Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1433: The supreme bloodline of the Yan clan?

"Uh... forgive the little girl for her clumsy eyes, I really haven't been able to see what this thing is..."

Wen Wan bit her red lips and took out the white jade stone from the box.

This white jade stone is oval in shape. Although it looks like an extraordinary jade, it does not reveal any breath.

It's not like Lingbao.

You Qianshang, just take out this stuff?

In Jiang Hao's box, the Xiong Elai, Liang Han and the others all leaned over to look at them, but in the end they scratched their heads, not knowing why.

"What is this?"

"Could it be any rare ore?"

"It's not like, if it's a rare mineral material, that girl Wen Wan won't fail to see it, but it may be a rough mineral stone, after all, there is no aura."

"Huh? Rough stone? So You Qianshang, want others to bet on stone?"

"Perhaps, You Qiandan has always been the one who doesn't suffer."

Everyone talked a lot, and they couldn't pay attention to it.

Jiang Hao opened his eyes at this time, his gaze fell on the jade stone, and he suddenly said, "Could it be, monster egg?"

"Egg? It's not like, the monster egg will never be without any breath, unless it is a monster egg that has been petrified, but if it is, it will be no different from waste rock."

Yu Weiyang shook his head in denial.

"Hiss, Ling Tian, ​​you must clap this thing!"

However, in the water world box, Ling Tian was not so calm.

Behind him, a violent buzzing sound of Du'er stick suddenly sounded, and Lao Hou's voice passed into Ling Tian's mind.

"Huh? Why, do you know what this thing is?"

Ling Tian frowned suddenly.

He also felt at first that this stone should be a rough ore, but if there is anything in it, he can only know if he touches it.

But obviously, You Qianzhen would not let him get started at this auction.

So even though Ling Tian didn't know what this thing was, he didn't have the intention to photograph it.

But unexpectedly, Lao Hou's reaction was so big.

"I know, of course I know!"

"In this, there is the supreme blood of my Yan clan, I can feel it, I feel it!"

"Absolutely, can it be its offspring?"

"Ling Tian, ​​you must take this thing for me, if you can't take it, grab it!"

"In short, you have to get this thing, and you must not let it be left by others!"

Lao Hou was almost incoherent.

This is the first time Ling Tian has seen it since he met Lao Hou.

"Okay, don't worry."

Ling Tian nodded.

Now that Lao Hou had spoken, he had to shoot.

Even if he can't shoot, he will do everything he can.

"Sister You, I don't know, what are you going to exchange for this stone?"

Wen Wan looked at the fire box box.

"Hehe, it seems that my sister-in-law doesn't know this thing either. It's true that this thing was obtained from the sect of the last Celestial Star position in the fire world, and it was kept extremely tightly, enough to prove it. Precious. Therefore, I want to use this thing in exchange for a top-level magical power of Yin Minggui Dao, or the ultimate magical power for tempering spiritual thoughts."

"Of course, the rank must be eye-catching for me, it's best... it's a super-rank supernatural power level."

"If not, then the starting price will be set at Shitiao Danhe!"

You Qiandan's voice fell, but everyone was shocked.

Want superb supernatural powers? Even super supernatural powers?

This You Qianshan is not merciful! ?

In the Netherworld box, Jiang Hao sneered and shook his head, feeling that You Qiandan might think too much.

That Yin Ming ghost Taoist technique is already rare, and the ordinary supernatural powers are already extremely rare. Does she want even more super super?

how can that be?

Even if there is, the value is definitely much stronger than this broken stone.

At the very least, there is no need to bet.

For a time, although everyone discussed and whispered, no one responded.

Ling Tian looked at everything below quietly.

He had thought about the magical powers of Yinming Ghost Dao, but there were a few books in the Four Elephant Pagoda, but they were not of sufficient grade.

That layer is mostly classics and the like, which does not meet You Qian's requirements.

As for the exercises for tempering spiritual thoughts, he does have it, that is too much nerve!

However, the preciousness of this Taiyanjing was not comparable to that of super-grade magical powers, so Ling Tian definitely wouldn't trade it out.

"Since there is no one, let's auction it!"

Wen Wan shrugged, in her opinion, this thing is still worthless.

However, after the gentle voice fell for a long time, there was no sound in the venue.

No one spoke.

After all, the four Dan Rivers are too expensive.

If no one in the five big boxes asks, no one can afford it.

"Five Dan Rivers!"

Just when Wen Wan was about to give up, another familiar voice suddenly sounded.


Wen Wan looked at it, but found that the person who spoke this time was still Ling Tian in the water world!

Is it possible that this guy is really going to make trouble on purpose?

After all, who would be boring to shoot this thing?

But Ling Tian had already spoken, so gentle, he couldn't say anything.

After a few breaths, she said: "If no one pays a higher price, then this stone will belong to Young Master Ling Tian."

"Hmph, I'm afraid he thinks too much! I have six Dan Rivers!"

"Is Ling Tian? My wicked Gu Xiongye is here, and you can't tolerate your rampage!"

Finally, in the Netherworld box, the male and female came to speak.

"Ten Dan Rivers!"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Ling Tian's eyes.

He knew that it would not go well if he wanted to take this jade.

But he still speaks directly.

Ten Dan Rivers? !

Ling Tian's voice fell, and all the warriors present in the venue exclaimed.

Lifted four Dan Rivers in one breath?

Is this a joke?

Four Dan Rivers, what a terrifying cultivation resource is that?

Even Zhang Jing and the others next to Ling Tian were surprised. They never expected that Ling Tian would make such a move for such a broken stone.

Is it possible, is it really just to show the color of Qiantian Battle Hall?


However, this way, it made that malevolent dumbfounded. There were only six Dan Rivers on his body.

But how can I think Ling Tian can lift so high?

"Huh, brother evil, don't be afraid, here I have four Dan Rivers, all of which will be given to you!"

"This time, when I go to the Heavenly Battle Hall, I will never be underestimated by such a humble thing as him!"

Zhang Heng was furious, took out a ring and threw it at the male evil.

But even so, it is not enough.

"Hmph, I have six more here, I don't believe it, there really are so many Dan Rivers in Ling Tian's hands!"

At this time, Liang Han couldn't sit still.

He suddenly noticed that the gentle look in Ling Tian's eyes seemed a little different.

He admired gentleness and naturally became extremely sensitive.

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