Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 20: The style of that 1 sword (3)

Despite the attention, the appearance of the unit dragon has not changed half, but it still feels cold, a pair of eyes cold, as if full of murderousness at any time.

Unit Dragon's opponents have a six-stage construction of the basement environment. He also performed well in the first round of the duel, but he couldn't help but grin when he faced Unit Dragon.

After a bitter smile, he hesitated, and then immediately said, "I confess."

Unit Dragon is known as the Blood Sword. Its sword does not know how much blood is contaminated, and it is ruthless to take a shot. Look at his opponent Miao Junfeng in the first round. Direct injury is not light, and his strength is not as good as Miao Junfeng.

When the opponent conceded, Unit Long's brow frowned slightly, and immediately turned to leave Yanwutai, and directly advanced to the third round without a shot.

The showdown is played one after the other, and it makes people feel a sense of urgency.

Ge Kong's turn again, Ge Kong's opponent is a disciple in the early stage of the construction of the sixth base, the weapon is a long sword.

Sword is the mainstream weapon of Qing Yunzong, followed by sword, fist palm and leg.

Ge Kong's Xiuwei was the only one in the fifth stage of the construction of the basement, and there was a clear gap with the other side, so he looked dignified.

With a sword in his hand, Ge Kong's eyes became sharp, and his eyes flashed as if to pierce the other side.

"Look at the sword!" The other side drank violently, with an alarming momentum, holding the long knife in both hands, and the snow-white sword was like a piercing hack.

The infuriating rush of the early stage of the construction of the sixth base covered the knife, making the speed of this knife astonishing and rapid, the power was fierce, and the knife was not coming. The amazing pressure of the knife changed Ge Kong's face slightly, only The air that you breathe becomes sharp, as if the lungs were cut open.

Daoguang killed, Ge Kong stepped quickly on the ground, his body darted forward, bypassing the Daoguang wonderfully, a sword came out of the sheath, and turned into a cyan beam to kill.

Under Chen Zong's guidance and actual combat, Ge Kong's ascension practice was improved by improving the sword technique, even the body method and footwork had also been significantly improved, and the overall strength was greatly improved.

The current opponent is not comparable in the first round, and must be given full strength to compete.

Leaving aside all thoughts, Ge Kong put aside fears of victory and defeat, and only wanted to show his strength to the extreme.

On the fifth floor, Xiao Qing Yuangong urged, and the qi rushed, condensed and circulated in the legs and right arm.

The glaring sword technique of the out-of-the-world realm is also performed to the extreme. There is no sword body, only a smart cyan sword light is constantly killing.

In the realm of exercises and swordsmanship, Ge Kong has to outperform his opponents, but the biggest shortcoming is the gap between repairs, not a small level gap, but the five bases to six bases. The gap.

The difference between each reconstruction of the foundation environment is the difference between the two main meridians. It is very obvious. It is difficult to bridge it unless it is a genius among geniuses.

Even so, Ge Kong tried his best to fight with the opponent for half a quarter of an hour.

The peak erupted for half a quarter of an hour in a row, and when he was exhausted, he was seized by the other party in an instant, and the second one followed, followed by the third one.

With three consecutive sword splits, Ge Kongshou could hardly hold the long sword and managed to hold it tightly, but it cracked the tiger's mouth and dripped blood.

"Brother Zong, let you down." Ge Kong said, a little frustrated.

Originally, I thought that after my strength was greatly improved, I should have a good performance on the big race. I did not expect to lose in the second round, and I could not help feeling a blow.

"You did a good job." Chen Zong patted Ge Kong's shoulder with a smile: "Strength is composed of various aspects, and repairs occupy a large part, and they can compete with them if they are obviously inferior to the other party. Half a quarter of an hour, seeing your ability, don't be arrogant, keep your heart firmly, and you will achieve something in the future. "

I have to say that Chen Zong's influence on Ge Kong is still very large, especially after this month, Ge Kong has cultivated an almost blind worship to Chen Zong.

"Zong brother rest assured, I will." Ge Kong was greatly motivated, and soon recovered from his depression, his eyes brightened.

Qing Mangjian Liu Zhenji came to power, but his opponent directly conceded. Liu Zhenji shrugged his shoulders, and seemed to be helpless.

One of the two parties on stage in the next game was a boy with a very strong body. The strong body was carved out of a rock, full of powerful feeling.

His arms were wrapped in black bandages. The bandages were not cloth, but were wound with smelted steel wire, which belonged to ordinary Chinese goods.

His name is Hong Gang.

In the first round of duels, Hong Gang blasted out three punches and defeated his opponent with fierce punches. His performance was quite good, but compared with other people who defeated his opponent with just one sword, it was somewhat inferior.

However, in the first round of duel, Chen Zong was paying attention to him.

This man has even muscles, and each muscle contains a power that is different from the true energy. This power, in Chen Zong's view, is similar to the strength of the Canglan World's refining method when it reaches extraordinary levels.

In addition to mastering the power that is similar to strength, Hong Gang also has the true energy cultivation, but it is not high, only at the later stage of the fifth stage of building the foundation.

