Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1432: Strange white jade stone

When the voice fell, Zhang Heng raised his hand, and the sword was thrown at Wen Wan on the stage.

"Miss Wen, look at this sword, can it still meet the requirements?"

Wen Wan took the weapon blade in her hand and looked at it carefully, but frowned: "This quasi-immortal soldier is indeed metallic. Although the quality is a bit worse than the six evil swords, it is barely okay... …"

She had to entangle. It stands to reason that this sword is not as good as the Six Curse Sword, but the former is more popular. If it is put up for auction, the price is definitely higher than the Six Curse Sword.

Therefore, even if it is a little worse, it can only be so.

"In that case, Young Master Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry, this six evil sword can only be given to Young Master Zhang Heng."

Wen Wan pursed her mouth, looking at Ling Tian's extremely handsome face from a distance, bowing her body and saluting.

Although she was ranked twelfth in the overall ranking, much higher than Ling Tian, ​​she was still very disciplined and did not have any pretensions, which made people feel good about it.

After all, Wen Wan picked up the Six Swordsman, sighed, and wanted to throw it over.

However, just as Zhang Heng and all the disciples of the Qiantian Zhandian sneered and complacent, Ling Tian's voice rang again.

"Miss Wen, wait a minute!"

As he said, the folding fan in Ling Tian's hand was put away with a scream.

Wen Wan also stopped her hand movement, frowned and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"What else is the son?"

"Ling Tian?! What do you mean?"

"I advise you to see clearly where this is! If you disturb the order of the transaction, I will wait for you to be killed on the spot, and I will say the past!"

Zhang Heng's eyes were languid, and he said coldly.

As for Jiang Hao and others behind him, they closed their eyes and calmed down. Although there was no expression on their faces, their breathing was already heavy, apparently holding back their anger.

"Hehe, I'm not trying to disrupt the trade fair."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Since it's a deal, there is no reason why you can only make bids and not allow me to speak?"

"What do you mean? Ms. Wen has already said that she gives priority in exchange for weapons. Now I have completed the transaction."

"Besides, I really thought that the three melons and two dates in your pocket could walk with me Zhang Heng?"

Zhang Heng dismissed it.

"I understand naturally, but what I mean is, if you can take out a weapon, I can take out the same, why not look at Bibi?"

Ling Tian said, there was a flash in his hand, but the purple-gold sword that once belonged to Xin Youzhi appeared in his hand, and then threw it straight down.

"To tell you the truth, you really can't change the sword of six evils with your broken sword. Take it back and throw it away."

"what did you say!"

Zhang Heng said and wanted to say more, but he heard the gentle whisper, "What a good knife!"

Everyone also looked at it together, but found that Wen Wan was holding a purple-gold sword, with light lingering on it, and even with a good purple road inscription. From the fluctuation point of view, it was strong. There are a lot of golden swords that have passed that Zhang Heng.

"Master Zhang Heng, if that's the case, there is no way. This purple sword is indeed much better than yours."

"If the son can come up with something better, compare it with gentleness, if not... I can only apologize."

Wen Wan leaned forward.

"Hahaha, not bad, Ling Tian still seems to have some family background in his hands, Xiaodie, I think that knife matches your temperament very well!"

In the Tujie box, Yan Hanfei smiled with his palm.

That Xiaodie nodded again and again, also with joy.

"You, Ling Tian! You are determined to fight with me and can't get through the battle hall! You can't die?!"

Zhang Heng finally got angry, his whole body was violent, and he was about to do it.

"Hey! What did you kid want to do? Just now, your senior brother said, if anyone dares to disturb the order of the transaction, let him survive and not die! It's hard to be true, this rule is against you. it does not work?"

Zhang Jing hugged Changqiong and looked over, with a sneer on his face.


For a while, Zhang Heng was speechless.

"Zhang Heng, sit down!"

"The trade fair will have the rules of the trade fair, and that's not it for you."

At this moment, Jiang Hao behind Zhang Heng finally spoke.

"Hmph, okay, Ling Tian Zhang Jing, you have a kind, wait for me!"

Zhang Heng's chest prayed for blessing, and he couldn't wait to go out and fight.

The storm stopped temporarily, but this time, it was undoubtedly the Ling Tian of the water world who had taken the top spot. This might also be the Qiantian Battle Hall, the first time that he was defeated in front of so many people and lost face.

The disciples of the Qiantian Battle Hall all glared at the water world box.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, that kid definitely don't think about leaving Fenglei City today. When the trade fair is over, you see my evil, how to deal with him!"

Xiong Elai sat next to Jiang Hao, and patted Weng Sheng Weng Qidao on his chest.


Jiang Hao was noncommittal, still closing his eyes tightly, but anyone could see that Jiang Hao's anger was already on the verge of exploding.

"Hehe, everyone, this trade fair is nearing its end. If you still have things to trade and auction, you can bring them up and hand them over to the little girl. Of course, the value cannot be too low. The starting price must be two Above Dan River!"

On the platform, there were only two items left at this time, and they had not been auctioned. One of them was the Lingbao, and the other was the Yanzhen Source Crystal that Ling Tian was bound to win.

However, after speaking gently, everyone fell silent.

They have things to trade, but the treasures of these two Dan Rivers are too rare.

For a while, no one came out to answer.

Wen Wan shrugged, seeing that no one got up, she was going to auction the last two items.

"Sister Wen Wan, no one is holding your place, then I will support it."

At this time, in the box of the fire world, a hoarse and harsh sound, like a jackdaw's neighing sound, suddenly sounded, causing everyone to count down.

This is just a sound, but it feels like falling into an ice cave, which is really uncomfortable.

"Oh? Does Sister You also have something to trade?"

Wen Wan said with surprise.


The sound fell, and in the box, there was a wooden box that was thrown down by You Qianyu.

This wooden box is not small. It is gently placed on the platform and opened slowly, only to find that the inside is a piece of white jade!

"what is this?"

Rao is gentle and well-versed in history, but now he is still shocked when he sees this jade. After looking at it for a long time, he hasn't seen anything about it.

"Miss Wen, what is inside? Take it out quickly and let us see!"

"That's right, the things that the arrogant You Qiandan took out the next day must be the wonders of the world!"

"Take it out quickly, let me wait and appreciate it!"

Everyone clamored, Ling Tian in the box suddenly became a little curious.

From the beginning to the end, You Qianyang never said a word or traded anything, but now, he has spoken.

As the second arrogant under Jiang Hao, this You Qianyan would either not make a move.

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