Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1388: Fighting a palm to destroy Tianjiao


The two auras shook together, like two mountains colliding, and the rumbling sound of the shock echoed endlessly throughout the mountain sea sect.

However, what made all the warriors on the side of Cangyun Zhan Pavilion never expected.

In terms of their aura, they couldn't crush the 1,000 people on the opposite side!

This is simply incredible.

You know, their side, no matter in the number of people or in the combat power of the warriors, they are completely better than the opposite.

However, when they saw the huge mount under Ling Tian and the nine figures with purple wings behind him, their eyes widened in astonishment, and they were completely speechless!

what's the situation?

The look fierce, resembling a dragon but not a dragon, but its momentum was overwhelming, but it was far better than the pterosaur mount under Yelu's body, which completely surpassed their imagination.

It's terrifying.

Not only that, they originally thought that only a supreme arrogant like Yelu Chuxie could have purple wings of light at this time.

That is a symbol of leadership.

It is said that the purple light wings can more than double the combat power of the warrior.

This is simply unimaginable.

But now, before their eyes, nine such existences appeared alive!

Those nine people, in terms of combat power, were completely incomparable with Yeluchu's fierceness, but they possessed the same wings of light.

This makes Yeluchu's unique image disappear.

Those tyrannical mounts and purple wings that made Yeluchu and fierce proud, there were also on the opposite side.

And, stronger, more!

"how can that be?'

Xu Xiao of Cangyun Zhan Pavilion saw this scene, and it took a long time before he said in a daze.

At this time, he only felt that his face was hot, in front of almost everyone in Kun Ziyu, this time, he was really beaten in the face.

"Haha, Xu Xiao, are we qualified now?"

Ran Min's wings flapped slowly behind him, brilliance splashed to the ground like a star, Changyue in his hand pointed straight ahead.

"Damn it, even so, what can you do? I am Xu Xiao shot, you are still not my opponent!"

Xu Xiao said angrily.

"Your name is Ling Tian?"

However, at this moment, Yeluchu fierce, who was standing above the pterodactyl, finally spoke.

He put away his mount, hovering in the sky, with a pair of indifferent pupils, looking at Ling Tian.

"Exactly." Ling Tian nodded.

"Hehe, originally I wanted to include you, then I will unify the Kun character domain and fight the Five Elements Realm."

"But now, if you want to die so, then I, Yeluchu, can only kill you."

Yelu Chuxiong's face was twitching.

Since he entered the Secret Vault, he has never been so angry as he is today.

Only by killing all these people who dared to resist him can he extinguish the anger in his heart.

"Huh, big brother is right!"

"Brothers, although they are tyrannical, don't forget our own strength and still crush them!"

"What if there are light wings, as long as they are wiped out, these opportunities will all be ours!"

Xu Xiao also raised the spear in his hand, and his whole body was full of momentum.


"Kill them all!"

Being slapped by Xu Xiao, the martial artists behind him also heated up in their eyes.

Only by skimming can we get enough resources.

What's more, the thousand people of the other party seem to be worth a lot of money.

For a time, it was like a mountain river bursting a bank, and more than 1,500 warriors, under the leadership of Xu Xiao, rushed down from the half of the mountain first.

"Yelüchuxie and Cangyun Sijun give it to me, everyone else, you solve them."

Ling Tian snorted coldly, the light flashed, and it was the first one to fly down.

In the face of more than one thousand and five hundred arrogances, Ling Tian was unafraid.

"Hahaha, since that's the case, we can't show our weakness. I can't win the Cangyun War Pavilion, but I am not afraid of the rest!"

"Children, and I defeated them in one fell swoop, rush!"

And Ran Min also roared, carrying Changyue, and carrying more than a thousand warriors, heading forward.

Ling Tian took over the first team of Cangyun Zhan Pavilion alone, so the remaining Tianjiao, Ran Min and others have the blessing of wings and will not lose at all.


Yeluchuyu didn't make a shot at the first time, but Xu Xiao, who ranked second, screamed inwardly.

Even if they win this battle, the losses are inevitable.


However, without waiting for him to think about it, Ling Tian's figure had reached a position not far in front of them.

"You guys, let's go together."

Ling Tian stood with his hands in his hands, suspended in the air, the power of the Tianyuan rolling in his body, and the power of the physical body shook in the ocean, like the Yangtze River.

At this time, it was the first time for Ling Tian to release both energies before everyone else.

"Hehe, you are so brash, let us go together, what are you?"

"Second brother, give this person to me, I can take his life with three swords!"

Before Xu Xiao was angry, a swordsman behind him had already flashed out and flew out.

"I am Chen Yun, a disciple of Cangyun Zhange, fifth on the Qingyun list!"

"My Cangyun Zhan Pavilion is the overlord-level sect, and one is full of arrogances. I will kill you like a dog!"

Then Chen Yun drew the ice-colored long sword from his waist, and his whole body was icy will suddenly violent, and a terrifying coercion suddenly became thick and thick.

Xiaocheng of the Frozen Sword Domain, just in an instant, filled the surrounding space with icy frost. If you are an ordinary leader, just standing on the frost will be frozen into a popsicle.

Ranked fifth, Tianjiao, the strength of the sword domain, is no different from that of Ran Min. Although the weapon in his hand is not like Ran Min's but the king's first, but the combat power is extraordinary.


The ice domain spreads along the space towards Ling Tian, ​​but there are sword shadows around Ling Tian, ​​which easily isolates the power of that domain.


Chen Ziyu frowned slightly, and didn't want to endure anymore. The true essence of his body was agitated, and the power of the sword domain condensed into frosty sword light on the sword body, and he slashed directly at Ling Tian.


This sword sacrificing, roared with frost and frost, the cold wind was biting, the chill attacked the heart, and the power of the domain was quite impressive.

If Zhang Jing and others met, they would definitely lose with one sword.


However, at this time Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes, still carrying the hands, but the divine light in his eyes flickered, causing Chen Yun's spiritual thoughts to suddenly shock.

It was as if, facing a poisonous snake and beast, the chill instantly swept across his body, and even Yihai suddenly stung.

"Three swords kill me? You can't even catch my palm!"

Ling Tian looked at Chen Yun indifferently and mockingly.

After that, he didn't give him room to think at all. Tian Yuan and the power of the physical body urged them together, flicking the palm of the cloud, and then shook it out!

Flick the palm of the cloud, sweep the Liuhe!

Although Ling Tian didn't use the power of the weapon, the energy blessed by the Supreme Beginning Scripture and the Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue was terrifying.


What a terrifying palm it was, and when the bright light appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

With a palm swiping out, it is like overwhelming mountains and seas, the world is shaking, the space is shattered, and it is ruined.

Along the way, the light of Chen Yun's sword domain was all shattered!

"No, it's impossible!!"

Chen Yun exclaimed again and again, but his whole body was trembling at this time, watching the sword light he offered was shattered, but he could not move.

He was locked in by a powerful divine mind, and he couldn't use any of his body skills!

Even Lingbao cannot be sacrificed.

Chen Yun roared desperately, watching the shaking hand coming over, frantically offering various talisman seals, wanting to resist.

But everything is in vain!

That big hand is too fast.


When Fu Yun's palm swept past, Chen Yun was slapped into flesh in a flash, and his body was directly shattered in the air.

With just one palm, Tianjiao, the fifth on the Qingyun list, was killed!

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