Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1249: There is a female Qin Mingzhu

Tianyu Realm, Great Desolate State, Eastern Region.

Haiyue City is a coastal town in the Eastern Region.

Here, further east, is the famous sea of ​​extinguishment in the heavenly world.

The Sea of ​​Silence is extremely vast, and no one can cross it except for the top giants in this world.

On the Sea of ​​Silence, islands are dotted around, and even exist no less than the Great Desolate State, and in its depths is the territory of the Demon Witch Race, and the Human Race will never go deep into it.

But at the edge, because of the richness of elixir and materials, many human races are attracted to come to hunt for treasure. Although the sea monsters in the sea are horizontal and horizontal, and there are more evil demon warriors who kill people and sell goods, it is still a paradise for the bottom warriors.

After all, they don't have a chance to make a fortune in the state, and going to sea is the best choice, although it takes a fight.

But if you are unlucky, you will die.

And Haiyue City, standing on the edge of the Great Desolate State, is one of the ports that many bottom warriors choose when they go to sea.

But because Haiyue City is too small and its resources are poor, not many warriors have been attracted.

But on this day, above the sea to the east of Haiyue City, the clear weather of thousands of miles of blue sky instantly changed drastically, and the sky was full of dark clouds. The wind roared, lightning flashed and thunder, and the momentum was terrifying. From between the clouds, there is a This kind of aura slowly revealed.

Thunder Tribulation!

This sudden celestial phenomenon is no stranger to the martial artists around Haiyue City.

When a warrior breaks through every big realm, he will attract thunder robbery. After the thunder tribulation, it was considered as a pass.

But this time, it was the martial artist of Haiyue City who was a little surprised.

Because this time, the Thunder Jie celestial phenomenon is really a bit stronger.

The warriors of Haiyue City have also observed the thunder tribulation they experienced when they broke through to the state of Dharma state when they had a golden body. The terrifying coercion made them feel like destroying the world and destroying the earth. It was extremely terrifying, but with Compared with the astronomical phenomenon this time, it is not even a bit worse.

Is it possible that the great master of the realm of Dharma is the calamity of Du Yuanshen? !

Seeing such a scene, countless martial artists in Haiyue City were envious. The Primordial Spirit Realm was great, although it was nothing to wait for in this wild state. After all, above this great state, there were countless sects, even those in the Martial Emperor Realm. There are also many clutch giants.

But in this Haiyue City, it is the absolute overlord!

I am afraid that a finger can crush this city.

As this celestial phenomenon became more and more violent, countless warriors in Haiyue City who were going to sea had all rushed to the coast. At this time, they all looked towards the direction of the East China Sea and talked a lot.

However, what puzzled them was that the islands within ten thousand miles of Haiyue City were relatively barren. Even if they were once normal, after so many years of digging by the warriors, there were few resources left. So if there is a warrior who crosses the robbery, you shouldn't choose this sea area!

"It's not necessarily. The primordial spirit is a resource-poor generation, they are just trying to be quiet."

A warrior said immediately.



Above the sky, the wind and thunder roared in the roar of the roaring cloud, and a terrifying vortex was condensed, as if there was something going to come out of it.

However, even though Thunder Tribulation has not yet arrived, and thousands of miles away, the coercion emanating from within the whirlpool Tribulation Cloud still makes the warriors inside and outside Haiyue City pale.

The face was even more awe-inspiring. Just the beginning of Thunder Tribulation, there was such a momentum, if the Thunder Tribulation were to fall, what a terrifying sight would it be?

Above the Wanghai Tower, the largest restaurant in Haiyue City, all the warriors showed their faces in surprise, their eyes all looking at the robbery cloud, and the cultivation of these warriors were in the realm of the golden body.

But among them was surrounded by a woman of extremely beautiful figure. Although this woman was covered with a veil, she was so powerful that she had reached the pinnacle of Dhamma!

It is really extremely rare for such a young and powerful warrior to appear in Haiyue City.

Tianjiao like this is definitely a rare talent in the Great Desolate State.

"Uncle Master, this thunder tribulation is weird. We have all seen the tribulation of the law, but it is completely different from this thunder tribulation. The thunder tribulation has not yet been lowered, and it can actually make me feel irresistible. Really terrible!"

"There may be someone who wants to advance to the soul!"

"Then we may have an unexpected gain this time, Master Uncle! Now our sect is declining day by day, if we can recruit this kind of primordial spirit to settle in our sect, I will definitely be happy to come to our sect."

"That's right, the one who chooses to travel abroad here is most likely a casual martial artist. This time, maybe it's our chance."

The golden body masters who surrounded the female warrior spoke in a frantic manner.

"Don’t worry, don’t forget our business. This time it’s for the talented disciples, especially the disciples with alchemy talent. We don’t have the opportunity to get in touch with such great abilities. After all, our Taihua Sect is already present. It's not the same."

Unexpectedly, the woman in the middle sighed.

The excitement on the faces of the golden martial artists suddenly disappeared.

