Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1199: Golden dragon

too frightening!

In the **** whirlpool, a huge Hungarian body bathed in blood seemed to evolve, wearing blood armor, and his eyes blooming with a terrifying and fierce light.

The battle of this third tribe was indeed extremely tyrannical.

"Huh, die!"

High in the sky, Yelu's chirping voice sounded, and the blood all over his body suddenly appeared. The next moment, it moved a thousand feet across in an instant. When he reached Ling Tian, ​​the punch was raised, as if he was about to smash Ling Tian directly!

Among the Terran army, there was an exclamation.

They could feel how terrifying Yelu Haji's punch was full of the power of decisive battle.

If Ling Tian was hit, he would definitely not be able to endure it unharmed.

"Ha ha……"

However, under the gaze of the people and the Huns, Ling Tian gave a chuckle, his figure suddenly misted, but the next moment, it disappeared from Yelu Haji's body.


Yelu had a fist and missed, tearing the space apart, but Ling Tian was no longer visible.

Just as if Ling Tian didn't exist here at all.

"What speed is this?!"

Yelu Haji was shocked, because he was extremely confident in his speed, even if it was the teleportation of the human soul, it was absolutely impossible to avoid his punch so easily.

And this Ling Tian is only in the late stage of the Fa phase, unable to use the moment at all. Yelu Haqi has also understood his previous speed, but how can it be compared with the moment?

Moreover, it is definitely not the fog incarnation method in front of me.

"Hehe, so fierce, do you really want to kill me?"

"Haha, I won't move this time, you try again?"

Ling Tian's white mist flashed and appeared thousands of feet behind Yeluhachi.

It seems to appear out of thin air.

"Ma De, dare to play with me!"

Yelu was furious, but when his eyes rolled, his big hand suddenly waved, but countless spider-web-like **** threads shot out, instantly covering the area of ​​the sky!

This time, Yelu Haji's shot was too sudden, and the range covered by the net was so large that even if it was teleported, it was impossible to drive away from the mountain wall.

And Ling Tian didn't seem to really want to hide, so he was enveloped by the big **** net, and the blood on it rose, Ling Tian felt that the surrounding space seemed to be frozen, and he himself couldn't move anymore!

This Yelu haggling trick turned out to be control!

"Haha, stupid junior human race, where can you escape under my blood clotting net?"

"In the face of real strength, your little tricks can only be reduced to a laughing stock!"

Seeing that Ling Tian was really under control, King Mengman couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Hehe, it's a bit interesting, but just so, let me try my own little supernatural powers."

However, the corners of Ling Tian's mouth that were under control were majestic. In Yelu's unbelievable gaze, the white mist flashed and broke the blood web all over his body. The next moment, he broke free.


Now, Yelu was shocked.

His blood coagulation web has never missed his hand, and he has never heard of any Heaven-level cultivation technique that can release such control.

"Could it be supernatural powers?!"

At this moment, Yelu had a voice of suspicion.

In his thoughts, only that kind of exercise can have such an effect.

However, how can Ling Tian in this state of Dhamma be able to meet?

"Come again!"

Ling Tian hung in the air, looking at King Mengman with disdain.

"There is a kind of you don't hide!"

"Meng Xue Bone Fist!"

Yelu, with a gloomy complexion, slammed out with a punch, and the blood armor giant in the **** vortex clenched his five fingers and slammed toward Ling Tian fiercely.

With the blessing of Zhanjue, Yelu's fighting energy seemed inexhaustible.

The huge fist light, like a blood-colored mountain hanging down from the sky, obscures the sky.

It is also the sixth-order Douwang, this Yeluhachi is better than Yeluchucai, I really don't know how many times it is stronger.

Ling Tian's eyes were very indifferent. Although he was arrogant, he never underestimated a powerful enemy. His shoulders shook, the crimson dragon and phoenix phantom, bathed in crimson flames, rose from behind it, and the majestic true essence in the sea of ​​qi was continuously poured into the phantom.

And Ling Tian also seemed to transform, from a distance, it looked like a flame monster walking out of another world.

The majestic and vast crimson light, like a dragon **** descending to the world, dazzled the gloomy world.

"This...is this your battle? It really is my Hungarian battle!"

At this moment, Yelu croaked, seeing the appalling crimson brilliance of Ling Tian's body, his face changed drastically.

He had learned that Ling Tian had a powerful Hungarian battle. Although it was strange, he felt that Ling Tian's display was definitely not a real battle.

But now that he saw it, he was completely stunned.

This is not just a battle, but an extremely high-level and powerful battle, far better than the **** battle of the Mengman tribe!

"You guy, how can I have the battle of my Huns!"

Suddenly, his face changed completely, and there was a great wave in his heart. You know, battles of this intensity are absolutely comparable to the imperial battles of the first tribe of Turks!

"It must be this kid's chance. Only after he obtained a powerful battle, he could create such a legend at such an age."

After being shocked, Yelu Haji quickly figured out the reason. His eyes became hot involuntarily, this battle is so powerful, I'm afraid the origin is quite amazing.

Even if Ling Tian could cultivate, he would definitely not be able to cultivate to Consummation due to physical reasons.

If you can take this battle in your own hands.

When the time comes, this opportunity is his Yelu Haji!

With the imperial battle decisive, he can definitely have supreme prestige among the Hungarians!

Thinking of this, Yelu had a hot expression, thinking of coming to kill this kid, and still have this gain.

It was really unexpected joy. As soon as I thought of this, Yeluhachi's eyes showed an uncontrollable greed. The whole body was frantically surging, and the blood fist that went out to sacrifice, the power soared again!

When the huge blood fist was about to blast down, the crimson light bursting from Ling Tian's body also rushed into the sky, reaching its peak.

At this moment, Ling Tian raised his left fist, and there was a golden dragon shadow on it, bathed in crimson flames, and the true essence of his whole body poured into the dragon shadow, and in an instant, the dragon shadow was suspended high. The top of Ling Tian's head was like a golden dragon god!

"You Longquan, Golden Dragon cuts the sky!"

Ling Tian screamed and clenched his five fingers, the ferocious golden dragon roared and turned into a golden fist, and blasted out fiercely!

This is the sixth golden dragon of Dragon Fist!

This is the first time since Ling Tian's exit, the sixth heavy bombardment of You Longquan has been launched. This is the first show!

A golden dragon fist violently rose from Ling Tian's hand to meet the blood-colored giant fist that fell from nine days.

Between heaven and earth, scarlet and **** shadows are anxious, fighting each other!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The sixth layer of the Dragon Fist in midair slammed into the blood fist, making a loud noise that burst into the void, which sounded continuously in the mountains. Inside and outside Yumen Pass, many warriors and Hungarian fighters with weaker cultivation bases were suddenly blown up and blood was overflowing.


In these amazing visions, the Dragon Fist was completely entangled with the blood-colored giant fist, and the terrifying explosion sounded like countless thunders colliding with each other nine days away.


But for a moment, in this fierce battle, the blood fist of the Golden Dragon and Mengman that Ling Tian blasted out burst open. The fragmented red afterglow, like a rain of meteors, shot out like lightning, blasting the ground one after another, causing countless deaths and injuries to the Hungarians.

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