Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1439: So similar to a tie? 【Four more】

At this moment, Ling Tian was shrouded in light, bright as stars.

"White, platinum light wings?"

"how can that be?"

"Who engraved him?"

Suddenly, inside and outside the city wall, all the warriors seemed to have seen some spectacle, and almost dropped their jaws in surprise.

Even Na You Qianshang Yu Weiyang and others are no exception.

Because they, as the top five arrogances in the overall ranking, know better than anyone else, the rareness of this platinum light wing is rare.

The platinum diamond is extremely rare.

Moreover, if you have a platinum diamond, you must have an inscription master who has a very high level of refinement inscription to inscribe it in order to succeed.

The light wing behind Jiang Hao was inscribed by Wen Wan, and for him, Wen Wan spent ten platinum diamonds!

It failed twice before it succeeded.

This is also all the platinum diamonds in Jiang Hao's hand.

Not long ago, You Qianshang also begged Wen Wan here, and Wen Wan also engraved a set for her.

Originally You Qianshang still thought, this time coming to Fenglei City, if Jiang Hao had any action, she would directly sacrifice platinum wings, which could shock everyone by then.

But now, this amazing scene has let Ling Tian take the lead...

Wen Wan was stunned. She had never seen Ling Tian before, let alone engraved Ling Tian with platinum diamonds.

Then this platinum light wing...

"Could it be that there is still a Mingzheng master who is better than me in your water world? Or, that person, is it you?"

Wen Wan muttered to herself, suddenly thinking of the folding fan in Ling Tian's hand that she had never seen before, and the second possibility of Bailianlu, becoming more determined.

"If it's really you, it's still... excellent."

In the astonishment of everyone's attention, Ling Tian walked out of the light, but at this time people discovered that Ling Tian had already changed his outfit.

The previous white clothes are no longer there, replaced by the silver-white armor, and there is also a ghost face on his face.

However, at this moment, Ling Tian's body was filled with platinum inscription energy shining endlessly, and the shining brilliance made the light on Jiang Hao appear a little dim.

This Ling Tian was inscribed in platinum, and it seemed that he was even more refined than that of Jiang Hao!

The Platinum Light Wing blessed Ling Tian's entire body with a sea of ​​vitality, and let his vitality coerce. Under Jiang Hao's suppression, he wouldn't be let down by the wind.

However, even though Ling Tian sacrificed the Light Wing, there are still some gaps in the cultivation base, and the exercises that Jiang Hao cultivated don’t seem bad, at least in the realm of Yuanshen. After being pulled down a lot, plus it is already a great achievement in the late stage of the soul, still occupying the top.

"Hehe, isn't it enough?"

Ling Tian said to himself, the strength of the bloodline of the colored glaze battle body was used, and the Dragon Phoenix Supreme was decisively opened.

"You Longquan, the dragon shocks the world!"

The eighteen layers of Prison Burning Flame in his hand burst into flames, and above Ling Tian's arm, the shadow of the dragon surged, swallowing the flames, and suddenly the whole body was in flames, and the momentum skyrocketed.

go with!

Following Ling Tian's muffled snort, his arm was bent, and then he hit Jiang Hao directly with a punch!


The shadow of the dragon, bathed in terrifying flames, roared out!

Wherever he went, the fiery red aura between the sky and the earth was shaken away.

"Hey, Ling Tian doesn't even need weapons!"

"Does he want to take over the supreme uniqueness of Qiantian Battle Hall with his bare hands?"

"Qianyanquan is said to be practiced to the extreme, and its power is comparable to super-grade magical powers!"

"It's not right, look at Ling Tian's boxing front, it looks like it is also a kind of fire!"

"Fire vs. fire, and Ling Tian's fire seems to be even hotter..."

Everyone was exclaiming, Jiang Hao couldn't believe it, facing the punch Ling Tian sacrificed, he actually felt an unprecedented threat.

Physical power?

This Ling Tian, ​​even double-cultivation takes care of both vitality and physical body?

It also has platinum wings, and it also has fire.

Why is Ling Tian so similar to himself?

Moreover, apart from the cultivation base, it is not bad at all?

No, no one can compare with me Jiang Hao in this secret of heaven and earth, you must die!

Must die!

At this moment, Jiang Hao felt an unprecedented threat. The threat was like a cold water pouring on his heart, making him unacceptable.

Dry sky combat body!

As a result, when the front of the fist hadn't been stunned, Jiang Hao suddenly roared, and the **** glow burned all over his body, and the power of the blood line was integrated into the front of the fist, causing his punch to soar from nothing!


