Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1265: The sword came and turned over to destroy the sect [three shifts]

After receiving all the storage bags left by the Fanhai Sect warriors, Ling Tian took Qin Mingzhu back home first.


"Yes, Pearl, you can have this achievement, grandpa, in my heart, I am already very pleased, let's go, you go together, this Haiyue City is too small, you should find your real destination, don't worry I'm a terrible old man."

At Qin Mingzhu's house, after listening to Qin Mingzhu's narration, Qin San laughed.

Now, he has recovered to a seventy-eighth level.

Even the bones of the body are much tougher than before.

"But grandpa, I can't bear you..."

Qin Mingzhu lowered his head and said sadly.

"Stupid boy, what's your point of guarding me, this bad old man?"

"My Qin San's biggest wish in this life is to worship the sect. I have no chance. You can't let me down. You must get ahead!"

Qin Sanyu focused on his words.


Qin Mingzhu immediately knelt down and knocked Qin San nine heads.

"Grandpa, Pearl will definitely make her mark in the future. When Pearl stabilizes in the sect, she will take you to enjoy the blessing!"

Qin San nodded again and again, "Good boy, good boy, hurry up and pack your things, you will be on the road overnight."

Seeing Qin Mingzhu out of the room, Ling Tian sat in front of Qin San, pursed his lips, and suddenly said, "Master Qin, there is a question next, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"My lord, please, you are our benefactor, what can't you ask?" Qin San said hurriedly.

"This...Mingzhu, is it really your granddaughter?"

When Ling Tian's voice fell, Qin San was shocked, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He stared at Ling Tian and sighed after a moment, "It's not..."

"Mingzhu was rescued by me when I went to sea three years ago. At the time, she didn't know why she was so badly injured, and she couldn't remember many things. She just knew what her name was Qin Ming, which happened to be my last name, so I called She, Qin Mingzhu, rescued her back."

"But in the past three years, I treated her like my granddaughter."

"It's just that I, Qin San, couldn't stand it, so she still let her suffer a lot with me."

Qin San suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Is it possible, sir, do you know Pearl's life experience?"


Ling Tian nodded, "I came to look for her. For three years, thanks to your care of Pearl, you can rest assured that Pearl will definitely be in this world and be famous all over the world. Just keep these, and I have left the formation outside. Once in danger, you can be transported to a safe place."

With that said, Ling Tian took out the storage bag of Hemingway and others and handed it to Qin San.

These spiritual stone resources are enough for Qinshan to enjoy.

"Okay, okay, so I feel more at ease."

Ling Tian and Qin San came out of the room, Qin Mingzhu had already packed up and saluted.

After feeding the white rabbit one last time, Qin Mingzhu left Haiyue City with Ling Tian.


Three thousand miles northwest of Haiyue City, watch the sea and mountains.

Here is the gate of Fanhai Sect.

At this time the sky has not yet lit up.

Within the sect, many warriors are still practicing with their eyes closed in the room.

But all of a sudden, they all heard a sharp sword sound, which sounded from the outside world.

The sound was loud and clear, like a sword from the sky, flying from outside the sky.

Even the sword on the waist of the swordsman in the sect can't stop humming.

Such visions shocked the Pan Hai Sect.

The warriors and the elders in the sect rushed out of the room continuously.

However, when they saw the shadow of the huge lightsaber in the night sky, not only that, but above the sword light, there seemed to be a thunder dragon entrenched, and when they flew like a meteor, they all opened their mouths. Surprised again and again!

This... This seems to be a flying sword?

What kind of escape is this, it is so strange that they have never heard of it.

However, the flying sword was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it hovered outside the Fanhai Zongshan gate.

At this moment, the Fanhaizong martial artist discovered that there were two figures standing above the sword light!

Someone on the sword? ! Could it be that someone flew here with a sword? !

This kind of escape is too magical, right?

Could it be that the legendary supernatural power level escape method?

At least, they have never heard of someone in this wild state who can fly with a sword!

And the two figures above this sword light were naturally Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu who came from Haiyue City.

"Wow, it's amazing, I can really stand on the sword body!"

