Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1126: The huge fleet of Zixia Yunzhou

This night, the millions of warriors in Pingyao City all felt what is meant by life and death.

It's like a dream.

Looked at the millions of army that left vastly, as well as the corpses all over the ground under the city wall.

For a while, they couldn't believe that everything that just happened was true.

The Huns, who are extremely vicious and murderous like hemp, are born and destroyed before their eyes.

Moreover, it was a one-sided slaughter.

"Tsk tusk, 300,000 Hungarians, how many fighting crystals are there for this!"

"Anbei army, it's posted this time!"

After a long time, I don't know who sighed on the wall.

The others also looked at each other, thinking about the appearance of the three hundred thousand buckets of crystals piled together, and for a while, their hearts became hot.

Even, they already want to join the Anbei army!

If it is true, as the Great General Lingtian said, sweeping the northern part of Hebei, wouldn't Doujing...


The fact is just as Pingyao City Warriors imagined.

The victory of Pingyao City has completely tasted the sweetness of the millions of troops brought by Li Qingcheng and Cui Zhan.

The three hundred thousand Hungarian fighting crystals, although they can't make everyone gain.

But only if you get a fighting crystal, it's even a big profit.

Because Dou Jing was originally extremely rare, even a Dou Ling-level Dou Jing, the energy contained in it was comparable to a top-grade high-grade spirit spring.

It is of great value. It is much more valuable than the crystal nucleus earned by hunting monsters and beasts in deep mountains and dense forests.

Among them, the arrogant leaders like Li Qingcheng, Cui Zhan, and Qin Mingyue, and everyone has gained a lot of fighting crystals.

Including the rare Dou Jing of the Dou King level, each of them also has something to gain. As for the Dou Jiang and Dou Ling levels, there are even more.

There is no way, the harvest is proportional to the combat power.

And this irritated those warriors who hadn't gotten the battle crystal even more. They vowed to kill the enemy desperately next time on the battlefield.

Of course, among all the people, Ling Tian's harvest was the most terrifying.

Today, Ling Tian has no fewer than 20 Dou Jing-level Dou Jing, in addition to those ordinary first-order and second-order Dou Jing-level Dou Jing, there are also two third-order Dou Jing that is already Bai Yu's. Pieces.

The energy contained in the two third-order fighting kings' fighting crystals is extremely powerful.

Compared with Bai Yu's one, although in terms of purity and nobility, two Tier 3 Dou King Dou Jing can't compare, but the value of three Dou Jing is also sky-high.

Although these Dou Jing would not allow Ling Tian to directly break through his cultivation base, they could definitely increase his cultivation base a lot.

Ling Tian now has no plans to refine it all directly, he is waiting for the number of Dou Jing to be enough, and then it will be a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

After all, there are still fifteen cities in northern Hebei that have fallen. There are more than one million Hungarians in its territory?

Dou Jing, there must be no shortage.

The army went straight to Xiaoyan Pass. At this time, on the Yanshan Mountain, thousands of large and small Yunzhou battleships broke through the air, and the scene was extremely magnificent.

The worst of these Yunzhou warships also has eight wings, and some of the front ones have realized that they have even reached sixteen wings!

This type of Yunzhou battleship, when in Yunzhou, can only be owned by the four major sects.

Even the Ziqi Yunzhou that Ling Tian once photographed was from Sixteen Wings.

But now, this kind of Yunzhou battleship, in the fleet above Yanshan, how big is hundreds of ships!

Not only that, but that once only Yunhou Mansion could have an 18-wing Yunzhou, and there were nearly ten ships!

These cloud boats were naturally brought by Cui Zhan, Zhang Lianzi, and Na Ouyang Ke.

The worst of them are the sons of the Hou Mansion, and possessing this kind of cloud boat is naturally no longer a problem.

Of course, the most magnificent one is the huge cloud boat that is now the flagship of the fleet, which is moved by four purple-golden sky horses.

This cloud boat has already surpassed the evaluation limit of the wings.

With four purple-golden horses, each body is as big as a hundred feet, and its wings bloom, making it even bigger.

They took the huge warship full of pavilions, and sailed on the clouds, like a huge moving castle.

The light lingers around, the aura is lingering, and you can see it in a hundred miles.

And this Yunzhou, named Zixia, Ling Tian also just learned that this was once rewarded by the royal court when Cui Rouer was canonized as a princess.

The Cui family wanted this Zixia Yunzhou several times, but Cui Quer didn't give it.

Now that Ling Tian went to Jizhou alone, the crown prince asked Cui Zhan to bring this cloud boat over, saying that Ling Tian was the flagship to use.

With such a precious Yunzhou, the look in Cui Zhan's eyes towards Ling Tian changed.

Sitting on the main hall of Zixia Yunzhou, Ling Tian also sighed suddenly.

Cui Zhuer did too much for him.

"Hehe, brother, you call us over, we are all here, is there anything else that can't be arranged?"

Qin Shaoyang, Zhang Kaifeng and others walked in from outside the hall, and when they spoke, they awakened Ling Tian who was mixed with the sky.

"Oh, everyone is here. Sit first. I haven't seen you for a month. You have changed. I almost can't recognize you!"

"If you come one day late, I will be bullied!"

Ling Tianjiao sat on the throne and smiled.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​we don't believe you when you say that. You will crucify Tier 3 Fighting King in one stroke, and even that Zhao Wuliang will be killed by you. Can you still be bullied?"

Li Qingcheng rolled his eyes, everyone in the hall burst into laughter.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's talk about business first."

Ling Tian waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Actually, I'm very curious, how did your millions of troops come from?"

"To be honest, there were tens of thousands of people here besides me."

He was surprised. When he saw the emergence of the millions of troops just now, he was actually more shocked and excited than anyone else.

Of course he was also puzzled, after all, he didn't think he had such a great appeal in Zhongzhou. Moreover, Qianshuihe seems to be more strictly controlled.

"Hehe, you don't know how hot you are!"

Cui Zhan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed: "The poem you left when you left a month ago, the long song Yeyue Jibeiguan, the long march people will not return it, but the Chizi war will be here. Crossing the mountains. This phrase is really breathtaking, and it shocked all of us at that time."

"After you left, countless new students went to Xiaoyao to read the words you were staying on the mountain. There were even many swordsmen who realized the innate sword intent. Do you think your influence is big?"

"Not to mention, this poem of yours has mobilized everyone's innocence and fighting spirit. They even said that they would follow you to Jizhou, and let him later come out to recruit Yuwen Chengdu, once there was no soldier to call. , Almost angered him half to death!"

"Later, the eldest princess, Prince Gong, and my father gathered many ministers and jointly interceded with the Emperor Wu, and finally helped you win the position of this general. We also have reasons to start recruiting the army."

"Unexpectedly, a million people were gathered in this one. Except for the palaces of Zixiao and Kunwu Academy where you are at odds with you, almost all the other freshmen have come to sign up, and there are even many of the previous ones. As for the students, we have selected one million troops only after we have screened them at different levels."

"Don't worry, these people are all elite. Although they are young, they are all in the same rank. They are not bad."

Cui Zhan was dressed in purple and gold armor, sitting there, breaking the demeanor of a commander general, smiled faintly, and then handed Ling Tian a roster.

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