Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1078: Are you worthy to marry her? 【Three shifts】

Although Jizhou is now at war, he doesn't care or worry at all.

He concluded that the Hungarians would not kill Hebei, and that there were hundreds of thousands of troops from his Zhao family in southern Hebei.

Before that, his lifespan had been consumed and there was very little left. If he didn't break through, he wouldn't have many years to live.

But ten years ago, when he went to the Northern Wilderness to practice, he met an ancient small cave and got some chances. This time he closed the door and gained some gains. Not only did he stabilize his cultivation to the peak of the law, he even broke the possibility of reaching the soul. , Are all increased by a few percent.

Not only that, the Zhao family caught a woman who was collecting medicine under Zhao's Mountain seven days ago. After careful examination, he discovered that this woman was a rare body of medicine.

Although this physique is not the ultimate martial arts physique, nor can it be reflected in the cultivation base and combat power, it is naturally close to the elixir, and can sense the breath of many elixir, and people with this physique, once the cultivation level reaches the Dharma state Realm, then it is no different from Tiancai Dibao.

He saw records in the cave mansion in the Northern Wilderness, using the martial artist of the medicinal spirit body in the realm of the law to refine the pill. After taking it, it can increase the success rate of all the souls by 30%.

This 30% success rate is already a great luck.

Therefore, this woman was regarded by Zhao Quan as a gift from heaven.

Besides, this woman was born with a soft and beautiful personality. He couldn't help but become enamored again, thinking about accepting it as a concubine in the thirty-first room. When she reached the realm of Dharma phase, he was refining a pill. Then, it would be him. Become the day of great power.

At that time, his status in the Zhao family will be greatly increased!

Thinking of this, Zhao Quan couldn't help but smile again.

Immediately, he looked to his side, a young son who was sitting together on the main seat, and said with a light smile: "Master Wen Xuan, it is a great honor for you to come to my Pingyang city today. what!"

Hearing this, the young man put down the tea cup and waved his hand with a smile.

He was dressed in a golden python robe, he was not very old, he looked like he was in his twenties, but his cultivation had reached the peak of the golden body, his appearance was extraordinary, I don't know, he thought he was a member of the royal family.

This young man is the third young master of the Zhao family's direct line, and his status is respected. Although his seniority and cultivation level cannot be compared with Zhao Quan, his status is there after all.

Therefore, even Zhao Quan had to smile.

Although Zhao Wenxuan pretends to be indifferent, his expression of arrogance is still difficult to conceal, "Liu Ye is serious, how can I say, we are all a family, I heard that Liu Ye's cultivation base has entered the country again, and it is also such a happy event. Wen Xuan, as a junior, should come to congratulate me. If Liu Ye thanked me, wouldn't it be a surprise?"

"Wen Xuan only hopes that Liu Ye will still manage Pingyang City for our Zhao family in the future. It is enough, don't you think so?"

After all, he looked at Zhao Quan with a smile but a smile.

There were some warnings in his eyebrows.

"Yes, yes, this is natural."

A cold color flashed through Zhao Quan's eyes, but his face was still smiling.

Although he was not very afraid of Zhao Wenxuan's position, he still had to pay attention to an old man standing behind him.

This old man is dressed in ordinary clothes. Although the aura in his body has not yet shed the slightest aura, the light and coerciveness that permeates the void is still enough to make people know that this person's cultivation is the soul!

This time Zhao Wenxuan came here with Ou Dexuan!

This person was originally the suzerain of the blood moon sect in southern Hebei.

But later, the Blood Moon Sect was extinguished by Ling Guogong because he offended Ling Guogong, but this Ou Dexuan was saved by Prince Rong and escaped. Later, he helped him advance to the early stage of the Yuanshen and was assigned to Jizhou to help Zhao. Home.

This is also one of the three great primordial powers of the Zhao family.

When Zhao Wuliang's troops were not in his home, he was in charge of the safety of Zhao's home.

But no matter what, this guy is the real primordial power, and Zhao Quan now dare not provoke him.

Therefore, despite Zhao Wenxuan's arrogance, Zhao Quan can only suppress it in his heart.

The two drink at each other and smile at each other.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the hall, and then under the service of a dozen beautiful maidservants, a weak and graceful figure slowly walked in from outside the hall.

The phoenix crown and hazel, under the light shining on, are extremely gorgeous. But at this moment, I wore it on this woman, just right, and it set off like a close and hot flower, releasing a breath of amazing beauty.

At this moment, the beauty frowned and was covered with sorrow, but in this way, it added a few different kinds of beauty.

Since stepping into the hall, it instantly attracted everyone's attention. These warriors nodded their heads and secretly said that the concubine in this room really smelled.

This person is the disciple of Ziyun Sect, Aster!

However, today's aster, I am afraid that Ling Tian will be surprised if he sees it.

Because the aster at this time is not as rough as before in the Ziyun Sect, and looks much more beautiful.

Like a beautiful jade covered with dust, others have washed away the lead and blemishes, revealing its beauty.

Seeing this, Zhao Quan nodded his head in satisfaction, his heart was extremely comfortable, his cultivation base was greatly advanced, his soul was hopeful, and he embraced a beautiful woman. Such three joys came to the door, and he was really happy in life.

However, the aster in the temple was miserable in her heart. She never expected that she would be caught by the Zhao family shortly after she came out of Mengshan Sect, and now she will be forced to marry this villain!

If she hadn't been physically affected, she would have lost herself.

Standing on the main hall, Zixun's heart couldn't help flashing through such a handsome and heroic face. Suddenly, Zixun's heart suddenly tingled slightly.

"I want to come, you who are far away in Zhongzhou, must have won the leader of the Longmen Competition? Perhaps, you also forgot about me, you said, let me wait for you to come back, but I am afraid I will break my promise."

"However, Aster will never follow this person. As long as I have a chance, I will immediately blew myself up. My body will never be touched by others."

As I thought to myself, Aster slowly closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and pierced his nails into the flesh.

Zhao Quan saw that it was almost time, so he stood up, held a fist in the hall, and smiled: "Thank you all for coming to join my Zhao Quan's concubine banquet today. I am grateful in my heart."

"However, the process of accepting concubines still has to go. Now, I want to ask, girl aster, are you willing to marry me Zhao Quan as a concubine?!"

At the end of the speech, Zhao Quan exudes a strong momentum in his body, his gaze implicitly coerced waiting for the aster.

Aster kept his eyes closed and refused to speak.

"Haha, girl aster, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you don't marry me, I will now reward you to the dead men kept in my backyard and let them ruin you to death!"

"Is it prosperous and wealthy, or to die in humiliation, you choose one."

Zhao Quan said.

This stalemate scene, in the eyes of everyone, is also accustomed to it.

Obviously it was Zhao Quanqiang who got married again this time.

So, looking at the aster, they all sneered unceasingly, looking like a good show, no one came forward to expose it, and they were extremely indifferent.

Aster bit her lip tightly, forced to helplessly, had no choice but to say yes.

"Hmph, what are you worthy of marrying her!"

At this moment, a cold shout blocked the aster abruptly.

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