Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 992: Phase determination

Being so condescending, it seemed that he had never put Lin Feifan in his eyes,

Too rampant.

Many people looked at each other, and secretly said that now Ling Tian is so unscrupulous in the face of Lin Feifan?

Even Ling Tian's hidden strength might be even more terrifying than Qin Mingyue, but this Lin Extraordinary is not bad, right?

"Ling Tian! I really hope you are as arrogant as ever. If you are not arrogant, I will not have the interest in killing you!"

"But today, you can't escape death!"

When the voice fell, Lin Feifei stepped out.

With this step, the originally calm platform suddenly burst out like a mountain whistling and tsunami. The horrible breath surging out from Lin Feifan's body one after another, the pressure, all the powerhouses in the golden body realm trembled at it.

"Lin Feifan's cultivation base, is this half-step primordial spirit?!"

Once this breath was revealed, the shimmering warrior's expression became solemn, and this Lin Feifan was actually a master of half-step technique.

Sure enough, this guy came prepared.

"Half-step gesture!"

"Frightening, this Lin Extraordinary strength cultivation base is obviously stronger than Ling Tian..."

"In this way, in terms of vitality, he is already stronger than Ling Tian."

"This son is really scheming!"

The people who originally watched the battle still felt that Ling Tian still had a lot of hope of winning.

After all, the formidable enemies that Ling Tian swept all the way were able to suppress them strongly, and Qin Mingyue was even more powerful than ever. Ling Tian won't be too bad

Not to mention rolling, at least it is not a big problem.

In the hearts of many people, Ling Tian has appeared steadily, and there will be no more waves.

Unexpectedly, this Lin Feifan really hides something. .


The powerful vitality permeated Lin Feifan's body, his footsteps were heavier, and the entire towering battle platform seemed to tremble at this moment.

Immediately, he soared into the air and ransacked.

The five fingers clenched tightly, and immediately, a steady flow of vitality energy gathered, and in an instant, it condensed into an ancient mountain in his fist.

Above the mountain, it is vigorous and heavy, filled with an extremely violent atmosphere.

This is a powerful boxing secret martial arts!


The peaks condensed, carrying a violent and overbearing offensive, accompanied by fists to suppress Ling Tian.

Such momentum, under the coercion of his half-step gesture, was enough to easily smash to death a leader of the golden body peak.

"Want to kill me?"

But Ling Tian's realm is not as simple as it seems on the surface, although its cultivation base is only the peak of the golden body. However, his combat power has long been bottomless, even if Lin Feifei has the power of Faxiang cultivation base to increase to the realm of Yuanshen, he is not afraid, let alone now.

At the moment, there is no panic and tension at all.

He raised his eyebrows, and his whole body suddenly burst out with a strong vitality, which was in full bloom like a Hao Ri.

But at the pubic area, the sea of ​​purple air was churning, the road base was floating, and it was running frantically.

When his aura climbed to the peak of the Dao, the vitality wrapped in Ling Tian's body rose into the air.

He stepped out with one hand, and slammed into the mountain that came over.

Cloud palm

Cang Dang!

The deafening sound of collision reverberated in all directions. When the fists were violent, an unparalleled, surging big hand bombarded it.

Suddenly, the vitality surged, the big hand was stronger than the mountain peak, and the mountain peak formed by this fist was smashed into pieces.

"You also try to take my punch!"

At the moment when the mountain peak was smashed, Ling Tian swept away, bent his arms again and rushed straight. A cyan fist light condensed between Xumi, bursting out an aura that was not much weaker than the opponent, and slammed it over.

It is the third weight of Qijuequan!

Bang bang bang!

Looking at the falling fist front, Lin Feifan was expressionless, raised his hand and cut out with a sword.

Its vitality energy condensed an extremely sharp sword light on the sword's edge, directly piercing the erupting boxing edge of Ling Tian.

"King Kong Fu Demon Seal!"

However, at the moment when the punch was pierced, Ling Tian used his body skills to the extreme in mid-air. After taking seven steps in a row, the ghosts and gods usually appeared in all directions of the opponent, and then smashed them with a few Qijue punches.

This kind of crazy attack makes people take a breath.

Fighting like this is very powerful, but it costs too much real money to display it. This is obviously really showing off!

Show off your vitality as deep as the sea?

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

There was a feeling that Ling Tian was playing with Lin Feifan.

Clang clang clang!

After encouragingly coping with more than ten moves, Lin Feifan's eyes flashed overcast and cold, and he lost the patience to fight.

This feeling of being teased made him extremely uncomfortable.

He wanted to torture Ling Tian, ​​how could he be like this?

"Qingqiu Xuxiang!"

The surging dragon energy, exuding a violent aura in Lin Feifan, condensed in his palm. Roar, a cyan horned dragon phantom poured into the long sword in his hand, and burst out with a sky-shaking roar, filling the sword's edge with the vicissitudes of ancient aura and terrifying energy.

The sword light of the long sword is more than ten feet long, and it is said to be a long sword, more like a furious dragon.

Not only that, the armor of Qilin Extraordinary body is covered with a layer of cyan light, like the armor of light.


The long sword was condensed, Lin Feifan flicked his hands, and the back was a huge sword light as heavy as a mountain. It spins at a crazy speed, and between the rotations, the blue light blooms, exuding majestic prestige.

Click and click.

With an astonishing force, the long sword shattered those Ling Tian's fist light one by one, and then turned into an electric light, stabling towards the flying Ling Tian!

In the blink of an eye, this sword light full of violence and killing aura quickly expanded in Ling Tian's pupils.

"There is no way to hide."

Seeing the exquisite body technique twinkling out of thin air, Lin Feifei's mouth curled up with a sneer.

No matter how strong the body is, Ke Luo will always be shrouded in aura, like an ant in the palm of his hand.

No matter how fast you run, it always spins in the palm of your hand.

Ling Tian's body style is extremely incompetent, relying on that weird gossip walk, able to support such a long time in front of him, Ling Tian is already proud enough.

"This, what is this thing, how can it be a kind of phasing magic that can only be performed by the great master of phasing realm!"

"That's right, the power of phase cohesion is in her body. In the realm of Dhamma, there are not many great masters who have such a power to condense the power. Everyone is from the top of the world, in the realm of Dhamma The combat power among them is almost invincible, and the combat power is comparable to that of the soul!"

"No, this martial skill used by Lin Feifan is not as good as the real phase determination, it should be a very rare type of phase cheat!"

"But even so, it is enough to make this child's combat power soar! This Ling Tian is suspended!"

At this time, everyone saw Lin Feifan's changes.

"Haha, that's right, it's the secret book of this type of aspect-the imaginary aspect of Qingqiu, which I obtained from traveling around the world three hundred years ago.

At this time, the palace lord of Kunwu Academy touched his beard, and his eyes flashed faintly.

"Damn, Lin Buyi, you are paying your money for the sake of your family's juniors!"

The head of the insane asylum sitting in the back three rows angered.

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