Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1250: Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship

Today, there are not many warriors on the streets of Haiyue City. Most of them are walking in a hurry, rushing to go to sea, or practicing martial arts at home, and the rich are eating and drinking on the Wanghai Tower, and talking loudly.

Qin Mingzhu passed by Wanghai Tower, smelling the aroma of vegetables and wine wafting from the building, her throat moved fiercely.

Although she had not already made a big deal, the dishes and drinks in Wanghailou were all aura, made of monsters and spirit fruits, and they were so fragrant.

However, Qin Mingzhu sighed after looking at the only two broken spirit stones in his hand.

Just the dishes on that table, I'm afraid it will be worth the cost of her and grandpa for a year.

She has never eaten the food in Wanghailou, although she is very greedy, but the things there are too expensive.

She can't afford it.

Originally, Qin San and her had earned some spirit stones by buying pills for many years, and wanted to let her worship the sect, but because of the serious injury this time, they all went into nothing.

In Qin Mingzhu's eyes, Wanghailou was a dream that would never be realized in this lifetime.

"Hmph, when this lady is rich, she has to eat a table of big meals, and then throw a table, hum!"

"When my grandfather's injury is healed, I will practice alchemy desperately, and will not worship any sect."

The little abacus in Qin Mingzhu's heart was crackling, and she had already begun to figure it out. She licked her chapped lips, snorted and walked away.

"Hey, see who this is, isn't this Qin Chou'er from Mochizuki City? Why do you want to eat this Wanghailou?"

However, at this moment, a few big men came down from the stairs, looking ugly, but with pale faces, they were obviously people who had been lustful for a long time.

They went down to the Wanghai Tower full of alcohol, and stopped Qin Mingzhu.

Chou'er is the nickname given to Qin Mingzhu by others.

There is no reason for her. Although Qin Mingzhu has a very good figure, she doesn't know how attractive she is than the ladies in Haiyuecheng, but Qin Mingzhu has a few hideous scars on her face, as if counted as a centipede crawling on her face. It's terrible.

It is precisely because of this that she has not been taken over by others.

Otherwise, with her background, in Haiyue City, she would have been ruined a long time ago.

"Hey, Bai Lao Wu, how did I discover something about this clown today? This figure is swollen and slouchy. It is really attractive. If you throw it on the bed and cover your face, it will be a lot of enjoyment. Don't you? "

Behind the headed red-faced man, several warriors looked at Qin Mingzhu with expressions of expression on their faces.

"Hehe, don't tell me, I have this feeling after drinking today."

"But that's all, this ugly grandfather is dying, and it's very unlucky to **** with her."

The red-faced man disgusted.

"Your grandpa is dying, I will heal my grandpa."

Qin Mingzhu was a little timid, but still glared at those people.

"You are still scolding me. You haven't paid the three-month protection fee yet. Bring the spirit stone!"

The red-faced man said angrily.

"I, I don't have spirit stones."

Qin Mingzhu clenched his fist.

"No? What is your hand holding?"

The big man stepped forward, grabbed Qin Mingzhu's arm directly, and opened his palm, only to find that Qin Mingzhu was holding only two brittle little spirit stones.

"I'm pooh, just such a small amount of money is really unlucky, get out!"

"Tell you, if you don't pay the protection fee next time, the few of us will turn you around!"

The red-faced man yelled angrily, threw the spirit stone directly, and then drove away with the others.

With tears in Qin Mingzhu's bright eyes, she rushed over to pick up the two broken spirit stones, and then carefully clutched, never staying, and flew out of Haiyue City.

In order to save grandpa, she can bear any grievances.

On the coast, Qin Mingzhu rented a small boat with only two pieces of broken spirit stones and set out to sea.

In the cabin, Qin Mingzhu clutched the blue stardial pendant on her chest, her thin shoulders trembling.

"You have to bless me, you must dig up some useful medicinal materials and exchange for spirit stones..."

The boat enters the sea, but it is more than ten feet away, like a lone leaf.

And what it faces is the endless raging waves...



Ling Tian pushed aside the fifth floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

What caught Ling Tian's eyes was a dense collection of classics on both sides.

Since he was promoted to the soul, Ling Tian also had the qualification to enter this fifth level.

Ling Tian was not disappointed. The fifth floor, similar to the second floor, was full of classics, and the number was much larger than that of the first floor.

Here, it is like a treasure house, not only has a variety of classics and martial arts, but also this alchemy, Taoism and other classics.

In the middle of the fifth floor, Ling Tian also found a golden cheat book enshrined at the highest point.

This is a sword technique that has reached the top level of magical powers.

The name is "Tai Shang Yu Jian Shu".

Although the name didn't sound very domineering, Ling Tian was amazed by the power of this swordsmanship after comprehending the whole secret book.

Within this magical power secret book, there are a total of six terrifying killer moves such as Burning Qianshan, Raging Sea Tide, Broken Stars, Cracking the Sky, and Opening Heaven and Earth. In addition, there is also the secret method of flying swords.

The six killer moves are extremely terrifying, even if it is Sanyang True Fire Slash, it will not do too much, and even has a sword skill bonus, which is more powerful and consumes less power of Tianyuan.

As for the flying sword, it was even more free and easy.

Ling Tian had only seen such misty swordsmanship in the novels and movies of his previous life, but now he did not expect that he had also cultivated.

He has been in this world for three full months.

When Ling Tian woke up, he had been taken into Taoyuan by Tao Yaoyao.

And because of the shuttle space, the inner demon in Ling Tian's body has been wiped out by the power of space, and at the same time, his soul spirit was almost wiped out.

Tao Yaoyao also did the same. Taoyuan flew with her, and in the end her spiritual thoughts were also extremely weak.

Even the two of them couldn't move themselves out of Taoyuan, so they had to recover from their injuries in Taoyuan.

Even though he won the battle against the demon, the injuries he suffered were far beyond his imagination.

If it weren't for the Four Elephant Pagodas, Ling Tian would definitely not recover so quickly.

For three months, Ling Tian regained his dry mind while consolidating his cultivation in the realm of Yuanshen, and the threshold for cultivating Supreme Swordsmanship was the sword domain above the comprehension of sword power.

The so-called sword domain is the domain of swords. The four directions and six combinations are all my swords.

This is a kind of kendo will far above the sword power.

Ling Tian was on the third floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda, holding the Dragon Yuan sword and enlightened Dao for three years, finally comprehending the elementary sword domain, and then cultivated the first two ultimate moves of the Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship, Fen Qianshan and Fury Tide.

There is also the art of swordsmanship.


Above the high mountains in Taoyuan, Ling Tian sat cross-legged, and Long Yuanjian was placed on his knees.

After so many years of warming up, today's Long Yuan Jian has become more and more powerful.

Ling Tian put away the Supreme Beginning Sutra, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and immediately opened the pair of shining eyes.

But in the next second, his gaze fell on the blue stardial on his chest.

This is the action he gets used to every moment, as long as he opens his eyes.

However, there is nothing above the stardial.

"Mingyue, do you know how much I miss you..."

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