Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1079: I protect you [four more]

The sound rolled and reverberated in the sky, and the entire Pingyang City could be heard.

The rumbling is like thunder, filled with coldness, which makes people shudder.

The entire hall and even the entire Zhao family were silent for an instant!

Who is so courageous to speak out at this time, obviously it is to slap the Zhao family in the face!

Zhao Quan also raised his head suddenly, his expression turned gloomy for an instant, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and now his Pingyang Zhao family's momentum is as magnificent as the sun, and he actually dared to make trouble today, he was really impatient!

No matter who this person is, if you dare to beat him, then you will die!

At this moment, Zhao Quan's killing intent was rolling in his heart, and he made up his mind to kill a hundred people, so that the world would know that Zhao authoritative letter now absolutely does not allow provocation!

However, Zhao Wenxuan and Ou Dexuan looked calm, their eyes swept outside the hall, with a faint smile.

Even Zhao Wenxuan drank spirit tea on his own, looking like he was watching a good show.

However, there is the great power of the soul behind him, even if the people who come today are the old monsters, he is not afraid.

However, the aster at this time was slightly stiff. Hearing the voice at this moment, there was an incredible color on his face immediately, and he turned around, with a complex look in his beautiful eyes. There is excitement, but most of it is the complexity of worry and shame.

"Ling Tian, ​​this voice is from Ling Tian, ​​he really came? How could he come here? Will he be angry when he sees me like this?"

Thinking of this, Zixuan's heart was warm and worried, his eyes were red, and then he became worried, "However, there is an old primordial spirit here, if Ling Tian is here, wouldn't it be death?"

In confusion, Aster hopes that the person here is not Ling Tian.

As for the other warriors in the hall, although all of them were uncertain, they didn't show the slightest color on their faces. At this moment, they looked on and looked at the Zhao family with some twists and turns, and severely killed Zhao Quan's arrogance.

Anyway, it wasn't them who were unlucky in the end, they would be happy to see those who were in their early days.

The sound rolled away, and then in the gaze of countless lights, a stream of light flashed from the sky, like a fire-colored meteor, in the blink of an eye, it went outside the hall, and then stepped into the hall, and the figure fell into the sight of everyone within.

Everyone frowned when they saw it.

They don't know this person.

Moreover, this person's face is covered with black gauze, and I can't see what it looks like, but this person's dark eyes are as bright as stars and dark as the sea, cold and not even warm. At this moment, carrying his hands under the eyes of everyone is not humble or overbearing, quite a bit. Demeanor.

Right now, this person's gaze swept across the aster in the temple, and there was a little warmth in the bottom of his eyes.

But this warmth is fleeting.

The person who came was naturally Ling Tian.

Zhao Quan's face was already gloomy, and his murderous intentions skyrocketed. At the moment when Ling Tian arrived, this person's eyes fell firmly on him, and when this person looked at him, it turned out to be full of contempt.

This is an insult to him!

"Damn, this person is so arrogant and ignoring me, if I can't kill him on the spot today, how will my face be!"

Zhao Quan's heart was furious, and Ling Tian not only blatantly made trouble, but even dared to sway it. Judging from his cultivation level, it was just the appearance of the peak of the golden body.

Although the whole body is strong and deep, but even if the combat power is amazing, can it be compared to the peak of his law?

Aster was even more shocked. Although Ling Tian covered his face and was short in stature, not like Ling Tian, ​​those eyes would not deceive, that is, Ling Tian was not fake!

For some reason, she only felt sore in her heart at this time, her eyes were reddish and her head was lowered.

She was a little afraid to face Ling Tian.

Ling Tian saw the aggrieved appearance of Aster, what was the difference from when he was humiliated in Ziyun Sect back then?

Immediately, the murderous intent skyrocketed.

If you dare to move aster, no matter who it is, you will die!

His gaze swept across the domineering Wuji, and he looked straight at Zhao Quan above the hall.

As if the next moment, Zhao Quan would be the result of a shot.

This look, like a beast staring at its prey, is not contemptuous at all, but naked killing intent!

Locked by this gaze, Zhao Quan felt a chill in his heart, and then became angry from embarrassment! His dignified Zhao Family Patriarch would be shocked by the gaze of such a younger generation. If such a thing were publicized, he would definitely suffer the ridicule of Jizhou warriors.

"Who are you, who is behind you, why come to my Zhao family today, do you think that the old man can't kill people?"

He didn't believe that Ling Tian really dared to come by himself, maybe someone was behind him.

The voice is harsh, murderous, and unobstructed.

In a cold drink, Zhao Quan stepped forward, and the coercion of the peak of Faxiang burst out, instantly filling the entire hall.

In the hall, almost all the warriors were forced by this momentum, retreating one after another, unable to hold on to themselves.

At this moment, each of them looked pale as if they had been hit by a heavy blow, and the Great Master of Fa Xiang could barely resist it, but those warriors who had only the peak of the golden body were bleeding from the seven orifices, and looked at Zhao Quan, showing endless fear. The one who was rolling and crawling ran out of the hall.

Ou Dexuan sneered, his eyes flashed forward half a step, and his robe sleeves swung lightly to dissipate the coercion. This made Zhao Wenxuan still as if nothing had happened, still toasting and drinking at this moment, obviously never seeing what was happening right now.

In his capacity, he is naturally not interested in such a small role.

Aster's complexion was pale, and her beautiful eyes showed a sense of horror. It was just that Zhao Quan's cultivation base was so tyrannical, so with the addition of that old monster, even if Ling Tian was powerful, how could he be his opponent?

For a moment, she was certain in her heart, and she stepped forward to speak.

"Zhao Quan, I am willing to marry you, but this person, you must not hurt him! Otherwise, I will never let your conspiracy succeed. Don't think I don't know what you think!" Aster said coldly.

Aster would rather suffer for a lifetime, and would never allow Ling Tian to be in any danger.

Ling Tian felt an inexplicable pain when he heard this. How could he not know the thoughts of aster?

She is such a little woman who only knows to pay for herself, but doesn't want anything in return.

Therefore, Ling Tian stepped forward, in the inexplicable gaze of all the warriors inside and outside the hall, deepened his arms, ignoring Zhao Quan's coercion, and directly took Aster from behind and held it in his arms.

With a gentle smile: "Silly girl, when do I need your protection? Don't you believe in my strength? Just stay obediently. I won't let you be wronged. Whoever bullies you will die."

"Whoever it is, do you know?"

"You...I, I know, I believe you, but you must be fine."

Feeling the warmth in Ling Tian's arms, Aster blushed immediately.

This was not the first time Ling Tian felt the protection, but it was the first time to be held in his arms.

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