Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1123: Stepping down the Hungarians

"But now, I am a general, and I said no to move, no move!"

Ling Tian turned around, holding the combined sword in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were tightly taut.

Seeing the 600,000 army under the mountain being massacred in this way, Ling Tian felt angry and sad.

Would he be willing to watch the Huns run wild in front of him like this?

Do not!

He also wished to kill now.

However, he was angry.

If these troops sent troops to rescue when the Hungarians invaded northern Hebei, it would not end in this way.

They are innocent, so are the countless soldiers who died in the mountains of northern Hebei, and the lives of more than 7,000 people in Pei's family, aren't they innocent?

Only in this way.

Only after him, those millions of younger generations who had experienced war and slaughter witness the cruelty of the war, would they understand that coming to Jizhou this time would be deadly.

This is the cruelty of war, and only in this way can their bloodliness and fighting spirit be thoroughly aroused!

After going through all this, their combat power will undergo a qualitative change and skyrocket again!

Everything was just as Ling Tian had imagined.

A large army of millions behind them, facing the purgatory-like killing field under the mountain, the blood-flowing hellish scene of the world, one by one, they are all holding the weapon in their hands tightly, and their teeth are squeaking. .

Unbearable, anger, all turned into a fierce fighting will, gathering on the head of the army, making the condensed grandiose that Ling Tian had formed before, becoming more solid and tall.

As if suddenly before the outbreak, and the lion and dragon about to awaken, suppressing his fierce heat.

The killing continued.

The combat power of the Hungarians is really too strong. They use the power of this battle formation, with a hundred people in a group, or a team of ten, just like countless killing mills, devouring the lives of the human race, even the great master of the human race in the late stage of the law. , It is impossible to resist in front of the Hungarians.

In the end, Xin Wenli also died in the hands of a fighting king of the Hungarian nationality.

At this point, the 600,000 army, but within a few hours, was killed by the Huns.

Even the two Tier 3 Fighting Kings headed by him had never taken any action.

The losses of the Hungarians can also be ignored.

The gap between the two sides is too huge.

As for that Zhao Wuliang, who also died in the chaos army, was trampled into mud, ending his most humiliating day.

At this moment, the land under the city of Pingyao, hundreds of miles around, has been stained red with blood.

There are traces of martial arts raging and human stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the scenes are **** to the extreme.

In the city of Pingyao, all the warriors were already limp on the ground, unable to sustain themselves at all.

The 300,000 Hungarian army, although they killed 600,000 people at this time, still did not give up. However, when they looked at Pingyao City with their killing eyes, they suddenly discovered that after the huge city of Pingyao, The roots reach the sky and soar into the sky!

That big tip, as if there are thousands of stars condensed!

However, the entire surrounding area, from top to bottom, was surrounded by a layer of fiery red flames.

Although the flame was condensed by the intent to fight, it made them feel an inexplicable heat wave, sweeping from under that big flame.

Just like the world on the ground, only this big shot, standing there, can keep Pingyao intact.

They didn't know how this big 槊 became so huge, and they felt the mighty fighting spirit that they couldn't ignore.

A group of Hungarian army also looked at each other.

Perhaps, the human army under that big scorpion is different from the 600,000 people who have just been slaughtered.

Moreover, they have never encountered a human army with such a terrifying warfare intent.

At least, within Jizhou.

"what happened?!"

At this moment, the two Dou Kings also felt the momentum that was about to erupt like a volcano.

"I said that this human race is extraordinary."

"His army looks very strong!"

The third-order Douwang who had confronted Ling Tian whispered.

And this kind of momentum also made the warriors in Pingyao city feel something.

They turned their heads and let them go, but they suddenly discovered that Ling Tian and the millions of army behind him, at this moment, all rose in suspension, and the momentum erupted from them!

Is Ling Tian finally going to make a move! ?

"Sergeants, I am Ling Tian of the Human Race!"

"Tell me why we are fighting!"

Ling Tian held a long wind in his hand, above the front, surrounded by the thunder dragon, above the body, the prison flame entangled and groaned.

"Fight for the human race!"

On the high mountain, the army of millions roared in unison.

Each of them had anger on their faces, holding the swords in their hands, and shouting together.

"War killing means death! Tell me, are you afraid to die?!"

Ling Tian slowly raised the big head in his hand.


On top of the million lions, the big scorpion transformed by the intent of war began to rotate slowly, and the crimson on it suddenly began to brighten the sky all over the sky.

Let everyone's face be covered with a fiery red light and shadow, like a raging fire.

"Soldiers, these Hungarians in front of me have invaded the north of Jizhou and broke the fifteen cities of my human race! Killed my human race countless!"

"Now, in front of me, killing 600,000 of my human army, should I kill it!?"

Ling Tian hovered above the sky, holding the weapon in his hand, shouting loudly.


Cui Zhan and others, a crowd of arrogances, took the lead and roared.

"Then summon your war knights!"

Ling Tian raised his big hand and waved, and his body was gilded, like a gold cast, Xiaoqing appeared under Ling Tian's crotch.

The huge golden wings flapped, causing gusts of wind.

A roar like a dragon's roar, even more so that his aura soared to its peak.

At the same time, behind Ling Tian, ​​the millions of human races all summoned their war horses.

These warriors are all masters from all over Kyushu. It is reasonable to have war horses.

"Draw out your weapons!"

Ling Tian shouted again.

In an instant, the rays of the swords were like silver waves rising from the dark ocean.

That is the cold light of swords, spears, swords and halberds, and the color of countless souls.

And because of Ling Tian's shouting full of fighting spirit, the aura of the millions of troops was all mobilized.

At this moment, the large form of warfare has already soared to its peak state, as if to tear the sky.

"Pick up your weapons, sacrifice your martial arts, and let this group of Hungarian beasts taste the taste of being tortured!"

Ling Tian pressed his lips tightly, covered the black fierce beast visor, his weapon pointed directly at the Hungarian army at the bottom of the mountain, trembling all over, roaring to the sky.

"Together with me Ling Tian, ​​step down the barbarians!"


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