Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1387: Mount Purple Lightwing?

On the mountain, with the exception of Ling Tian, ​​the other low-ranking warriors immediately showed horror in their eyes after the initial shock.

Yeluchu is fierce, this is the top arrogant in the Western Regions.

Finally at this time, here comes!

In the Kun character domain, he is an invincible existence.

Since entering the Tianwai Secret Collection Kun character domain, his ranking has always been the first, and no one has ever surpassed it.

Moreover, the warriors who dared to challenge his status also died extremely miserably.

This guy is a murderous master.

Thinking of this, those warriors couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Although they also knew Ling Tian's tyranny, and there was also Ran Min, the opponent's lineup was even more tyrannical. They had never faced it before, and they didn't know what the outcome would be if they fought.

Ling Tian also looked at the headed Yelu Chu fiercely.

These people should arrive later than them. Now that they can climb the mountain in the middle one step earlier, they should have gathered everyone's combat power and killed them all the way.

Among the crowd, Ling Tian glanced at the front nine people. Except for Yeluchuxie, all eight of them reached the realm of the late Yuanshen Xiaozhuo, and Yeluchuxiu showed signs of breaking through the Xiaozhuo realm. , If successful, his anger will skyrocket again.

However, even so, the aura on Yeluchu's fierce body was still enough to suppress everyone.

If Ran Min meets, he may still be unable to hold on to three tricks.

"Haha, Ran Min, you are really a fool who took us one step ahead!"

Yeluchuxie is condescending, and it seems that Ran Min and others are not worthy to talk to him. So when Yeluchuxie’s more than 1,500 warriors all stood on the mountain, behind him, a disciple of the Cangyun War Pavilion was holding in his hand. Holding the spear, he snorted directly at Ran Min.

"Ling Tian, ​​the leader is Yelu Chuxie. Of the eight people behind him, four of them are disciples of Cangyun Zhange. They are called Cangyun Four Jun. They are very famous. They are with Yelu Chuxie. , Occupying the top five of the Qingyun list, it is very powerful."

"The remaining four people, although they are not from Cangyun Zhan Pavilion, they have always had a good relationship with Yeluchu, and now they have all come together."

Liu Min tensed his face behind Ling Tian, ​​his expression grim.

"Well, it's not bad."

Ling Tian nodded slightly, but was noncommittal.

Among these people, Yelu Chu was fierce, who was worthy of Ling Tian's face.

"Hahaha, that's right, it's me, Ran Min, why? This Shanhaizong, your Cangyun Zhange hasn't let us in yet?"

Ran Min didn't have wings, holding Changyue and Black Shield, standing in front of the crowd, smiling from a distance, and his voice vibrated far away with his vitality.

"Ran Min!"

"You have to pay attention to your identity, you are just the ninth arrogant!"

"Why, I feel that I have recruited more than a thousand people, so I dare to compete with our Cangyun Zhan Pavilion?"

"Now, my Cangyun War Pavilion only gives you one chance! Immediately turn in the harvest of all of you in the Shanhai Sect! Then everyone, surrender to my Cangyun War Pavilion!"

"Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

The second-ranked disciple of Cang Yun Zhan Pavilion yelled coldly.

It seems that he is not willing to talk to Ran Minduo at all.

"Hahaha, let me wait until I hand in the harvest, but also surrender to you, hahahaha!"

Ran Min suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard some big joke.

The people behind him also pursed their lips and chuckled.

This caused Tianjiao and others in Cangyun Zhange's face to change.

They clearly felt contempt from the laughter of these people.

This makes people angry. In their Cangyun Zhange's eyes, people like Ran Min are nothing but rubbish.

Why can you laugh at them and contempt them!

"Ran Min, what are you laughing at? Is it because you look down on us in the Cangyun Zhan Pavilion? Forget that back then, when you saw us, you fleeed everywhere with your tail clipped!"

The Tianjiao of Cangyun Zhange said angrily.

