Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1386: Yeluchu is fierce [Fourth thanks to Mr. Chen's essential oils]

Ning Cai'er and the others looked at the palace made of pure white jade bricks on the moon. For a time, they all admired to the extreme.

Above the sky of Shanhaizong, there is a moon palace unexpectedly.

Don't think about it, that is definitely the most mysterious place of Shanhaizong.

The top Lingbao Mountain and Sea Bottle must also be in that palace.

Ling Tian took out the stardial and found that the position of Qin Mingzhu's red dot had changed again. Calculated according to the distance, it should be in that moon palace.

For this, Ling Tian didn't have any surprises, because Qin Mingzhu was originally the body of Yuehua, perhaps because of some coincidence, Qin Mingzhu was led here by this mountain and sea sect.

However, flying and crossing are still prohibited here. Thinking of reaching the Moon Palace, I have to leave a little bit.

"Since you have come in, everyone will disperse and look for opportunities, but be careful. This is not as safe as it seems. Don't forget, this is the lair of the Black Fiend..."

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

"Yes, it's best not to be too scattered. Twenty people are looking for opportunities for a team. Don't worry. We are the first to come. There is enough time."

Ran Min also gave an order, and everyone was gone.

Among the thousand people, the twenty most tyrannical people were naturally together, led by Ling Tian, ​​and went straight to the core of the Shanhai Sect.

As Ling Tian expected, everyone just stepped into the ruins when they encountered the black evil monster hiding in the mountains and rivers.

There are no warriors from the ancient times in this mountain and sea sect, only these black evil beasts occupy the magpie's nest.

However, these monster beasts are extremely tyrannical, and the outer ones are acceptable, but the closer to the core, the stronger the monster beasts they encounter.

Even after Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian's team encountered the Black Fiend Demon Emperor in the late fourth stage.

The level of horror is just slightly inferior to the Black Golden Pterodactyl.

But the gains of twenty people are also quite expensive, not to mention the demon crystal, the exercises, medicines, and weapons obtained along the way are quite a lot.

Even the top grade armor, everyone found as many as six.

This made Zhen Mo Ran, Ning Cai'er and the others very excited, because with the best armor, Ling Tian could be inscribed, so that he would have purple wings of brilliant light.

Shanhaizong outside.

After seventeen days of sailing, Yelu Chuxie finally rushed to the shallow shoal where the Shanhaizong space was sitting.

His team is even larger, with two big ships carrying it, and the number of people is as many as 1,500.

You know, the entire Kun character domain is only more than three thousand people. Those who went out and died, were almost all recruited by Ling Tian and Yeluchu.

Moreover, no matter in terms of number or combat power, Yeluchu's 1,500 people absolutely occupies the absolute top.

Because among these warriors, there are nine who are ranked in the top ten on the Qingyun list.

The only one who is not there is Na Ran Min.

And the top 50 masters of its Qingyun list, there are 30 people.

Along the way, the reason why they were able to arrive here three days in advance was because Yelu Chuxian personally controlled the ship and made its speed soar.

However, when he saw the empty ship on the other side of the shoal, Yeluchu fiercely stayed there as if he had seen a ghost.

They are a step late!

"What's the matter? Someone arrived before us?"

Behind Yeluchuxie, all the disciples of Cangyun Zhange also exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"Could it be that Ran Min failed?!"

"Yes, we saw that their team's rankings are skyrocketing. Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else..."

"Damn, we Cangyun Zhan Pavilion planned for so long, we were even preempted!"

Yeluchu's chest continued to rise and fall, and he held the black trident halberd in his hand, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

"No matter who I am, if I dare to touch my Yeluchu's fierce things, I will die!"

"Come with me!"

The corners of his mouth twitched constantly, and Yelu Chuxie flew down directly, daring not to be afraid, and then rushed into the space.

Behind him, more than 1,500 warriors also swarmed up in anger.

Along the way, they are as powerful as a bamboo, and they have never encountered resistance. At this moment, how can they tolerate this Shanhaizong relic being swiftly ascended first?



Inside the relics of Shanhaizong.

Ran Min's purple wings bloomed behind him, and his whole body was enveloped in brilliant golden light. His aura broke out to the peak, and then he slashed down, beheading a tiger and leopard demon emperor with two heads on top of the mountain.

The rank of this monster beast has reached the late fourth stage, and it is not much different from that black gold pterodactyl.

However, Ling Tian was sitting in town, and now Ran Min was no longer what he used to be, so it didn't waste much time to kill him.

At this time, Ling Tian's team of thousands of people had swept through most of the sect relics, and the black evil demon emperor's roar could be heard everywhere.

The core of the sect was already in front of Ling Tian.

On the mountain peak, Ling Tian never made a move.

The moonwalking mountain above his king's head was magnificent and magnificent, and Ling Tian could also sense extremely strong fluctuations.

There, this extremely terrifying Black Fiend Demon Emperor is absolutely hidden.

At least, it's not worse than that Zhetianyan bird.

And Qin Mingzhu's breath, although looming, was definitely in that hall, and Ling Tian knew that Qin Mingzhu must also be aware of her arrival, but she could not come out because of some willingness.

She was trapped.

Only this can explain.

However, Ling Tian was relieved that Qin Mingzhu was not in danger, and his aura was constantly rising.

This makes Ling Tian somewhat unclear.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​we have gained a lot this time. We found two more armors in the underground palace on that mountain. Apart from you, we have all got together!"

At this time, Ran Min and others all flew up.

And Na Zhen Mo Ran and Ning Cai'er each held a suit of armor.

Both sets are made for female warriors. Ning Cai'er's is a tulle and colorful dress, while Zhen Moran's is dark green soft armor.

"Ling Tian, ​​hurry up, they all have wings, but we don't!"

Zhen Moran threw the armor over and urged impatiently.

Ning Cai'er was still ashamed, and she handed the gauze over delicately, curling the corners of her skirt to salute: "Thank you, Brother Lingtian."


Ling Tian naturally didn't have the guts to reject the two beauties, the flames in his hands rose, and after a while, he finished engraving the two suits of armor.

The whole body of the two women flickered, and they couldn't wait to put on their clothes. The next moment, a pair of bright purple wings bloomed behind the two women.

It's so beautiful.

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems that if we want to go to the palace on that month, we must first go to the top of the mountain."

Liu Min pointed to a mountain not far away. The mountain seemed to have been flattened. On top of it was a huge square, or, in other words, it was more like a place for worshiping some gods.

Because there is a huge statue of a hundred feet high.

"Well, but they finally arrived."

Ling Tian nodded, his pupils suddenly shrank.


Ran Min's face changed.

At this time, everyone else also came forward, and their faces all changed.

On the opposite mountain peak, suddenly dense figures flew over. Along the way, the tyrannical aura and coercion set off a gust of wind, like an overwhelming mountain.

And the nine people headed by him were shrouded in extremely bright light of the soul, and the tyrannical coercion almost caused the void to burst.

Not only that, in front of the nine people, a sturdy figure was holding a trigeminal dragon spine in his hand, standing on a huge pterosaur-shaped mount, which was as big as two hundred feet!

The bright purple wings bloomed behind the figure above it, as if a **** would look down, looking at everyone in Ling Tian.

"Qingyun first place, the disciple of the overlord sect Cangyun Zhange, Yelu Chu is fierce!"

Liu Min strained his face, and said word by word.

After waiting for so long, the ultimate battle of Kun Ziyu is finally here.

Zhen Moran sneered at the wings behind it.

"Haha, Ziguang Feather, Great Mount, is he showing off with us again?"

"I'm afraid, he thinks too much..."

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