Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1124: Remember my Terran Lingtian!

When the voice fell, Ling Tian rode one person and one rider, the first to descend into the sky and rush into the Hungarian army.

Behind him, an army of millions, all under the leadership of Li Qingcheng, Cui Zhan and others, wrapped in the might of Wuhun, charged forward!

The scale of millions of people, each of them, is at least golden body combat strength, and at this moment, their fighting spirit blessings have also reached the peak.

Under Qi Qi's charge, it was even more terrifying than the black torrent of the Huns just now.

Ling Tian's army is like a tsunami of stars!

The three hundred thousand Hungarian army was shocked on the **** land at a time, and was at a loss.

The third-order Dou Wang was furious.

"Damn it, how dare you start a charge against my Hungarian? It's death!"

"Warriors of the Huns, for the glory of the Xianbei tribe of the Huns, give me...what!"

However, before he was finished speaking, he descended to a long hair, pierced the void, and stabled at him at an extreme speed, like lightning!

The horror of that speed made this Tier 3 Fighting King too late to react, but instinctively held the stick in his hands horizontally in front of his chest, wanting to stop this.



However, everything is different from what the third-order Douwang imagined.

Above this big stalk that broke through the air, there were two ferocious weapon souls roaring.

It made him feel terrified in his heart for an instant,

And when the sharp and infinitely sharp front shook on the long stick in his hand, he felt a huge force that could not resist the enemy at all, and directly penetrated everything!

A golden stone exploded.

Although there was resistance in front of the big 槊 tore up, the stick shattered in response, and the front of the wand, with a puff, directly penetrated the chest of the third-order Dou Wang!


With a scream, King Dou's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the power of the younger generation of Human Race was so tyrannical.

However, the long 槊槊 front that cracked into his chest, not only with powerful strength, but also with countless hostile sword shadows, rushed into his body madly.

The raging sword shadow gave him the strength of the Hungarian body without any advantage. In an instant, his body was torn to pieces.


Long as an arrow, strung the thousand feet of the third-order Douwang burst, and finally broke into the ground.

However, when a group of Hungarian fighters looked in the direction of the long cracked ground, they discovered that the commander of their army, the strongest Tier 3 Fighting King, was actually crucified to the ground!

There is no life, and the dead can't die again!

how can that be?

All the Hungarian fighters couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

How tyrannical is their Tier 3 Demon King?

Even in the face of the mid-stage power of the human primordial spirit, it can definitely be completely suppressed.

But he was so tortured and killed!

How strong is this seemingly young human race?

"Big Brother!"

The Dou Wang who had fought Ling Tian once saw the brother who had been nailed to death, and he suddenly cried out in sorrow.

Their brothers are the most tyrannical third-order fighting kings of the Xianbei tribe except King Xianbei. This time they protect Bai Yu from chasing down Pei Tianqing. The configuration of the 300,000 army is already infallible.

However, Bai Yu was killed first, and the two brothers, if they did not bloodbath the human race, they would definitely be executed by King Xianbei after they returned.

But now, his brother Tier 3 Douwang also died at the hands of that person.

Is this still a human race?

Why are the human races I saw this time different from the past?

However, he didn't give this Dou Wang any chance to breathe at all, Ling Tian's figure flashed, and he took that Chang Li back into his hands.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting on Xiaoqing, covered his face with black armor, was dressed in heavy armor, and had silver hair, flying like a dragon in the wind.

He lifted up long, and on the crimson blade, the Thunder Dragon roared.

"I once said that I will keep your life."

"Now, your life should be given to me!"

Because of the visor, Dou Wang couldn't see Ling Tian's expression.

Obviously, his body was shrouded in a halo like fire, but the few words were full of ice and cold, making his heart extremely cold.

"It's ridiculous, do you really think you are invincible?"

"Get into my Hungarian army, even in Yanzhou, no one dares to be so rampant!"

Although the Tier 3 Douwang was astonished, seeing Ling Tian dared to rush into the army at this time, he immediately suppressed the astonishment in his heart and shouted angrily.

When his voice fell, countless Hungarian fighters surged up from all directions in Sima.

Among them, there is no shortage of many Dou Wang!

These fighting kings, although they were only the first order and the second order.

But they are comparable to the powerful combat power of the human race primordial spirit in the early days, and they are more numerous.

In addition, there are countless top fighters equivalent to the late human race law phase.

Hundreds of the Hungarians used the formation method, and in an instant, thousands of fighters swarmed up, trying to submerge Ling Tian directly.

Under the battlefield, the Hungarian fighters, especially when they have the fighting king and the fighting general, burst out of combat power, even the human power in the middle of the soul, it is impossible to cope with it safely.


What they are facing at this time is as high as the sky, enough to kill all Ling Tian in the middle of the soul!

"court death!"

Ling Tian on Xiao Qing's back yelled angrily, pinched his horse's belly, and Xiao Qing's wings slammed forward, instantly charging up.

At the same time, Ling Tian's hand stretched out a semicircle. Above that semicircle, the fire surging, set off an boundless flame, instantly soaring to a thousand feet long, like a huge sea of ​​fire, and swept it out!

Breaking the army's first heavy.

Can be killed by a group can be cut alone.

And Ling Tian sacrificed at this time, it was a smashing army!


Countless Hungarian screams came and went one after another. Under the smashing force, their physical bodies could not resist at all, and wherever they went, they melted.

One trick is to kill all the Hungarians who rushed up!

"Bowman, shoot him!"

In the overall situation, the Hungarians roared in horror.

The next moment, the Hungarians flew forward in the air and picked up the small black crossbows in their hands. The arrows rained down amidst the clanging.

Jingle bell...

However, the rain of arrows that fell on Ling Tian's armor and flesh body did not cause any damage except for the splashing sparks.

Even, they couldn't cut Ling Tian's skin.

Nowadays, how tyrannical and tough is Ling Tian's physical body, how can it be hurt by these little arrows?

"No, it's impossible!"

"This human race, is it possible that it is a devil!"

For a while, all the Hungarian fighters who witnessed all this were dumbfounded.

When have they ever seen such a terrifying human race warrior, not only have they wiped out thousands of people, but the flesh is so solid as a rock? !

Didn't it mean that the human body is inherently weak?

"Hehe, Zhao Wuliang is right in saying that you Hungarian will be destroyed in my hands sooner or later!"

"Remember my name!"

"Human Race, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian walked out of the arrow rain, groaned, danced for a long time, and took the last Tier 3 Fighting King!

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