Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1127: Army Division

"This is a roster of the Million Army. It's better to keep it in your hands."

Ling Tian took the booklet and looked at it with emotion, but found that the light and shadow flickered, and the spiritual thought was deep. It was indeed the information of the millions of army, including the name, birth, cultivation base, martial arts characteristics, and even the ranking of combat power. All have records.

"As for how I came here, I have to thank Nangong."

At this time, Cui Zhan and the others all looked at the corner of the hall, the only figure in red who was not sitting upright like everyone else.

This person is Nangongyan, the eldest son of Yangzhou.

He was leaning on the pillar in the corner of the hall, holding a small flaming fox in his arms, sitting on the ground, debauchery.

There was no expression on his face that was so charming that even women were jealous.

Even if Cui Zhan mentioned him, everyone wrapped Ling Tian and looked at it, but they couldn't make the slightest emotional change on Nangongyan's face.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

That indifferent and mysterious temperament made everyone unable to see through.

This Nangong Yan is very strange.

"If it hadn't been for Nangong to persuade Yangzhou Hou, let us first transfer to Yangzhou, and then directly use the Hou's transfer formation from Yangzhou to the southern Hebei border, we would not have come so fast."

Cui Zhan retracted his gaze and said with a smile.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, he really never thought of Nangongyan's help.

It stands to reason that there is still a beam between him and this Nangong Yan.

"Nangong, thanks!"

Although he couldn't figure it out, Ling Tian still shook his hands.

Nangong stroked the hand of the little fox's back, and stopped suddenly, but only for a moment, he stroked it for himself, from beginning to end, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Ling Tian smiled, no longer worrying about Nangongyan.

Looking at the roster in front of him, he said: "Although our army is strong, it still needs to be reorganized, so that it will be easy to mobilize and arrange combat formations by then."

"We want to build a victorious and unfavorable army. The battle of Jizhou is just a temper."

Li Qingcheng nodded, "That's good, but Ling Tian, ​​how do you want to arrange, just say that you are General Anbei, and we all listen to you."

"Yes, Ling Tian, ​​we all listen to you!"

Ouyang, Nalan and others also adhere to the Tao.

Ling Tian unfolded the roster and looked at the name in it, Guangying said: "Our army configuration is actually not very complete and complete. Of course, don't worry about this."

"My idea is to first divide this million army into four parts."

"The first part is the Chinese army, which is the foundation of the army. There are Cui Chenxiang and Zhang Lianzi, leading them together. You will select the 500,000 people who are at the back of the army and guard them well. Others include alchemy. He Yinluwuzhe and others are all placed inside. Responsible for increasing combat power in wartime, clearing the field and treating the wounded"

Cui Chenxiang and Zhang Lianzi both got up and took orders.

"The second part is the left and right army, the left army general, led by General Li Qingcheng, responsible for cover. In addition, the right army, you will be led by An Ran, right?"

Ling Tian suddenly looked at An Ran who was sitting in the first row.

Although An Ran used to be just the chief of the academy level, among so many Tianjiao, he was not well-known, but now An Ran has advanced techniques and has good combat power, so he sits in the first row.

At this time, Bei Lingtian called her name, and she was also very surprised.

Unexpectedly, she could still lead an army by herself.


An Ran looked a little cramped.

"Well, from the overall situation, you select a group of warriors who are good at long-range weapons with bows and crossbows to form the right army to be specifically responsible for suppression."

Ling Tian nodded: "The left and right army totals 300,000. How to allocate it is for An Ran and General Li to decide on their own."

"As for the third part..."

Ling Tian looked at Qin Shaoyang and the others, and the latter immediately got up and said: "Haha, Brother Tian, ​​you can be regarded as seeing me, why, this third part, can't I be led by Qin Shaoyang?"

"Cut, stop making trouble, let you lead, what will you do?"

Zhang Kaifeng curled his lips and said.

"Who said I wouldn't, of course I would!" Qin Shaoyang said angrily.

Ye Fan shook his head, "Don't fight, Ling Tian must have already arranged it, listen!"

Ling Tian smiled suddenly: "The third part is the Vanguard Corps. This part requires not only strength but also extreme tenacity. Qin Shaoyang, Zhang Kaifeng and Ye Fan. The three of you will enter this part, but Cui Zhan and Pei Tianqing will lead you. , Cui Zhan is the shield, Pei Tianqing and you are the spear! I have given you a total of 200,000 people, all of whom are among the top ranks of the Legion’s combat power."

"When the two armies are fighting, you want to be the first to charge forward. How dare you?"

Qin Shaoyang and the others looked at each other, and said, "Dare, why not dare to charge, we like it the most!"

"Hehe, that's good!"

Ling Tian stroked his palm and smiled.

At this time, Pei Tianqing was not in the main hall, but retreats in another cloud boat, attacking the Dhamma.

The treasure of Jizhou Houfu, in his hands, is said to be able to control the flow of time, and within a month, Pei Tianqing can break through to the realm of Dharma.

At that time, this fierce general, led by Qin Shaoyang and others, will become a master of tigers and wolves, making the Hungarians frightened by the news.

"Ling Tian, ​​what about us? We don't have any soldiers?!"

Finally, Bu Feiyan stood up and said.

She was a little dumbfounded. It stands to reason that with her combat power, she wouldn't even mention her name, right?

"Haha, girl Bu, you are a general in our army."

Ling Tian got up and walked outside the hall, "The remaining Mingyue, Bu Feiyan and Brother Lu, of course you have special tasks."

"What task?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows.


Standing in front of the main hall, Ling Tian looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds under the cloud boat, and his eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"Leave it to me for the third-order Douwang and above."

"You guys, specialize in level two!"

Lu Chen, Bu Feiyan and Qin Mingyue looked at each other. The former's indifferent face finally raised a wicked smile, and drank a glass of wine.

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