Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1200: Big win

"Hehe, stupid human race, it's still a waste. In my hands, how can you get a little bit cheap..."

Seeing the two martial arts disappearing invisible in the air, Yelu Haji sneered in his heart, who had retreated three thousand feet before stopping. This time, although he was shocked, he was not injured.

But in his opinion, even if Ling Tian had such a decisive battle, he would definitely be injured.

The opponent's realm simply couldn't bring out the true power of the battle. In the end, he was still in vain.

Such a scene is of course shocking in the eyes of outsiders, but at the same time of consternation, it was discovered that a figure emerged from the sky after the fire had dissipated!

It's Ling Tian!

At this time, Ling Tian didn't even move!

Under Yelu's punch, Ling Tian seemed safe and sound!

Compared with Yelu Haji who was retreated, it is clear who is on the top!


Yelu Hajime saw this scene from a distance, and was stunned in astonishment.

But he couldn't be astonished, but Ling Tian was ascending as a white mist, his figure teleported, holding on to him to kill him!

The flames in the sky re-condensed, and the power has not decreased but increased, blessing the grandeur in his hand, blooming with unprecedented brilliance, as if to pierce the sky.

At this moment, Ling Tian was like an invincible God of War, coming with him to kill everything.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, his true essence filled the swords, Lao Hou and Xiao Lei ascended, a huge sky of eight hundred feet, and the invincible aura of chasing the king's swords. When the pressure rose to the peak, Ling Tian made a blast. drink.

Behind him, there was a dragon and phoenix phantom that was hundreds of feet long, and the splendid wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.


The ancient gods, under the gaze of the army, swelled crazily in the blink of an eye and formed a sky-reaching shadow, which complemented the warlike form of the human army!

"No, I don't believe it!"

Seeing this scene, Yelu Haji also knew that Ling Tian's martial arts was not trivial. He immediately raised his mace, and the blood appeared overwhelmingly, forming a sky-reaching stick figure, smashing towards Ling Tian madly.

With this stick, he also exhausted everything!

"Hehe, but so!"

In the sky, Ling Tian sneered and shook his head, not afraid of Yelu Hara's stick.

"Break the army, break the ten thousand-jun with one force!"

Ling Tian's abruptness fell, and the shadow that passed through the sky, with boundless power, rushed straight away, crushing the moment of that scarlet stick shadow, and erupting an incomparable shock wave.



Countless fragments of **** grudges scattered all over the world.

The sky-reaching shadow did not stop, and at a terrifying speed, it crawled into the **** vortex that Yeluha had evolved.

Yelu Haji didn't have time to make a sound of consternation, and the majestic **** vortex, as well as the shadow of the evolving blood spirit, were all pierced and exploded!

And Yelu haggling, was also dumbfounded, and was directly swallowed by Liying.

The explosion-like roar continued for a long time before it gradually subsided.

And the flames in the sky disappeared.

The air still had Ling Tian's fiery breath that shocked the sky.

However, when the fire ran out, the figure of Yeluhachi, king of Monman, was already gone.

Even, there is no breath of King Mengman!


The king of the third tribe of the Hungarian, just died?

There was silence between the world and the earth, and the eyes of all the Huns showed incredible eyes, which was a bit unacceptable.

How could their supreme king die by the hands of the human race like this?


But in this silence, a cloud of blood appeared out of nowhere, and there was a frantic laughter, and waited until the light of blood dissipated.

The three blood spirits appeared in front of everyone, underneath them, they were scorched debris scattered in the air.

Ling Tian's army-breaking force had already smashed his body directly, but this Yelu Haji seemed to have some secret method, since he hadn't completely died.

Instead, it turns into three **** shadows with spiritual value and spirituality!

"Ling Tian, ​​I admit that you are very strong, but you want to kill me, there is no way!!"

"Ma De, the old Turkic king Tuoba Yongye asked me to come to Dayumen Pass. He clearly wanted to harm me!"

"Mengman tribe army, retreat to me!"

Not low Lingtian, King Mengman wants to escape!

His voice fell, and when he reached the shadow of the scarlet soul, he galloped away in three directions.

The speed and teleport are average, and it's almost extreme.

Such a secret method is obviously a stunt for escape!

Moreover, the fighting spirit on the shadow of the blood spirit was condensed into a mask, obviously extremely tough, ordinary martial skills, unable to break!

"Hehe, want to escape, do I allow it?"

Ling Tian sneered, and the tip of the sword in his hand swept three terrifying sword lights directly.

The sword light is like the essence, not only the speed is determined, but the mountain peaks under the ground are all shattered by the sword's edge.

"Do not!"

The three blood spirits who were fleeing, saw the scarlet sword blade that slashed like a shadow, all screaming in horror.

But had he ever thought that Ling Tian could still display such a marvellous swordsmanship after he sacrificed his life!

However, no matter how fast the body of the blood spirit is, it can't be faster than the sword light. After three muffled sounds, the three groups of blood were smashed by the scarlet sword light, and burned into the sky.

And the breath of Mengman King Yelu's chick completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth!


As Ling Tianshou's thunder sword returned to its sheath, the people in the entire battlefield finally woke up like a dream, and the uncontrollable noise immediately spread.

Countless gazes stared at Ling Tian blankly, and the expression in his eyes was shocking.

The shock deep in my heart is beyond words to describe, and the whole brain is blank.


Yelu, King Monman, is really dead!

After dying under Ling Tian's stroke, the grace of that stroke was so fast that people's thinking appeared stagnant. The arrogant laughter of King Mengman seemed to be still echoing in his ears, but suddenly, just like this, it disappeared forever between heaven and earth.

Directly under everyone's eyes, he was forcefully killed by Ling Tian, ​​and even the bones could not be kept intact.

Ling Tian's tyranny really disregarded all sixth-order Douwang.

"The King..."

On the battlefield, all the Hungarian fighters who were still charging were dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they saw before them.

Their lord, just died like this.

The powerful fighting king of the third tribe, now also following the Tubo king, was killed by this Lingtian, is it possible that this human race is invincible?

how can that be? ?

From now on, this Hungarian will no longer have the name Yeluhachi.

Even, there is no more Monman tribe!

Suddenly, a group of Hungarians felt a piercing chill, and their entire body shivered without warning. It was Ling Tian's eyes falling from the high sky, falling on a group of Hungarian army, and their fear suddenly spread uncontrollably in their hearts.

"Kill them all..."

Following Ling Tian's unsentimental order, Yumen closed, ballistas were fired, countless shells and arrows fell, causing the Hungarians to fall one by one.

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