Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1266: We, Baishanmen! [Four more thanks to the guardian]

The Eastern Region of Dahuang State, Chaolu Mountain Range.

Chaoyuanzong was located here.

The spiritual veins crisscross here, and it is a rare geomantic treasure in this area of ​​the East Coast.

It is precisely because of this that Dynasty Yuanzong has established a sect here for thousands of years, and has flourished to this day.

Although there is no super genius who can become Emperor Wu and make Chao Yuanzong the entrance to Liuzong, he is still the overlord in this area.

Chao Yuanzong is backed by the Xuanyuan Palace, the super sect of the Great Desolate Prefecture, so Fanhaizong and others are incomparable.

Chaoyuanzong lived as a human race, not as innocent as Fanhaizong, but because of its relationship with Xuanyuan Palace, most of the disciples under his disciples walked in the eastern region of Dazhou with pride.

On this day, the Chaoyuanzong was full of lights and festoons, and it was very lively. Within a radius of thousands of miles, all the warriors with heads and faces from all major sects gathered at Chaolu Mountain.

There is no other reason.

Today is the wedding day of Li Yuanchao, the young master of Chaoyuanzong and Zhang Xueqi, the chief disciple of Chaoyuanzong.

The former is the son of the suzerain. Although the talent is not as good as Zhang Xueqi, the cultivation base has also been piled up to the early stage of the law with resources.

But the latter is a well-known lady.

Although it can't be compared with the leaders who enter the Liuzong gate in the Great Wilderness State, now Zhang Xueqi is young and is the cultivation base of the early peak of the Faxiang that he already has, and the middle is only a thin line away.

Such qualifications are already very rare.

Therefore, the big marriage between the two, under the signboard of Chao Yuanzong, attracted many warriors to come to observe the ceremony. Among them, there are many great powers in the realm of Yuanshen, and even under the emperor, the powerful people at the peak of the soul, There are as many as digits.

However, outside the gate of Chaolu Mountain, a couple of men and women suddenly walked up.

Both men and women were dressed in ordinary Tsing Yi and had ugly faces. They had not even entered the door before they were stopped by Chao Yuanzong's guards at the mountain gate.

"Stop! Do you two know what this place is? Go somewhere else in the autumn wind! Get out!"

"It's really not long-sighted, thinking that today the young master and the big sister are married, these beggars are all here after hearing the wind, and I don't know how unlucky it is!"

"That is, I dare to step forward, not afraid of losing my life!"

Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu looked at each other, and the guard disciples of Yuanzong in the sentimental dynasty regarded them as beggars.

"Ah, it seems that we are not here at the right time, Ling Tian, ​​should we go down the mountain first and come back in a few days? Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

Qin Mingzhu stuck out his tongue.

"No, why isn't it time?"

"It is a great opportunity for this sect that you want to worship Yuanzong. There is nothing more important than you."

"However, as I thought, the temple he Chao Yuanzong was not only small, but also really rubbish."

Ling Tian grabbed Qin Mingzhu, who was about to go down the mountain.

"Hey, you two, why don't you leave? You look so ugly, and you are so ugly to be careful of the guests, and you will die!"

The guards saw Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu still standing in front of the mountain gate, and even many guests who came to watch the ceremony blocked the mountain gate to watch the excitement, which made them anxious.

"Hahaha, it turned out that Sect Master Jinri came, and Li has missed and missed to welcome him. I don't know why Haishou of Ocean Ocean Sect did not come with Sect Master Zhang?"

This is, a long roar suddenly sounded in Chaolu Mountain, shaking the heavens and the earth, and the next moment, a retreat light rose and swept out of the mountain gate, and the sky in the distance also lit up several retreat lights at this time, merged into one, and returned to the mountain gate. .

Sect Master Li Dao of that dynasty Yuanzong greeted the guests, his eyes fell, but he found that there were many people outside the mountain gate, and his face was immediately unhappy.

"What are you blocking here?"