"Hong Gang, come to war." Hong Gang's opponent is the mid-sixth stage of the establishment of the base. The infuriating rushes, the sword body is full, the eyes are bright, and a sword crosses in front of him, exhaling like a thunder.

"Battle!" Hong Gang spit out a word, with an amazing momentum. He stepped forward suddenly, his figure was slightly low, and he rushed out instantly like the most robust cheetah, immediately giving the feeling that the muscles all over his body were flowing. Speed ​​surge.

In a blink of an eye, Hong Gang had already spanned a dozen meters and appeared in front of the other side, while the other side's sword was still in front of him, and did not respond in time.

It wasn't until Hong Gang slammed into his face that the person changed his face, slashing with a sword, whistling with astonishing momentum.

"Break!" Another drunk, Hong Gang stepped heavily on the hard ground of Yanwutai with his right foot. With a bang, the terrible power made Yanwutai suddenly startle, and his right fist seemed to be a strong bow that opened his arms and muscles. Maximum stretch.


Vaguely, there seemed to be a roar full of majesty and majesty sounding from Hong Gang's body. It was the roar of a tiger. The tiger was roaring in the forest, and Chen Zong frowned slightly, his frowns a little puzzled.

This sound is very light, like hallucinations. The source is not Hong Gang's boxing, but it is issued inside his own body. It seems that the strength contained in the muscles and muscles is activated to a certain extent, which is completely different from the true qi.

Feeling the terrible power contained in Hong Gang's punch, Chen Zong suddenly thought.

Could it be that this is the way of spiritual refining in the Lingwu Holy Realm?

If so, Hong Gang's display alone is more mysterious than the way of refining in the Canglan World.

Under the majestic and mighty tiger roar, Hong Gang's fist momentum was strengthened, and a layer of infuriating energy covered the fist, breaking the air.

If the fist is a meteorite, the stone is shocking.

Hong Gang's opponent changed greatly, and he had no time to block the movement of the sword on the track of his fist.

There was a bang, and the terrible force burst in an instant. The sword body bent inward and hit the chest directly. The terrible force surged. There was a rattling sound in the chest. It was the sound of a broken bone. Blood.

"Okay." Chen Zong's eyes lightened.

Hong Gang's punch was a combination of the power of the suspected refining method and the true energy, which erupted instantly.

No, to be more careful, Hong Gang's boxing method is a boxing method inspired by qi. The strength of the suspected refining method is only as an auxiliary, but the **** is ultimately dependent on the body, the strength of the body and the fist that is thrown Will naturally be more powerful.

For a time, Chen Zong became more interested in Hong Gang.

"Yes, this way of refining is quite effective. It should be to reach the sixth level of tiger power." The elder Neizong nodded secretly: "Unfortunately, I am not the refining sect of Qingyunzong. Exercising exercises, unless this child has another adventure, it is difficult to achieve much. "

Qing Yunzong established his sword with swords, which is unique in the way of swordsmanship, but it seems more general in other aspects, especially the way of refining, which is even more scarce.

However, people have destiny and methods, and cannot be forced.

The fierce matchless boxer defeated his opponent, Hong Gang was in shape, and his arrogant breath was instantly restrained, but the muscle still gave a feeling of explosiveness.

"If there are no accidents, this Hong Gang will be in the top 16." said an elder elder.

"If this isn't his full strength, I hope it can compete for the top ten." The other elder elder nodded.

"It's hard to say. Today's top ten disciples need to be gifted and gifted, and they must be strong and powerful. No one but them knows how many hidden means they have."

During the discussion, the next duel also began.

Not long after, it was Feihua Jian Ye Xiwen's turn again.

When Ye Xiwen emerged from the sheath with a sword, the fragrance of flowers spread and the flowers bloomed, making people feel intoxicated as if they were in a garden.

Her opponent was not as good as her, so under a sword, she had no resistance and was defeated directly.

Chen Zong's turn again.

In the first round of the duel, Chen Zong defeated his opponent with just one sword, which made many people unclear. In this round, everyone was prepared and stared with wide eyes to see why one came.

"You don't want to defeat me with a sword." Chen Zong's opponent said coldly, and his feet moved quickly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The body stretched out a residual image in the air, a total of three residual images Then, it gives people a feeling that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The three afterimages and the real body continue to stagger, surrounding Chen Zong, gradually shrinking the encirclement.

"This son's magical step has been cultivated to Dacheng, seemingly separated from God by a line." An elder Zong secretly nodded.

The talents of practitioners in this world can be divided into many types.

Some people's talents are in the practice of qi, some are in swordsmanship or knives, boxing, palms, legs, etc., and some people's talents are in footwork.

You can do more with less if you choose what you are good at.

The true body and the three residual images are difficult to distinguish between true and false. As they approached Chen Zong, suddenly, Chen Zong's sword came out of the sheath. This sword suddenly changed the face of many masters. The strange sense of spatial dislocation was clearly demonstrated by the extremely high skill of swordsmanship.

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