Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1390: Qingyun's top spot is nothing more than this [Wu Bai guardian plus more]

Before Ling Tian appeared, who could have thought that there would be such a person in this Kun character domain, not only in terms of aura and coercion, but also able to compete with Yeluchu fierceness, and even the weapon in his hand was not bad.

Even the long sword in Ling Tian's hands has not been unsheathed yet, but its sharpness is enough to counter the Cangyun Halberd in Yeluchu's murderer's hands!

"No, Ling Tian's sword is even stronger!"

However, Zhang Jing suddenly took a breath in the battlefield.

When everyone heard the words, their pupils flicked sharply, and their gazes were condensed.

Sure enough, the domain will of the two people was on the Mid-Levels Square, and it exploded at the touch of a touch, but Ling Tian’s sword light was condensed but not scattered. Amid the sound of the clank sword, it pierced the trident to the point, and the electric shot was normal. Arrived in front of Yeluchu fiercely.


Between the lightning and flint, Yeluchu frowned fiercely, but the sword light had arrived, so he could only hold his trident horizontally and stand in front of him.

There was an explosion, sparks splattered everywhere.

The sword light was on the halberd of Cangyun War Halberd.

The huge force penetrated, the tyrannical sword domain, along the trident, poured into Yeluchuxie's body.


With a muffled hum, it was Yeluchu's fierceness, and he couldn't help taking three steps back to resolve the sharp shock of the sword light.

On the bluestone in the square, as Yeluchu fiercely retreated, deep footprints shattered.

With only one sword, the invincible Yelu was shocked!

At this moment, everyone looked at the two figures on the Mid-Levels Square and took a breath.

Yeluchu was shaken and fell on the square, with a trident in his crosshanded hand.

Ling Tian was dressed in white, dancing wildly with white hair, holding the scabbard in his hand, pointing straight at Yeluchu fierce, although Ling Tian looked lean, like a scholar.

But its extremely sharp aura is like an ancient sword body, which makes people unable to look at it.

The two did not seem to be evenly matched.

Rather, Ling Tian is stronger!

"What a pervert!"

Zhen Moran's hand was surrounded by flames with Chi Punishment, tearing a top fifty prince into pieces, and couldn't help but murmur.

At this time, no one around her dared to come up and die.

At this moment, all the warriors retreated with the tacit understanding of each other, split, and stared at the two people on the square.

The outcome of this battle has nothing to do with them.

Because now, both Yelu and Ling Tian have the ability to kill all of them backhand.

"Damn it!"

Yeluchuxie could of course feel the gaze from the martial artists around him. At this moment, his hands holding the trident were still trembling.

Ling Tian's sword seemed to be blessed by no humans and supernatural powers, it was just pure domain power, but its power was surprisingly powerful.

This undoubtedly made Yeluchu fierce and angry.

He couldn't bear it, someone challenged his position.

In the Western Regions, he is a well-deserved pinnacle talent.

The only thing that made him jealous was the Kuma Chi from the Jialuo Temple who was also the overlord-level sect Tianjiao!

In this Kun character domain, he is the first!

"Today, you will definitely die!"

Yeluchu raised his eyebrows fiercely, raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Tian, ​​the aura on the square suddenly became cold. His footsteps stomped heavily on the ground, comparable to a flying sacred mountain, shattering bluestone.

In the blink of an eye, he directly picked up the trident and shot again!


On the square, along with Yeluchu's fierce violent violent, behind him, a dragon crocodile spirit violently violently set off a terrifying wind.

Yelu made no reservations.

"Ling Tian be careful, Yeluchu is fiercely born in the Zhan Pavilion, and is best at close combat!"

Down the mountain, Ran Min roared.


But at this time, Yelu's figure, already driven by thunder and electricity, disappeared in place.

The body is extremely clever, and the speed is fast to the extreme.


A strange color flashed in Ling Tian's eyes. After all, this guy was the top of the Qingyun list, and he still had some abilities.

However, Ling Tian really hadn't been afraid of anyone than close combat.

call out!

The majestic sword intent in the depths of Ling Tian's eyes slowly diffused out, and the wind and grass of the world in the sword domain was shrouded in an instant, and the divine thoughts were like the sea, and the needles could be heard.


Between the lightning and flint, Ling Tian's body suddenly went rampant, stepping on the gossip, his figure changed unpredictably.


The moment he moved horizontally, there was an earth-shaking popping sound in his ears, and the air was like a trident in the hands of Yeluchu murderer, directly blasting a huge hole.

The speed is very fast, and this ultimate move is very powerful.


Unexpectedly, Ling Tian's reaction was so terrifying, and his body was mysterious, and his speed was not slower than him.

This made Yeluchu fierce and slightly surprised.

However, Yelu wasn't an ordinary Tianjiao, he couldn't make a single blow, and then he took the trident in his hand and swept towards Ling Tian's chest.

At such a close distance, Ling Tian couldn't dodge at all, and could only hard-wire it.

"Cangyun Dragon Crocodile Slash!"

"One halberd will kill you!"

Yeluchu smiled fiercely, he wanted to smash Ling Tian's sword force with one blow, directly blasting through Ling Tian's chest.

In fact, this backhand move was originally prepared by him. Although he can't see much, he has integrated the power of domain, martial spirit, and quasi-celestial soldiers. The ordinary Tianjiao, even if it can take it, The flesh will definitely break directly.

He wanted to kill Ling Tian in the same way.


The stone exploded, sparks splashed.

This halberd hit Ling Tian, ​​and was blocked by Ling Tian.

But Yeluchu fierce was very surprised. He was surprised to find that Ling Tian's horizontal scabbard again easily blocked his Cangyun halberd. The scabbard did not shatter, and Ling Tian afterwards , Although the light of the glazed glaze was shaken and disordered, after a while, it was like a lake, recovering as before.

This blow was just like this, and Ling Tian took it down!

Not to mention blasting Ling Tian to death on the spot, even if it was a serious injury, he didn't do it.

"Your sword, your body!"

Yeluchuxie's expression at this time finally changed drastically.

Looking at Ling Tian's dazzling scabbard and the radiant light all over, he couldn't help exclaiming.

Being able to accept his move in this way shows that the long sword in Ling Tian's hand is far more powerful than his Cangyun Halberd, and Ling Tian's physical body is not weak at all!

"Haha, Qingyun tops the list, but so!"

But Ling Tian's counterattack also followed, and before Yeluchu's fierce reaction, the scabbard in his hand suddenly pulled up, roaring with the dragon's voice, and directly turned on Yeluchu's big face!


With the slap in the face like a thunderbolt, Yeluchu fierce, who would not be able to retreat in the future, directly flew out.

The powerful energy made Na Yeluchu fierce like a cannonball, once again shook the sky and fell onto the square.


Everyone was slapped by the slap.

Is this really that Yeluchu fierce?

How could Ling Tian slap him back, everyone wondered if he had read it wrong.

It's really too slapped face.

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