"Hmph, Xu Xiao, you Cangyun Zhan Pavilion are not gods. Why are you pointing fingers at us? I urge you to restrain yourself!"

Liu Min finally couldn't help it, and stood up and said angrily, "In the beginning, I still remember how you got the secret of Shanhaizong from me!"

"Hahaha, who am I at that time, weren't you the trash who called willow? Why, we didn't kill you at the beginning, we already gave you face."

"I really regret it now that I didn't kill you casually!"

"Otherwise, we won't let Ran Min go one step ahead of us!"

A hideous color rose on the face of Cangyun Zhange's Tianjiao.

"Don't talk nonsense with them. Give you ten breaths. If you don't surrender, you will kill them all."

A group of disciples of Cangyun Zhange had no patience anymore.

"Hehe, Lao Ran didn't try my best to make a decision, Ling Tian, ​​it's your turn."

However, everyone above the mountain gave way to a path.

Let Ling Tian walk slowly to the forefront.


The Tianjiao of Cangyun Zhange suddenly frowned.

This person, they have never seen him before.

"Excuse me, these thousand warriors are all my brothers."

"And in my Ling Tian's life, there is no such word as surrender."

"Moreover, you are not worthy at all."

Ling Tian held up his hand, raised his head indifferently, and his back was straight, like a long sword out of its sheath.

With a sword and a long club on his back, dressed in white, with a silver white hair, he grinned and danced with pride.

"What? We are not worthy?"

Then Xu Xiao was taken aback, and then looked at each other with the warriors, and suddenly sneered: "I've seen a ghost, don't you all have lost your heart?"

"What kind of cat or dog, dare to come and talk?"

"What are you, what qualifications do you have to talk to my Cangyun Zhan Pavilion?"

"In our eyes, you can just kill the ants with your hands!"

But at this moment, Yeluchu was fiercely angry. He sat down on the pterodactyl mount and roared to the sky. The trident in his hand bloomed with divine light, as if to tear the sky apart.

Not only that, the 1,500 warriors behind him were all shouting together, their voices thunderous and earth-shattering.

Billowing momentum, swept directly.

It seemed that they were going to use such invincible pressure to force everyone in Ling Tian to surrender.

"Hehe, Mo Ran is right. Based on this, if you want to pretend to be a match, I'm afraid I'm thinking too much."

When the voice fell, Ling Tian's whole body suddenly shook. After being activated at the beginning, the sea of ​​qi shook wildly, and the power of Tianyuan was at its peak in an instant.

At the same time, the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art was activated, and the light of colored glaze bloomed, allowing Ling Tian to be enveloped by the shadow of the Dragon and Phoenix.

The momentum that bursts in an instant, in an instant, is sweeping across all directions.

Even, it is not much worse than that of Yeluchu!

"Brothers, someone wants us to surrender, do you agree?"

Ling Tian waved his hand and shouted again.

Immediately, the brilliance surged in front of him, and a huge creature appeared in front of the mountain.

At this time, Xiaoqing was summoned directly by Ling Tian.

Its nearly one-thousand-foot body, covering the sky and sun, made Yeluchu's fierce mount look like a baby.

Ling Tian led the 19 people behind him to leap above Xiaoqing's back.

Not only that, countless sounds of breaking through the air sounded from all directions, more than a thousand warriors, at this moment, all gathered behind Ling Tian and others at the fastest speed.

"Brothers and sisters, Yelu thinks that he has a purple light wing, which is remarkable. Shall we show him what is imposing?"

Zhen Mo Ran gave a smile, and then shook his whole body, releasing all his momentum, and a pair of purple wings suddenly bloomed from behind.

Although Zhen Mo Ran's aura exploded, the rest of Ran Min and Zhang Jing and others were all blooming.

For a moment, on Xiaoqing's huge back, after it was enveloped by the Dragon and Phoenix phantom, the nine masters, all with purple wings on their backs, stood up.

In an instant, the aura of over a thousand warriors on Ling Tian's side, overwhelmed the river and the sea, and the fierce side of Yeluchu, abruptly shook each other!

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