Jumping from the sword light, Qin Mingzhu has not yet eased from the excitement of the flying sword.

Along the way, Ling Tian often used the imperial sword to fly, leading Qin Mingzhu on the road, compared to sitting on Xiaoqing's back, this imperial sword was naturally more exciting and novel.

Of course, Ling Tian can't fly the Royal Sword for a long time now. Although the speed of this Royal Sword is faster than the current Xiaoqing Dun speed, it consumes too much power of Tian Yuan, even today Ling Tian can't bear it.

"Hehe, when did I lie to you."

Ling Tian also fell, and the huge sword light that seemed to be substantial on that day quickly converged, and finally turned into a Long Yuan sword, which was taken back into the scabbard by Ling Tian.

"Hey, well, you are the best."

"However, Ling Tian, ​​do you really want to destroy the entire Oceanwide Sect?"

Qin Mingzhu looked at the looming mountain gate road of Oceanwide Sect.

"Naturally, what? You can't bear it?" Ling Tian nodded.

"Well, Ocean Standard Sect is certainly hateful, but there are also innocents." Qin Mingzhu's eyes showed unbearable expression.

"Hehe, then I listen to you, I will only punish all the warriors above the Faxiang Realm of the Ocean Ocean School, and let them fend for themselves for the rest."

Ling Tian chuckled, he naturally wouldn't embarrass Qin Mingyue.

However, if Fanhai Sect does not have the combat power of warriors above the realm of Dharma, it is bound to be retaliated by the enemy, and it is still difficult to escape the disaster of the extinction sect.


Qin Mingzhu felt a little better when he heard the words, but the warriors above the realm of Dhamma had done all the bad things.

"Hehe, I don't know who is the same, come to my Panhai Sect?!"

At this time, Fanhai Zongshan gate opened, and there was a loud bang among the mountains.

Afterwards, Hai Shou, the master of Oceanwide Sect, came out from the gate with a group of Yuanshen and Great Masters of Faxiang.

Hai Shou felt waves of evil aura from the sword light. Knowing that the person who came was not good, he greeted him with all the top combat power in the sect.

"Hehe, no school, no school, next... the swordsman Ling Tian!"

"Swordsman Ling Tian?"

Hai Shou frowned. He has been arranging the great wilderness for so many years, and he has never heard of the name Ling Tian since he dominated a radius of three thousand miles.

"I don't know your Excellency, I don't know, where do you call it?"

"However, I have to remind your Excellency that my Fanhai Sect is backed by the Super Sect Tianjian Pavilion of the Great Wilderness State!"

He saw the killing intent on Ling Tian, ​​and at this moment, he couldn't help but move his patron out.

However, Ling Tian didn't know anything about Tianjian Pavilion and Wanjian Pavilion.

He stood in front of Qin Mingzhu, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"It's okay."

"Come here..."

"Destroy your sect!"

Ling Tian couldn't say anything. Regardless of the panic of Haishou and others, he directly raised his big hand, and the power of the boundless Tianyuan instantly condensed in the sky.

Broken Yueyue, as heavy as a mountain, shakes the wasteland!

The broken Yue seal formed by the power of Tianyuan was so terrifying, even if Ling Tian only used 10% of his combat power, it was still the power of Haishou in the late stage of the Yuanshen that could not be resisted.

The broken Yueyue seal was like the top of Mount Tai, and it smashed to pieces with the Fanhai Sect and the Nahushan Great Formation in one fell swoop.

After the warriors in the Fanhai sect were relieved from the incomparable surprise, they discovered that the sect's guardian formation, the lord Haishou and others had all died outside the mountain gate.

And that sword light rose again, and disappeared into the dark night in the midst of the soaring sword sound...

"Mingzhu, what are your dreams?"

"Well, my dream was to worship Yuanzong, but now I listen to you."

"Hehe, then go to Chaoyuanzong first. I'm afraid that he is young at the Yuanzongmiao, but he can't worship you as a Bodhisattva..."

A laughter sounded above the sword light, hiding into the night.

This night, a swordsman came with his sword and turned his hand to destroy the sect.

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