Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1070: Ling Tian shot [three shifts]

Moreover, this Zhao Jiannan had a very poor character and a wicked nature. Although he was young, he did evil in this area. Many beautiful women were ruined by him, but due to the background of the Zhao family, they were all daring not to be angry. Dare to say, now that Jizhou is in chaos, without the restraint of Jizhou Houfu, he is rather unscrupulous.

"Hehe, our two sisters still have things to do, so we won't bother the son from hunting. We don't want this monster beast. Let's go."

Lin Keer's voice was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation.

Although I felt sorry for the monster, but now, I can only hope that Zhao Jiannan will not make trouble.

Zhao Jiannan's eyes flashed coldly when he saw it, and then he was pressed down by him, his eyes swept over the blood beast on the ground, he was amazed, and said, "Hehe, it's still a Tier 4 monster. The combat power of the two girls makes me feel better. I want to see it with admiration, but I don't care about this monster beast."

"However, the two girls fighting each other to kill the monsters must consume a lot of energy. There are monsters everywhere in this forest. It is too dangerous. I have a yard not far from here, which is extremely safe. It is better for the two girls to come back with me first. How about recovering?"

Lin Ke'er finally changed her face when she heard this, and she said coldly: "Zhao Jiannan, don't be arrogant anymore, you know who you are, you know yourself, I advise you not to fight our idea, otherwise, I will never end with you! "

In fact, she said this just to embolden herself.

In my heart, I was already desperate slowly.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiannan's expression turned gloomy for an instant, his eyes flickered, and his eyes fell gloomily on the two women. After a moment of silence, he stretched out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth. Don’t blame me, Zhao Jiannan, when I met you two beauties in this barren mountain, how could I leave empty-handed? Today, I want this monster, and I want you both!"

The entourage behind this person suddenly laughed lewdly. This is not the first time that they have done this kind of thing. As long as the handling is clean, there is absolutely no trouble.

Finally, seeing Zhao Jiannan revealing his true colors, the Lin family sisters were afraid, and Zhao Jiannan's strength was far superior to them. Moreover, with three subordinates, if they join forces in an attack, the two sisters will suffer serious loss of strength in their bodies. Even in their peak state, they are definitely not rivals.

Thinking that if they fall into the hands of Zhao Jiannan, their innocence will definitely be unprotected, and the two women suddenly feel ashamed.

"Zhao Jiannan, I advise you not to act recklessly. We have already filed the record in the city lord's mansion. We are ready to enter Zhongzhou and become new students after the golden body. If you do anything to us, you will violate the laws of the royal court!"

Lin Ke'er was afraid to speak, but her pretty face still couldn't help turning pale.

A trace of Zhao Jiannan's face flashed, and he raised his head for a while and sneered, and said coldly: "The City Lord's Mansion? The City Lord's Mansion is also a member of my Zhao family. In southern Hebei, my Zhao family is the Law of the King's Court."

"Besides, after I enjoy it, I will kill you. Who will know? Don't worry, the young master promises to make you comfortable before you die."

"Do it!"

With a scream, Zhao Jiannan couldn't bear it anymore. Since he decided to make a move at this moment, naturally there would be no delay in order to avoid a business trip.


The four men's tyrannical aura broke out, enclosing the two women in a ring, their complexions full of **** and evil.

"Old rules, after I am refreshed, you all have a share. Following this young master, I will never treat you badly!"

Zhao Jiannan let out a lewd smile, and the eyes of the other three people suddenly filled with endless heat, their eyes wandering around the two women, as if they wished to swallow them in their abdomen.

The result is self-evident. Although the two women fought desperately, they were captured after all.

Looking at the two pale-faced women on the ground, Zhao Jiannan grinned triumphantly. At this moment, he stepped forward slowly, spreading his big hands directly towards the chest and touching it.

The figure was suppressed, and the two women couldn't resist. Lin Keer's beautiful eyes showed despair, she bit her lips tightly, and her whole body was shaking.

They just want to practice well and want to go farther along the way in the martial arts. Isn't that all right?

Lin Miao'er closed her beautiful eyes, and a line of tears remained, desperate in her heart.

"Hehe, remember, here in southern Hebei, my Zhao family is the law. If you don't obey, you can only die!"

Seeing Zhao Jiannan's hand, it was about to fall on Lin Keer's chest.

But at this moment, there was a faint voice coming, with a boundless chill.

"What is your Zhao family, you dare to call it the law?"

"Now Jizhou is being trampled by a foreigner, you are looking for death!"

The voice suddenly sounded without noticing it.

Zhao Jiannan was taken aback, and his complexion instantly became extremely ugly. At this moment, he dared to ruin his good deeds and was impatient to live?

At this moment, he suddenly turned around, raised the spear in his hand, and looked at where the sound came from.

The other three entourages also reacted extremely quickly. After all, when they wandered through the wilderness to hunt blood beasts, there would be a crisis at any time, and such agile response had become their instinct.

At this moment, the eyes of the four of them swept gloomy, seeing the person who came, unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and then became murderous.

The visitor is about twenty years old, and he doesn't feel any fluctuations in his cultivation level, and he wears very ordinary clothes.

Originally, they thought it was a master who suddenly appeared, but they didn't expect that they were such a person. They couldn't see the cultivation base, it didn't mean they were mortals.

This Mengshan Mountain is unusual, mortals can't get in at all, but this person doesn't look like a high school kid, he can't see through his cultivation base, maybe because of some secret technique, but his combat power is definitely not too strong.

Today’s matter must not be devoid of any rumors.

Zhao Jiannan's mouth was sullen, and he winked at a subordinate to his side. The latter's heart suddenly understood, and at this moment, he moved forward with a grin, holding a big knife in his hand: "Hehe, I don't care about life or death, and dare to take care of things."

The person here is not someone else, but Ling Tian passing by here.

After getting off the boat, Ling Tian headed all the way north, not wanting to run into such a group of people shortly after walking.

Today, Jizhou is in trouble, but here, there are still such scum who do evil, immediately furious.

Ling Tian frowned slightly and shook his head slowly in his heart.

He must take care of this, and these people must also be killed!

"Boy, remember, in the next life, don't worry about your business, now I'll give you a happy grandfather!"

The warrior holding a long sword suddenly laughed, his hand raised, and an arrow burst out of the wind!

call out!

This is a hidden weapon weapon, the rank reached the high-rank spirit weapon level, and suddenly after they shot it, they concluded that Ling Tian could not stop it.

Zhao Jiannan was excited, as if he had seen Ling Tian in front of him being blasted into flesh and blood by this arrow.

This feeling of flying flesh and blood is really fascinating.

And the two sisters Lin Keer felt even more bitter. They thought it was a master who appeared, but they didn't expect that it would be another one to die.

But at this moment, no one noticed that this weak person who was deemed mortal by them, an extremely cold light flashed across the depths of the pitch-black eyes.


Raise your head, raise your arms, and open your palms.


The arrow pierced the air and pierced that palm in an instant.

However, the scene of the palm exploding not only did not appear, but the arrow broke directly into debris!

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