In the next moment, two fist fronts clashed between the world outside Fenglei City and exploded.

After everyone couldn't help hiding in the formation of Fenglei City, layers of vitality were placed in front of them to isolate the impact, but there were still many warriors who were blown out by the shock wave.

Although the two punches did not use their weapons, they almost exhausted their full strength. The impact on the shake was enough to suppress the fourth-stage late-stage demon emperor!

"How is the result?"

"Who's winning?"

The storm swept over, and everyone flew out of Fenglei City again to look at the center of the explosion.

Wen Wan also rushed out, mumbling Ling Tian not to have trouble.

In the distance, Zhen Moran, Zhang Jing and others also pressed their mouths tightly. At this time, in front of Fenglei City, the energy had evaporated the breath into a vacuum, the space was shattered, and they could not sense any breath.


However, at this moment, from the smoke and dust, two figures flew upside down almost at the same time!

"It's Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao is fine, he won?"

"No, then Ling Tian looks like something is wrong, this...what's the situation?"

Everyone exclaimed, at a loss.

"Big, eldest lady, it seems, it looks like this Ling Tian, ​​and the first arrogant Jiang Hao, have a tie...a tie?"

Xiaodie clasped her hands under her chin, as if she was looking at her uncle, so she stammered nervously.

"Uh, it seems to be... awesome, really awesome!"

Yan Hanfei's eyes flickered. For some reason, her pupils became **** again, showing signs of demonization.

"Miss, you have to calm down! Control yourself!"

Xiaodie patted Yan Hanfei on the shoulder, which made her return to normal.

"It's okay, he's okay, huh... okay, okay."

When Wen Wan saw this scene, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh, her eyes rolled, and she quietly went out of the city from another gate.

"Ahem... it's okay."

The light wing behind Ling Tian flapped, his arms shook, and all the impact was resolved. He rubbed his fists and couldn't help whispering.

Jiang Hao deserves to be the number one arrogant. With his cultivation level surpassing him by one level, he can actually shock him back!

This was the first time this happened after Ling Tian came to this world.

You know, apart from that primordial martial arts spirit, Ling Tianke is also doing his best.

Although Youlongquan and Liuli Fighting Body are not up to the standard, they are scary enough.

But under this situation, Jiang Hao unexpectedly exploded with a tyrannical punch.

Moreover, it was somewhat similar to himself. It was also a fusion of physical strength and vitality. Although it was not stable, it was not bad anymore.

"Jiang Lang!"

Yu Weiyang flew out and took Jiang Hao from the air.


But Jiang Hao's face flushed, and a trace of blood couldn't be suppressed after all, and it slowly spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Directly swallowing the sweet blood, Jiang Hao pushed Yu Weiyang away.

At this time, his fist had cracked.

Although on the surface, he and Ling Tian drew a tie.

But in fact, he lost half of the chips!

Ling Tian's martial arts and supernatural powers and the strong regret of the physical body far exceeded his imagination.

"Come again!"

When Jiang Hao made a gesture, he wanted to draw his sword.

"Jiang Lang, don't worry, you can't go on it anymore, don't forget, you can still be there!"

But Yu Weiyang reached out and pressed Jiang Hao's hand on the hilt of the sword.

"No matter what this Ling Tian is like, if you fight with him, can you guarantee that You Qianshan won't make a move? By then, you will be one enemy and two, putting yourself in danger!"

"The Hundred Sects Competition has not yet begun, and the remains of the five major sects are still waiting for us to go."

"Forbearance, for the top spot!"

Jiang Hao shook his whole body and took a deep breath. Although he couldn't bear the result, Yu Weiyang said that it was not bad.

You Qianshan is definitely not worse than him.

Now that there is more Ling Tian, ​​You Qiandan will definitely make a move by then.

When the time comes, he will be attacked on his back, and he may not be able to support the Hundred Sects Competition.

"Hehe, it seems that Tianjiao doesn't want to make a move anymore?"

Upon seeing this, Ling Tian also turned back his aura.

He didn't come here to kill Jiang Hao. It's a good show. He wants to stay in the Hundred Sects Big Competition and sweep Tianjiao in front of Thousands of Sects.

"In that case, there will be a period later!"

After that, with a long laugh, he led Zhang Jing and others away.

"Hundreds of Tianjiao, I heard my name all at once."

"The world leader, can you lower your eyebrows if you see me?"

A voice resounded from heaven and earth for a long time.

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