Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1198: Invite

"Hmph, it's just what I want! I want to see, how capable is your mere human race to be so rampant in front of me!"

King Mengman was about to explode in anger. He brought the army to crush the realm. He used to take up his momentum, but now, after the army was killed, Ling Tian first invited him to fight.

In this way, his aura is gone! !

All, only by killing Ling Tian can the situation be controlled in his hands.

Thinking of this, King Mengman immediately rose to the top of the sky.

"Wait! Your lord, you are the king of my third tribe, how can you fight at will? He Lingtian is just a junior of the human race, how can he be qualified? Let me come!"

At this time, from behind King Mengman, a Hungarian King Dou, who was also on the six-striped road above his head, flew directly into the sky.

"Okay, Yeluchu, you will directly kill this Lingtian for me, don't lose the face of my Mongman tribe!"

Yelu Haji also suddenly understood.

"The army listened to the order, the Hungarian front is thousands of feet away from the city wall, and the army went directly out of the city to press on! The spirit-gathering giant cannon and thousands of crossbows, wait for us to fight!

Above the city wall, Li Qingcheng drew his sword and shouted.



"Ling Tian, ​​let me, Yeluchu, come to meet you!"

The sixth-order Dou Wang levitated to the sky above Ling Tian, ​​his eyes locked on Ling Tian, ​​listening to the wailing of the Hungarians before his death, the killing intent burst out of his whole body, gritted his teeth and said.

Ling Tian didn't care about this gaze at all, and said coldly: "Yelü idiot? The name is really appropriate, but is it just you? Or, you want to go together? It doesn't hurt."

His eyes fell on this Yeluchucai first, and his eyes flashed with undisguised disdain.

Now, Ling Tian's various methods have been sublimated again. Compared with a month ago, the combat power has skyrocketed again. Now facing the sixth-order Douwang, Ling Tian no longer takes it seriously.

"Ling Tian, ​​scold me for being stupid, you are so looking for death!"

Seeing the disdain in Ling Tian's eyes, Yeluchu was immediately furious. Ling Tian was clearly insulting him. Now his soldiers are suppressing the realm. Even if Ling Tian had heard that the king of Tubo was killed before, he was not afraid of Yeluchu!

Almost the words fell, one of them killed him and said coldly: "Ling Tian, ​​don't think that if you can kill the Tubo king, you can do whatever you want. Let us go together? Do you really think you have it? This qualification? Dreaming!"

After all, he is the second king of the Mengman tribe, and he is still very confident.


A cold light flashed in Ling Tian's eyes and suddenly shot.

Within the sea of ​​qi, the Taichu Jing and Longhuang Jue urged instantly, the majestic true essence surged through the body, and when they raised their hands, they blasted out like lightning with a punch.


These fists were too terrifying, and before Na Yelu Chucai could react, he bombarded his chest in the air. Hearing a loud noise, Yelu Chucai, who was suspended in the air, flew upside down with a bang, blood pouring out of his mouth continuously, and his entire face was distorted.

Yelvchucai, who was still very irritable just now, turned off his flames instantly, his facial features were so painful that he couldn't even stand up.

"No, it's impossible, you are not human vitality!"

Ye Luchu looked up, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes. He never expected that Ling Tian's strength would be so tyrannical.

Even more powerful than the intelligence!

A mockery flashed in Ling Tian's eyes. When he was too lazy to pay attention to this person, he whispered coldly: "Get out."


The true essence was like a cloud, and the white palm that stretched out of Ling Tian's armor waved at will. A terrifying force exploded in the air, and the force that could shake the mountains directly threw Yeluchu away, just like **** at will.

And that Yeluchu was in the process of being lifted off, the whole body was shattered.

hiss! hiss!

Everyone was dumbfounded, this is the second king of the Mengman tribe, why is it so vulnerable in front of Ling Tian.

Not to mention the Hungarian fighters outside Yumen Pass, even the generals of the human race on the city wall opened their eyes wide, dumbfounded, and they didn't know why.

"Hehe, Mengman tribe, isn't there one that can fight?"

Ling Tian swept away his eyes, raised his eyes, and sharpened.

A group of Dou Wangs were left with fright, their faces turned pale, and they couldn't help but step back a few steps.


Too strong!

This kind of sharpness made them unbelievable, unbelievable, is this really a descendant of the human race?

It seems that his legends are true.

This guy is so fierce as a devil facing the Huns.

"Ma De waste! Ling Tian, ​​let me meet you!"

Just when everyone was shocked by Ling Tian's powerful strength, a chill came quietly, and everyone couldn't help shivering.


The silent coercion seemed to cover the entire Yumen Pass like frost.

At this moment, Yelu Haji, a member of the Mengman tribe's army, finally couldn't help it. His figure flashed, and he reached the sky.

The powerful vindictive coercion was released at all times, and the entire human race and the Hungarian race at Yumen Gate were all shocked by the breath of King Mengman.

Compared with before, this time King Monman really didn't intend to have any reservations.

"Hehe, you are actually waiting. If you don't come up, other fighting kings will die even worse."

Ling Tian's eyes were deep, facing King Mengman without any fear.

This remark, like a thunder on the ground, blew up in everyone's minds. Upon closer inspection, the sharp sharpness in Ling Tian's eyes clearly wrote a proud character incisively and vividly.

These words that were not polite at all, like a needle, pierced Yelu Haji's heart, causing the killing intent on him to burst out immediately.

Ling Tian's words are really ugly.

Where did he get the courage to dare to be so arrogant in front of him?

The strong of the human race, he couldn't remember how much he had crushed to death, even how tyrannical he was, and how he differed from the ants.

"You are really bloated!"

Yelu Haji's right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and the brilliance of blood flowed on the surface of his body immediately, followed by the horrible fluctuations of vindictive energy, which instantly swept across all directions.

"I have to teach you to be a stupid person, so that you know what fear is. Your human race and my Hungarian race cannot be compared at all!"

Yelu Haji urged the battle within the body, and the majestic fighting spirit suddenly whizzed out, and the terrifying **** fighting spirit turned crazy with him as its center.

A bright red vortex appeared in the sky, just in a moment, as if the sky was torn apart by his amazing aura.

Before the war started, this Yelu Haji, it was a battle to be decided!

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