"Oh, yes, it is still difficult for us to recruit a few disciples. The seedlings with good martial arts talents in the past have been divided by other sects. I didn't expect that even the alchemy disciples would fight with us now!"

"That is, what our Taihuazong said was one of the five Great Desolate Prefectures in Sendai at that time. But we were reduced to not even qualified to compete in the Great Desolate Flying Ranking! Now, even the Flying Pill Ranking is about to fall?"

Several warriors kept muttering.

"Let’s just say a few words that no one will treat you as dumb and perish. My heart is not dead. Although I am not sure to compete for a seat on the Flying Pill Ranking for the sect this time, I will try my best. Our goal is to be the next one. Newcomers in this year, as long as there is fresh blood to join, our Taihuazong has the possibility of rising!"

The woman suddenly sneered, causing the surrounding martial artists to nod their heads again and again.



However, at this moment, above the Eastern Sea, in the vortex of Thunder Tribulation, lightning suddenly flashed, and lightning of black, white, blue, and purple suddenly appeared in it. Although Lei Jie hadn't landed yet, the sky above Haiyue City had changed drastically, and even the vitality of the countless warriors within it was violent.

The terrifying aura immediately made the warriors pale in shock.


And just when everyone was about to exclaim, the core of the whirlpool suddenly flashed a **** thunder, which turned out to be like a **** Thunder Dragon tumbling.

The astonishing breath caused the sea to set off turbulent waves, and the coercion spread, causing the warriors with weak cultivation bases to kneel to the ground, suppressing them and unable to get up.

And on the Wanghai Tower, the face of the Dharma-like realm woman's indifferent expression also changed suddenly, with a color of horror in her eyes, and she stood up at the window and exclaimed: "Destroy the Thunder! This is not the tribulation of the soul, it is someone Become the King of Clutch!"

Break through the soul, promote the clutch!

This, is it actually a Martial Emperor who is crossing the robbery!

Watching the thunder robbery in front of her, the woman was very excited.

Such powerful people are also respected existences in Taihua Sect!

Emperor Wu!

Although there are many martial emperors in this world, in the Great Desolate State, they are absolutely top-notch existence. Every sect strength is willing to spend countless costs to win over the super powers. If the emperor who encourages the king sits in town, it is a deterrent. , Is a symbol of first-class sect status!

Without the emperor, no matter how great the power is, it can only be regarded as an influential sect force. Once the strong is offended, everything will be wiped out overnight.

And this kind of emperor must be a casual repair in the sea area of ​​Haiyue City.

Thinking of this, this woman couldn't help but be moved.

However, just as she was alarmed, within the robbery cloud, a gap suddenly opened, as if the sky was torn apart, and then a fireball, bathed in five-colored thunder, fell from the sky.

"No, it's wrong!"

"This is not the emperor's calamity in the state of separation, but the birth of a heavy treasure! This kind of astronomical phenomenon is most likely a profound treasure that surpasses the ninth-order spiritual treasure, or even a mysterious spiritual treasure!

"Zhang Lin, quickly return to the sect general Haiyuecheng to report everything, and the others will follow me into the sea to hunt for treasure!"

"If my Taihuazong obtains such a treasure, I can even try to hit the flying event in the wild state and compete for the flying battle list!"

The woman exclaimed, she couldn't wait to turn into a stream of light, and flew out of the Wanghai Tower.

Not only this Taihuazong female Faxiang, after something fell in the robbery cloud, in Haiyue City, countless warriors rushed into the sea frantically.

No warrior can resist the temptation of Zhongbao.

And the commotion about the birth of Haiyue City Zhongbao lasted for three months.

Within three months, warriors from the various sects of the Great Desolate State came to Haiyue City, and then went into the sea to hunt for treasure, but they all found nothing.

He didn't even know if the heavy treasure had fallen into the sea.

Unconsciously, after three months, Haiyue City fell silent again.

On the streets of Haiyue City, a woman dressed in plain clothes tightened the medicine on her back and hurried to the east city gate.

Her name is Qin Mingzhu, she doesn’t know why her parents gave her such a name, um... because she doesn’t know who her parents are, not just her parents, she doesn’t remember many things, only her grandfather Qin San Depend on her for life.

It’s just that three months ago, Haiyue City’s celestial phenomena were greatly affected, and rumors of the birth of a heavy treasure brought countless warriors to Haiyue City, and Qin San, who made a living by selling materials and low-level pills, was injured by the sect’s children. She couldn't afford to be seriously injured, Mingzhu ran out of scattered and broken spirit stones at home, and could not heal her grandfather.

Now, seeing that she has nothing, she can only take the medicine on her own and try her luck in the open sea.

Qin San didn't know about this, because Qin Mingzhu had very poor aptitude, but now he was still in the Soul Realm cultivation base, and entered the Dead Sea, even if it was the outer sea, he would never have his life back.

But in order to save her grandfather's life, Qin Mingzhu went all out, even if she died, she had to try. After all, in her memory, apart from the dream that she would have every day, there was only Grandpa Qin San left.

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