He swept his eyes, but he also found Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu, and a look of disgust flashed across their faces.

"Bumping these two people down the mountain, bad luck!"

After all, he and the distinguished guest rushed into the mountains.

"Have you heard, our Sovereign has already ordered it! If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

The guards immediately took out the weapons one by one, and they had to do it.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go."

Qin Mingzhu grasped Ling Tian's big hands.

"Go? Hehe, why should I go?"

"At the pinnacle of the primordial spirit, I dare to be so defiant, I Ling Tian, ​​I have never been looked down upon like this."

"Let's go, today, this Dynasty Yuanzong, I'm up to it!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian gave a sneer, and his long sleeves danced. Outside the mountain gate, all the guards were lifted out directly, knowing whether they were alive or dead.

However, Ling Tian was stunned by the martial artists, pulling Qin Mingyue, step by step up to Chaolu Mountain.

There are just a lot of people today, and he is not going to let Qin Mingzhu hide his timidity anymore.

Because of his presence in the sky, Qin Mingzhu's bright moon face should enjoy the attention of everyone.


"Hey, what's the situation? It hurts Chao Yuanzong's guard? This is going to hit the ground!"

"Yeah, what is the origin of these two people? Today, there are several powerful men of the pinnacle of Yuanshen in Chaoyuanzong!"

"Follow him, anyway, there is fun to watch, walk around, hurry up the mountain!"

Below the mountain, a group of warriors have already danced with joy. As the first sect within a 10,000-mile radius, Chao Yuanzong has now come to smash the place. This kind of excitement, but it is rare in a lifetime, is it a pity to miss it?


"This is Chao Yuanzong? Isn't it so handsome?"

Ling Tian pulled Qin Mingzhu and flickered on the mountain road. The speed was so fast that it was teleporting. Along the way, without disturbing any guards, he reached the square in front of the temple.

At this moment, Qin Mingzhu looked at a huge boulder on the square, and was amazed.

This huge boulder, like a small hill, is in dark gold color. It is located in the center of the square, with the words Chaoyuanshi carved on it. It has an extraordinary momentum.

"This is the Chaoyuan Stone of Chaoyuanzong. Legend has it that this stone is a meteorite iron from the sky. It is extremely tough. It was the first sovereign of Chaoyuanzong to move to Chaoyuanzong. It is said that only Only by separating from the realm of Emperor Wu, can it be lifted to inspire the descendants of the Yuanzong Dynasty!"

"Well, that's right, it's just that for thousands of years, no one in Chao Yuanzong has been able to shake this Chao Yuan Shi with his own power."

Some people passing by this dynasty Yuanshi are all talking about it.

Qin Mingzhu heard this, and then it suddenly became clear.

It turned out that Chao Yuanzong came from this way.

However, Ling Tian sneered at this.

It was just a piece of useless meteorite.

Zhang Xueqi's wedding ceremony is about to begin, and all the guests are already seated on the square.

But Qin Mingzhu was pulled by Ling Tiansheng, just like that, standing right in front of Chaoyuan Stone, neither humble nor overbearing, just like two long swords hanging silently.

Such a scene naturally caused a lot of discussion among the distinguished guests in the hall.

Seeing this, Zhang Xueqi and Li Yuanchao walked out holding hands.

"It's you?"

Zhang Xueqi recognized Qin Mingzhu at a glance.

Isn't this the ugly monster who slapped his face in Haiyue City a few days ago?

"Huh, bold!"

"Who should come to me to run wild against Yuanzong, really when I want to enter here?"

In the main hall, the lord Li Dao teleported out and stood in front of the hall.

His gaze fell on Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu, who bowed their heads slightly, "Say, why are you waiting for the two of you here? If you don't say a reason for passing, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Today is a day for his son and his disciples to rejoice. He didn't want to kill anyone.

But if someone deliberately provokes, he can only take action.

"We, Baishanmen!"

Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his sword was like thunder!

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