Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1071: Help you redo the mountain guard formation

Not only that, Ling Tian's palm was safe and sound, and even the hair on it was not damaged at all.

It's ridiculous indeed!

With Ling Tian’s body of bathing flames, the strength of his physical body has reached the level of heavenly artifacts. Although his vitality fluctuations have been sealed by him, he can suppress the power of ordinary souls only by relying on the power of the physical body. How can he be defeated? What was hurt by this little spirit weapon?

The person who shot the shot suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had not yet been able to react from the situation at hand, but the next moment his eyes went dark, and the person's mind suddenly fell into complete darkness.

Seeing that entourage was slapped with a palm into a powdery form and disappeared, Zhao Jiannan couldn't suppress endless fear in his heart.

This time, they got to the iron plate!

The physical spirit weapon is unbreakable, and between the wave of the hand, the powerhouse at the pinnacle of soul is wiped out in ashes. This kind of terrifying strength can't be achieved even by the grandmaster of the early golden body.

The seemingly inconspicuous person in front of him, the cultivation base combat power, I am afraid that he has reached the late golden body, or even higher realm!

And they actually want to take action against this person!

"Yes, you wait for me!"

Zhao Jiannan had always bullied the soft and feared the hard, and when he saw Ling Tian so powerful, he immediately persuaded him.

Cursing in his heart, he took out a talisman and stuck it on his body, turning it into a stream of light, and fled in a hurry.

The other two entourages were so frightened that they flee in different directions at the same time, only hating that they had lost two legs.

Sister Lin Kerr was unexpected in such a scene.

But seeing Zhao Jiannan escape, he said anxiously, "The son has to act quickly, this Zhao Jiannan is guilty of death. If he escapes, we will all suffer."

But at this moment, looking at Zhao Jiannan, who had used Fu Zhuan and was about to disappear, the two sisters couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. If Zhao Jiannan were to run away today, their sisters would still be revenge.

"Hehe, don't worry, no one can escape."

Ling Tian sneered.

The speed of Zhao Jiannan was like an ant crawling in his eyes.


The figure disappeared in a flash. Although there was no vitality blessing, Ling Tian's physical body was so tyrannical that he broke the air directly, or disappeared in place as a flaming red shadow.

Its physical speed has also exceeded the visual capture limit of sister Lin Keer, as if teleporting.

The three miserable howls came almost at the same moment, the fiery red phantom flashed, and Ling Tian's figure reappeared in the original position, as if it had never moved.

This speed!

Sister Lin Kerr glanced at each other, and there was endless horror in her heart. I am afraid that they underestimated the cultivation level of the adult in front of them. They have seen the grandmaster of the late golden body, just like the master of their Mengshan sect. powerful.

Could it be that this young son who looks not much older than them is really a great master of Faxiang?

With such thoughts in my heart, the two goddesses are naturally more respectful.

"Thank you for your help, the younger sisters are grateful."

Ling Tian nodded. At this moment, his consciousness swept away, and he noticed that the two women were imprisoned in their bodies.

Feeling that the imprisonment in the body was broken, the two women felt grateful and gave a deep salute.

"Today, thanks to the kindness of the adults, if the adults do not dislike it, please return to the sect with my sister, so that the younger generation can give back a little."

Ling Tian frowned, spoke slowly, and said, "Hehe, it's just a small effort. It's not a big favor. However, I really need to know some things when I first arrived in Jizhou, and that's the case, I'm bothered."

Ling Tian knew almost nothing about Jizhou, so it would be a waste of time to plunge one end of the brow into it.

He just wanted to kill the enemy, and he had to find the legion of Jizhou first.

"My son, what are you talking about? The Mengshan Sect is a blessing for me to welcome the son, so let the son come with us!"

Lin Keer said, summoning a huge skylark, ready to leave.

"Fine, you can just show the way."

Ling Tian shook his head and summoned Xiaoqing.

Seeing the incomparable gods and horses, just coercion, Xiaoqing, who had been chasing the peak momentum of the fifth-order monster beast, the two sisters were directly stupid.


When Ling Tian brought sister Lin Keer to the so-called Mengshan Sect and saw the mountain gate, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

According to Lin Keer, their Mengshan Sect has three golden body masters, among which the master is the late golden body master.

It stands to reason that it should be stronger than the Ziyun Sect at the beginning.

However, the Mengshan Sect in front of him was extremely shabby.

The sect is located on a low mountain peak, and it is still surrounded by clouds and mist. The terrain is still acceptable, but the scale is simply too small, far inferior to the Ziyun Sect. It looks more like a sect. Big Taoist temples or temples are the same.

There are even fewer disciples in it, and it seems that the scale will not exceed a thousand.

Seeing this, Ling Tian accepted Xiaoqing and shook his head slightly.

Unexpectedly, Jizhou still has such a small sect.

"Senior laughed. In fact, our Mengshan Sect was not originally like this, but there is no way, it is hard to see at a glance, let's go in now."

Lin Kerr sighed.

"Okay, let's go."

Ling Tian nodded, followed behind the two women, and went up the mountain.

"Uncle Chen, we are back, open the door!"

Lin Keer knocked on the mountain gate, and the next moment, the formation flashed, and the gate opened a gap, revealing an old cheek.

"Oh, it's your two little guys coming back. Okay, you guys are back safely. It's a sigh of relief for us. Hurry up and come in!"

The old man suddenly smiled when he saw Sister Lin Kerer, but when he saw Ling Tian behind them, he was also startled.

"This son is..."

"Oh, Uncle Chen, he called Huo Qubing. It's very serious. If he hadn't taken the shot just now, our two sisters would have died."

Lin Keer quickly explained.

Behind him, Ling Tian stood by the wall and touched, shook his head and said, "No, there are too many loopholes in this formation. I can't stand it anymore. Let's help you make a new one."

Lin Keer and the three: "..."

What kind of situation is it necessary to redo the formation for the entire sect?

Moreover, is it a great formation to protect the mountain?

Is it possible that Huo Qubing is still a Array Master?

You know, it is not a simple matter to lay out a large formation protecting the mountain. At least the amount of materials used is not something that ordinary sects can bear.

Otherwise, they Mengshanzong would not use such a set of formations to maintain the sect.

However, they were still in disbelief, Ling Tian had already begun to move, and the flags flew out one after another. Ling Tian's figure was also flickering, moving away gradually around the mountain range.

Obviously, it was time to arrange the formation.

At the same time, they also discovered that the original large formation above their heads suddenly shook and broke.

Such a change caused all the martial artists in the sect to run out in horror.

"Who, who committed my Mengshan Sect!"

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