Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1385: Shanhai Zongyue Palace?

Not to mention that everyone on the deck was surprised, it was Ling Tian himself, who never expected that Xiao Qing, who had swallowed the Black Golden Wing Dragon crystal core, would become like this.

This is too big!

Is this a mount?

Is this a spaceship?

Don't talk about hurrying for such mounts, it's a waste.

"I'm going, this is Ling Tian's mount? I think it's a waste of you to ride him. This big guy is too cool to pull out, so handsome!"

Zhen Mo Ran said with a look of excitement.

Ling Tian shook his head, "What handsome, I haven't seen what it looks like until now!


However, it seemed to have heard Ling Tian's words.

A jet of water burst into the sky suddenly from the underwater, and then Xiaoqing's huge body jumped out of the water, allowing everyone to witness his majestic posture.

I saw that Xiaoqing's body was black and gold now, with densely covered scales and gleaming gloomy lights, which was almost the same as the black gold pterosaur.

But the difference is that the wings behind Xiao Qing are even bigger, and the main body is also thicker. Although it is not the slender dragon of the black gold pterosaur, Xiao Qing is more domineering and mighty.

Moreover, Xiao Qing's head remained the same. It was still the same as before, resembling a dragon and a unicorn, but both were far more hideous and terrifying than the previous two.

Anyway, it is still a monster.

"What kind of mount is this? Why have I never seen it?"

Zhang Jing looked at the behemoth diving into the water again, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Cai'er, Little Ayou, have you ever seen such strange beasts in the sect classics?"

Ran Min also looked at the two people beside him and asked.

"No, I don't know."

"No, I have really studied a lot of ancient alien beasts, but the one in front of me is nothing like the four. He has a lot of characteristics of the blood of the beasts, but the aura is completely different. I don't know, it's really strange..."

Ning Cai'er and Xiao Ayou both shook their heads.

"Forget it, although I don't know what this guy is, but there is no doubt that this guy is very powerful, at least, I think he is better than that dragon."

Zhen Mo Ran clapped his hands.

"Yes, it can drag us through this big lake, and the surrounding Black Fiend Demon Emperor has all retreated, can it not be strong?"

Liu Min pursed his lips, no longer knowing what to say.

Ling Tian also scratched his head. He had always been concerned about Xiaoqing's identity.

But like everyone else, he didn't find any clues about Xiaoqing's identity.

Just know that every time Xiaoqing evolves, his body shape will change, and this time the change is even more earth-shaking.

As for his identity, it seems that Lao Hou has always known it.

Now, Lao Hou in Taoyuan is standing by the water pool, standing with his hands in his hands, watching Xiaoqing in the sea intently.

However, no matter how intimidated and lured Ling Tian was, Lao Hou just kept talking about Xiaoqing's identity.

It seemed that he was very afraid of Xiaoqing.

However, Lao Hou is the sacred beast guarding Huangquan in hell, and he doesn't even look at the Dragon Clan. Then in this world, what can make Lao Hou jealous?

When he knocked on his forehead, Ling Tian was also tired of guessing.

It doesn't matter what he is, he is strong anyway.

Big deal, when the time comes to go to the Four Great Climbing Sendai or Tianyu Xiandao to ask, he doesn't believe it, and can't find out Xiaoqing's identity.


With the terrifying Xiaoqing towing the big boat, the entire voyage was greatly shortened. It took ten days. In the end, it took Xiaoqing only five days to pull the big boat and reach the destination.


"Liu Min, come out, that is to say, Shanhaizong? Are you fooling this girl?"

Zhen Mo Ran stood at the bow of the ship, pinching his waist.

At this moment, in front of the big ship, there was only a small shoal, with a radius of only a few miles, and you could see the head at a glance. There was nothing on it, let alone the sect.

"I don't dare, this is Shanhaizong!"

Liu Min laughed.

Little Ayou frowned, and then his immature voice sounded, "I feel the power of space. There should be an independent space hidden here."

"Secret Realm!"

Ning Cai'er pursed her lips.

"That's it, then we really found the right place. There are no other ships around. We should arrive earlier than Yeluchu."

Zhang Jing's eyes lit up.

For this kind of sect relics, being able to enter an hour earlier would have taken advantage of it.

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry in!"

Ran Min lifted Changyue and jumped off the ship.

"Brother Ran Min, don't worry, let me come first."

Ling Tian put Xiaoqing away, and then led everyone to get off the ship.

He had already seen that there was an independent space here.

At this time, on the stardial, Qin Mingzhu's spot of light had already coincided with him.

Ling Tian looked in front of the shallows, suddenly frowned, and immediately behind him, the next moment, his arm disappeared in front of everyone.

"Go in, there is no barrier, it is open."

After Ling Tian said it, he stepped directly into it.

Behind them, Ran Min and others looked at each other and quickly followed.

"Wow...Is this the Shanhaizong, it's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, it deserves to be the most powerful sect of the Kun character domain. I am afraid that even if it is the overlord-level sect of the Western Regions, right?’

"Look, there is a moon in the sky! There is a moon here!"

Everyone came in from the outside and saw the real appearance of Shanhaizong, and suddenly they were all stunned.

Ling Tian is no exception.

If you use one word to describe Shanhaizong, it is ‘beauty’.

In two words, atmosphere!

The entire Shanhaizong's space is huge, at least Ling Tian didn't see the margin.

And in the space, the sky is high and the air is refreshing, the blue sky and white clouds are all peaceful.

The mountains and rivers are vertical and horizontal, and the fog is heavy.

The Zhu wall and green roof, hidden among the green mountains and green waters, are beautiful.

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth is even more rich to the extreme, and the pores of the whole body are opened.

However, the most eye-catching and startling thing among them is that a moon is floating above the high sky in the distance.

The day rises to the moon.

This is a spectacle.

What's more, Ling Tian hadn't seen the moon since he entered the outer secret storehouse.

"His, no, this is not the moon."

"That's a palace!"

Ling Tian suddenly took a breath.

Ran Min and the others also condensed their gazes. After a while, they exclaimed, "Yes, that seems to be a suspended, crescent-shaped mountain with a palace on it!"

"The palace on the moon, is this the legendary moon palace failed?"

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