarily his opponent, but uttered mad words here, not what a fool is.

"Go ahead." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, "You only have one chance."

"Oh, you mean, you want to beat me with a sword?" Tan Li hesitated, then laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, laughed at me, I didn't expect your mouth to be sharper than a sword."

Many people around also laughed, laughing at Chen Zong's own power.

"Take me a punch." The laughter paused, and Tan Li shouted loudly. If he thundered, he stepped out, and his steps were heavy. As the mountains shook, the whole stage seemed to tremble. Tan Li clenched his fists in the roar. The intensive right fist shattered the air in front of him, and his fist was covered with a layer of earthy qi, which was violent and heavy.


The astonishing momentum surged, and the air under the fist was squeezed, forming a solid air wall blasting towards Chen Zong, the pressure was amazing, and the wind was howling.

Even stronger, it was that punch, like the dragon was angry.

"So strong!"

"Innate divine power coupled with the true vigor of the sixth stage of the construction of the basement is really terrifying. The power of the heavy mountain fist is extremely horrible. The ordinary seven-stage construction of the basement may not be able to resist."

I was astonished at the casual repair.

The more you look at it, the more you feel that Qing Yunzong is terrible.

Waizong disciples can exert such strength, but what about Neizong disciples?

You have to know that becoming a disciple of Neizong is not a simple matter. It does not work without sufficient talent and strength.

In other words, every Neizong disciple can be regarded as a genius when placed outside.

"Let me see how your strength is." Zhang Tiekian said secretly, although Tan Li was evaluated by him as a idiot, but he was not a nameless person.

"Zong brother, come on." Ge Kong took a deep breath and said secretly.

The heavy mountain fist rushed to death, and a faint shadow of the mountains could be seen in between, reaching the realm of the gods.

Among the more than one thousand foreign sect disciples who can practice martial arts to the realm of gods, they are even more noticeable.

The moment Tan Li hit with a punch, Chen Zong issued a sword.

Bai Hongjian brought a glimmer of sword light to break through the air. This sword is not a sword technique, but it is very simple to pierce, but penetrates through the flaws in Tan Li's heavy mountain fist, making this fierce and powerful punch as if he was hit Like a seven-inch snake, it was instantly weak.

Jian Guang penetrated the punch, and gently clicked on Tan Li's eyebrow, which was closed at the touch, leaving a bit of red.

The sword went into the sheath, and there was a whispering sound that stirred around.

Tan Li's complexion changed, iron and blue.

Defeated, he was defeated, and was defeated by the opponent with a sword.

Incredible, incredible, and unacceptable.

At this moment, Tan Li's heart is incomprehensible.

"Another sword!"


"I can't see it, I can't see it at all."

Exhausted practitioners exclaimed.

Jiang Baichuan's pupils contracted because he couldn't see through the sword.

"Good boy." The elder Neizong's eyes flashed.

As elder Neizong, his cultivation is unquestionable and his strength is unquestionable. He has excellent eyesight and naturally sees the mystery of Chen Zong's sword.

It's a very common trick, it's just a sword piercing. There seems to be no mystery, but that is the biggest mystery.

Vulnerable attack!

Follow the flaws in the opponent's one shot to achieve the maximum effect with the least power consumption and defeat the opponent.

"Brother, good job." Ge Kong was very happy, even happier than his promotion.

Cao Tianxiong's pupils shrank sharply, and his body was shaking because he was afraid.

Chen Qingzong's strength was so terrible that he defeated Tan Li with one sword, but Tan Li's strength was obviously better than himself.

"Okay." Zhang Tiekang's eyes twinkled, and he couldn't help screaming, and his eyes were sharp, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

"It's a bit interesting." Yin Chong gave a slight hesitation, and then smiled.

One sword, Chen Zong impressed everyone.

The next big game didn't stop because of this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ continue.

In the first round of the qualifying round, there were 256 people. The 128 matches were finally over. One hundred and twenty-eight people eliminated, one hundred and twenty-eight people advanced to the second round of the final round.

Without any breaks, the second round of the finalist started immediately after the first round.

Those who can advance to the second round are not weak, as compared to the first round, they are more promising.

"it is good."

"This is amazing."

"The timing was right."

Showdown after match, everyone was utterly terrified.

One hundred and twenty-eight people will compete in sixty-four matches. In the twenty-fourth game, the Blood Sword Unit Dragon will play again. Instantly, countless eyes are focused on him.

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