Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1440: Gentle first

Hundreds of Tianjiao, hear the name of Ling Tian.

The world leader, when you see the sky above, lower your eyebrows.

What kind of rhetoric is this?

Five people came here alone.

Under Fenglei City, facing many arrogances.

Two sticks came to kill the evil, and drew Jiang Hao with one punch.

This is the head of the water world, the great wild state came to the warrior, Ling Tian!

I am afraid that after today, there is no one in the outer secret store, and I don't know the name of Ling Tian.

In contrast, they were the disciples of the Heavenly War Palace who had no self-confidence.

Zhang Heng, Lianghan and others clenched their fists tightly and said nothing.

Jiang Hao couldn't help gasping for breath, filled with righteous indignation, but he had nowhere to vent.

"Disciples of the Qiantian Battle Hall, you all listen to me!"

"From today, the warriors of the water world are our enemies of life and death!"

"In the future, see one, kill one, see two, kill one pair!"

"Remember the name Ling Tian, ​​I, Jiang Hao, will definitely remove him from the overall list."

After that, Jiang Hao's light flashed and disappeared in place.

Then, Yu Weiyang and others, under the guidance of the warriors inside and outside Fenglei City, left in a slight embarrassment.

"It's boring and boring, it's over, Xiaodie, we should also go back and prepare for the next challenge!"

Yan Hanfei was so lazy, he summoned his mount, flew down Fenglei City, and went straight to the direction of the earth world.

"Miss, should we take a detour and take a stroll in the water world?"

"What do you think of a little wave hoof? How about marrying you to those handsome guys in the water world? I think that jade-faced swordsman is very good. You two use knives. It's okay. Learn from each other, when the time comes, give birth to a baby, born a swordsman, haha!"


Above the city wall, You Qiandan's face was as rigid as a zombie, without any expression.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, she sneered, "Ling Tian, ​​it's really interesting. It seems that this time the Hundred Sects Competition will not be boring anymore."

"However, there is still half a year to wait for me to refine the mysterious corpse scripture to completion, ha ha, by then, no one will think of enemy me!"

Before the sound fell, that You Qiandan collapsed into a black mist, swept away in the direction of the fire world.

Behind him, the black and white ghost ambassador glanced at each other, smiling again and again, and followed him.


"It really hurts..."

Thousands of miles away in Fenglei City, Ling Tian stood on Xiao Qing's back, shaking his right hand.

Being able to take Jiang Hao's punch was not only because of the strength of Ling Tian's technique, but more importantly, because of the combination of the virtual armor.

Jiang Hao’s punch just now incorporates the energy of the physical power, and the punch down is extremely terrifying. If it weren’t for the strong defensive ability of the virtual armor, it would definitely not be possible to receive it so unscathed just by relying on this Ling Tian’s current glazed warrior body. Make this punch.

At least, internal injuries still have to be suffered.

"Tsk tusk, till now, I still can't believe it, we just came out of Fenglei City like this?"

After a long time, Zhang Jing, who was sitting cross-legged in Ling Tian, ​​hugged Changqiong, and he snorted, his face was even more excited, and he looked very excited.

Everything is far beyond their expectations. I thought they were going to experience a big battle.

But now, it's so simple.

"Haha, we are comfortable, but Jiang Hao is probably going to be mad at him. This time we are in front of all the arrogances of the Tianwai Hidden, and slapped him with a big slap in the face. In the future, we are afraid that it will be us. It's going to be targeted."

Although Liu Min was also smiling, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? We were also going to make a blockbuster in the Hundred Sects Competition, and strive to be the top, and this is bound to meet the Qiantian Battle Hall sooner or later, and it is inevitable to fight."

Zhen Mo Ran didn't care.

Zhang Jing nodded when he heard the words, "Well, Mo Ran was right. I fought against Zhang Heng just now. He is better than me. It's just the cultivation base. At least other than that, in terms of weapon blades and spirit treasures, We are not bad at all, even better than Qiantian Battle Hall!"

Ling Tian listened to the side, and felt that Zhang Jing's words were actually not unreasonable.

Today, among the warriors in the water world, there are already seven of them with top spirit treasures, including himself!

And this genius is hidden to this day, there should be only eighteen top spirit treasures.

This means that apart from the people in the water world, there are only the top eleven on the overall list, with top spirit treasures.

As for the martial artists, without top-level spirit treasures, their combat power will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, Ling Tian had just wiped out the evil, and took the top-level Lingbao Fuyun Jian and the quasi-xian soldiers in his hand, and now the combat power of the Qiantian Battle Hall has been reduced a lot.

Above the general list, in addition to his own top spirit treasure, Jiang Hao’s forces should have two more pieces in the gold world. They are in the hands of Liang Han and Zhang Heng, and Yu Weiyang’s two pieces in the wood world should be They were all in Jiang Hao's hands, one was given to the malevolent, and the other was the one from the trade fair.

The two pieces that You Qiandan got in the fire world must have been given to the black and white ghost ambassadors. The two spirit treasures in the earth world of Yan Hanfei were given to Shen Beifeng, and the other one was taken by You Qiandan.

The rest is Ling Tian’s own power. Except for the ice bell, four of the remaining six top spirit treasures are in the hands of the heads of the four realms. This is also due to the fact that the water world has come in together. As the head of the four domains, otherwise it would be impossible to gather so many spirit treasures.

(I admit a mistake here. At that time, when Xin Youzhi was killed, he should have only one Lingbao Purple Burner. I gave Ran Min a bell, but it couldn’t be the top Lingbao. There were only two in the water world. One is the Five Aggregate Rosary, and the other is the Qingyan Lingbao Banner. Ling Tian has the top spirit treasures, including Ling Tian, ​​there are seven. Just a mouthful, the image is not big, sorry.)

So, in general, Jiang Hao still owns five top spirit treasures, You Qianyu four, and Yan Hanfei spirit sword.

However, Ling Tian's power already possessed seven pieces except Bing Apparition, and it was not inferior.

The weak are just the cultivation base and the number of people.

In addition to contributing quasi-celestial soldiers and top-level spirit treasures, that male evil came with a total of 25 Dan Rivers!

Originally, Ling Tian still suffered from the pain of exchanging thirty Dan Rivers for the white monster beast eggs, but now he almost took them back.

In contrast, Liang Han, Zhang Heng and others had no Danhe cultivation.

"Hey, isn't that the gentle girl? Is she... waiting for us?"

At this time, Zhen Moran suddenly yelled.

Ling Tian withdrew his divine mind from the storage ring from the malevolent evil, followed Zhen Moran's gaze, and indeed found that under a tree above the mountain peak in the distance, Wen Wan was sitting cross-legged on a boulder, holding it in his hand. With a punch, the book is looking at it with gusto.

And beside him, an incense burner lit up a faint smoke, which was quite charming.

"Ling Tian, ​​this girl Wen, I'm afraid I'm waiting for you."

Zhang Jing turned around and shrugged.

"Well, you are waiting for me here."

Ling Tian nodded, although he couldn't think why this gentleness stopped her here, but there should be no malice.

Jumping down, a few flashes, Ling Tian was on the mountain peak.

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