Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1389: Destroy the Four Jun and Yelu

"Chen Yun!"

Xu Xiao exclaimed and looked at her junior, just like Ling Tian's palm blasted and killed!

Not only Xu Xiao and the crowd of Cangyun Zhange were dumbfounded, but also the thousands of warriors who were fighting. After seeing this scene, Yu Guang took a breath in his heart.

This guy who commands more than a thousand warriors is so tyrannical.

Did you kill Chen Yun, who was ranked fifth on the Qingyun list, with unarmed power?

"Damn it, kill my junior, I'm fighting with you!"

"Kill me Cangyun Zhan Pavilion, you will definitely want you to pay for it!"

For a moment, around Xu Xiao, two disciples from Cangyun Zhan Pavilion rushed up here with their weapons.

"I am a disciple of Cangyun Zhange..."

Two martial artists, one on the left and the other on the right, are thinking of their own registration numbers.

But it was blocked by Ling Tian's scream.

"No need to introduce, killing me is like slaughtering a dog, I will kill you only when I turn my hands!"

Ling Tian let out a low cry, and his hands came out together, and the dazzling energy enveloped his hands, the next moment, it fell directly.

Broken Yueyin, shocking the wasteland!

The prisoner of the dragon, the whale can be prisoner!

Two hands swept across the world, as everyone exclaimed, one palm first slapped one of the Cangyun Zhange Tianjiao on the top of the mountain, and directly killed it.

With the other hand, Shengsheng grabbed the warrior in his hand, and then squeezed it exploded with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, the two Tianjiaos of Cangyun Zhange died at the hands of Ling Tian.

Moreover, it is still in such a way that is almost torture.

Could it be that these arrogances are really so weak?

"Hehe, do you still want to go?"

Ling Tian retracted his energy hand and looked at the sky in the sky, only Xu Xiao was left.

The first of the four great masters of Cangyun and the second best tianjiao on the Qingyun list.

"No, it's impossible, how can you be so strong."

Xu Xiao reacted suddenly and kept shaking his head.

The death of the three juniors had already destroyed his will.

Even if Yeluchu is fierce behind him, but the big brother does not make a move, he faces Ling Tian, ​​it is only a dead end!


Almost subconsciously, Xu Xiao knew that he was not Ling Tian's opponent, so he turned around, carrying a spear and fleeing to Yelu Chu.

The distance between the two is not far, between the three breaths, you can go back.

By then, if Yeluchu was fierce, he wouldn't believe it, so Ling Tian could do anything to him.

However, Xu Xiao's escape without a fight actually surprised everyone.

The face of Cangyun Zhange was really lost by Xu Xiao.

"Hehe, want to escape, can you escape?"

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly spoke.

And the next moment, the dragon and phoenix phantom on his body began to roar up to the sky, and the physical power in his body instantly boiled, like a river of power surging through his body.

Above his arms, in a flash, there were two dazzling shadows of dragons roaring between the mountains.


Ling Tian didn't hesitate at all, bent his arms and fisted horizontally, and straight out two punches!

Long shocked the world!

The same is the Seventh Dragon Fist, and the same is the same with two punches.

But this time, the Dragon Fist that Ling Tian displayed was far better than the previous two punches that he used to face Ran Min!


Ran Min took a deep breath.

Secretly, if Ling Tian used these two punches to deal with him, then he would undoubtedly die!

too fast!

At such a close distance, Ling Tian's Dragon Fist Shadow, like a shooting star, galloped past.

"No! Big brother save..."

Feeling the terrifying fist aura behind him, Xu Xiao covered his back with the power of the domain, while offering a spirit treasure to protect the whole body.

However, his call for help had not been sent out in the future, and Ling Tian's two punches had already reached Xu Xiao's back.


With a huge shock, the power of the domain behind Xu Xiao was instantly shattered.

Although the Lingbao blocked Ling Tian's fists, the impact force directly penetrated Lingbao's protection and fell on Xu Xiao's body.


Xu Xiao in the light of Lingbao, from head to toe, bones and flesh will burst every inch. In the horrified eyes of everyone, it directly exploded into a cloud of blood!

When the breathless Lingbao fell on the ground, there was no such person as Xu Xiao in this world.

So far, Cangyun four handsome, not one left!

All were killed by Ling Tian's bare hands.

Moreover, it was all in such a way of torture and killing, and even the bones were gone!

"Hehe, Cangyun Sijun, but so!"

Ling Tian spoke slowly, the glazed glaze on his body could not be extinguished, but the shadow of the dragon and phoenix was still solid.

It seemed that killing Xu Xiao four people didn't waste his energy at all.

His handsome face was pale as a demon at the moment, his head was full of white hair, and he was dancing like a waterfall. His eyes were as black as ink and as deep as an abyss, and the mark of heaven and earth between his eyebrows flickered.

Ling Tian at this moment was like an ancient killing god, no one could resist his sharp edge.

"I am Lingtian in the Great Desolate Prefecture!"

"From today, I want to unify the Kun character domain!"

"Yelüchu fierce, it's you!"

Ling Tian's figure is like the wind, crossing the void and heading straight to the Mid-Levels Square where Yelu Chuyu is located.

At this moment, the warriors of the two sides had just clashed, but the side of Cangyun Zhange instantly damaged the four supreme talents!

This caused the more than 1,500 warriors on Yeluchu's fierce side to tremble in heart and soul.

In terms of momentum, there is no longer the sharpness before.

On the other hand, Ran Min and the others were morale boosted, and the opponent who killed them retreated again and again, unable to resist.

It seemed that the final victory of this battle was the duel between Ling Tian and Yelu Chuyu.

"Hehe, you are the first person who dares to kill me in the Cangyun Zhan Pavilion in front of me."

"However, it is the last one."

Yeluchu fiercely hovered in the sky, as if the death of Xu Xiao's four had no effect on him at all.

He raised the trident in his hand, and his whole body began to tremble, and the coercive riot of Xiaoyuan's realm in the late stage of the Yuanshen trembling.

"I admit that your combat power is good. Those three palms and two punches just now are all supernatural powers, right?"

"However, it is far from enough for me, Yeluchu fierce!"

The voice fell, Yeluchu was fierce, and the power of the entire domain swept away.

The trident pointed directly at Ling Tian, ​​even though he hadn't taken any action yet, the weapon spirit on that weapon's blade was roaring, condensed into an extremely sharp aura, and shot directly at Ling Tian!

This will, on top of the quasi-immortal soldier, is definitely not something that can be resisted by boxing techniques and palm prints!

Yeluchu's fierce tyranny should not be underestimated.

"You can't beat me with fist and palm, so do you want to use a weapon to crush me?"

"Your calculation is wrong!"

Ling Tian sneered and stepped forward, but there was a flash in his hand, and the Long Yuan sword behind it fell into his hand with a scabbard.


With a blast of swords, platinum light exploded on the scabbard.

The force of the tyrannical sword domain condensed into sword light and directly greeted him.


With a blast, the two wills collided halfway through!

"Hi, such a powerful sword domain!"

"That weapon is actually a quasi-immortal soldier!"

For a time, the exclamation sounded one after another among the mountains!

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