Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 991: Cui Zhan's power

In the first round, Qin Mingyue was still lost.

It can be seen that Qin Mingyue has done his best.

But Cui Zhan is extremely relaxed.

"As expected to be the first pride of the Cui family, admire!"

Qin Mingyue mentioned Kendo.

"You are not bad too, I didn't expect it."

Cui Zhanyang said with a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze.

"But it's not enough, is it?!"

Qin Mingyue shook her head, raised her eyes above the veil, and within a short time, the powerful sword intent within it rose again.

Moon Shadow condensed the original cold sword body, once again shrouded in flames!

The flames obviously still felt cold, but it was so cold that it could even melt everything.

Cui Zhan frowned slightly, and secretly said that Qin Mingyue's sword intent had reached this level.

"This sword intent is definitely far beyond the innate sword intent!"

"Is it possible that it is the legendary sword!?"

"Impossible, no matter the sword power or the sword power, it is an extremely ethereal thing. It is not something that the sword intent can easily transform. If you want to master the'power', it is mostly the ultimate peak of the law, or even the power of the Yuanshen realm. I have been immersed for many years. It's so small!"

"Qin Mingyue's sword intent should have touched the edge of the sword's power, but it can't be counted. It's just that the burning sword of this six-veined sword will indeed increase its power!"

In the unbelievable exclamation of everyone, Qin Mingyue danced the Condensed Light Sword and rose into the air, slashing towards Cui Zhan here.

But this time, Qin Mingyue no longer wanted to fight in close quarters, but instead condensed a terrifying sword aura and slashed down.

Cui Zhan's face was cold, and the knife in his hand was not as good as Qin Mingyue in rank.

But even so, he still didn't use the golden wings, but the same condensed sword energy, greeted him.

In the collision of the swords, Cui Zhan stepped back several steps on the spot, but every step back, the sword in his hand would burst into a thunderous sword sound. After four steps, the sword energy on the sword in his hand became more and more solid, and the figure stopped steadily.

"It's Zhenmu War Scripture!"

"Cui Zhan has thoroughly grasped the Sutra of Shaking Wood, supplemented by the method of Shaking Wood and Thunder Sword, can absorb the opponent's attack energy for his own use, and is almost invincible!"

"Yes, among the five great families, the Cui family is the best at defense and has accumulated rich skills! Let him persist together, the opponent will never be better!"

Don't talk about others, even Ling Tian's eyes flashed with different colors at this time, and he didn't expect the Cui family's martial arts to be so special.

He can still absorb the opponent’s energy for his own use. This is really the first time he has seen it. Now, if he wants to break Cui Zhan, he can only be defeated directly by the power of a sword. , There is no other way.

But under Cui Zhan's almost bottomless defense, it is easier said than done to do this...

Obviously, Qin Mingyue also saw the reason, and immediately burst out of ancient vitality. This time, she exploded all the details that she had obtained in the relics of the Chongxiao Sect!

Qin Mingyue's sword was wrapped in flames, and the six-vein sword burned the word sword tactics, rushing and unscrupulous. His whole body of sword intent could not be restrained, and he became more and more violent.

It's hard to imagine that this kind of swordsmanship would come from a woman's hand.


Another sword fell fiercely, and Cui Zhan was caught off guard and was stunned and retreated.

"Take the sword!"

The opportunity of a lifetime was presented, Qin Mingyue's eyes lit up, and she poured her whole body's vitality into the Condensing Light Sword.


With this sword, the flames on the sword body disappeared, and replaced by the moonlight falling from the sky, terrifying, together with the sword that smashed down. Qin Mingyue's violent sword energy also condensed to its peak state at this moment.

The terrifying sword aura, before it fell, illuminated the entire battle platform extremely brightly.

Cui Zhan, who was shocked and flew out, was forced to the most dangerous moment in an instant.

Everyone is also secretly awe-inspiring, Qin Mingyue's sword is precisely the one that defeated Wang Yuyan, Luoyue Chenguang!

It's just that this sword is stronger than the previous one!

Sure enough, none of the top ten players were ordinary characters. Even Qin Mingyue, who fought against Wang Yuyan, still had such a hole card!

Cui Zhan looked calm. After landing, he looked at Qin Mingyue's powerful sword energy and shook his head slightly.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong, originally I didn't want to use it!"

As the voice fell, Cui Zhan's expression remained unchanged, his eyes suddenly flashed brightly


There was a cyan thunderstorm in the sky, and the lightning flashed across, and his sword light soared. Facing the bright moonlight sword of the other party, he raised his hand and blasted it out. The blade light flashed across, like an electric light tearing through the sky, and greeted him fiercely.

The spectators on the four sides of Yuelongshan Square only saw a thunder and lightning rising out of thin air, shining brightly on the battle platform.


The two dazzling rays of light shook each other, bursting out strong light and deafening roar that people couldn't look directly at.

too frightening.

The shock between the two of them was definitely the most shocking one in this competition. The energy was so powerful that the entire Yuelong Mountain was shaking.


The light dissipated, and Qin Mingyue groaned in mid-air, and flew out, landing on the ground with one knee, holding the sword with his hand.

The next moment, a drop of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth and fell to the floor.

At this time, Qin Mingyue's whole body momentum had completely dissipated.


His figure flashed in mid-air, Cui Zhan landed, retracting his sword and returning it to its sheath.

Around his body, vitality surged, the sword intent remained, and he still looked like a mountain.

Cui Zhan, who was ranked second in the battle of the sky, was terribly powerful.

Even if Qin Mingyue broke out like this, he still wasn't Cui Zhan's opponent.

Qin Mingyue was defeated.

"Miss Qin, the sword has no eyes, Cui is offended."

So far, Cui Zhan did not forget to sue.

"No, I should thank you for your mercy."

Qin Mingyue shook her head, wiped off the blood, and flew off the battle platform.

The blood was nothing more than a shock injury, to her, it was nothing at all.

Moreover, she could feel that Cui Zhan had obviously restrained during this cut, otherwise she would definitely be extremely embarrassed.


Ling Tian general Qin Mingyue next checked Qin Mingyue's body, and after confirming that there was no major problem, he was relieved.

"It's okay, but I have gained a lot. There is still a lot of room for improvement with my Six Vein Sword and Luoyue Chenguang."

Qin Mingyue smiled.

"Tsk tusk, can you still get in? You husband and wife, will you give us a way to survive?!"

Nalanjun frowned and shook his head, everyone laughed.

Immediately, Ling Tian directly raised the stick and flew down on the battle platform, holding his arms on his chest, looking down at Lin Feifan.

"Go ahead, how do you want to die?"

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