Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1441: Brahma has seals and does not move

"Miss Wen, you are here, are you waiting for me to fail?"

Ling Tian asked straightforwardly.

Ling Tian was actually quite curious about such a strange woman.

"Don't blame Ling Tian, ​​the little girl is here, and she really wants to talk to the son."

Wen Wan closed the books, got up and nodded.

That book is exactly Ling Tian's Hundred Refining Records.

"Uh, the girl has something, you might as well just say so."

Ling Tian smiled and stretched out his hand to let Wen Wan sit down.

"My son, I'm not concealed. I am also very curious about the collection of precious stones in my hands, but it was only at the trade fair just now. I can only exchange for one."

"and so……"

Wen Wan pursed her mouth and saw that Ling Tian just smiled, but did not make any statement, she took out a brocade box from her sleeve.

"My son, I naturally didn't mean it for nothing. This is what I have collected. See if it can be used in exchange for my son's classics."

With that, she handed the brocade box over.


Ling Tian took the brocade box, which was not too big. Some were similar to those with rings, but very small.

Open it at will, but the next moment, a azure blue thunder light burst out of the brocade box!


Ling Tian's pupils shrank slightly without any dodge.

This Lei Mang seemed to be terrifying, but it didn't have any threatening aura. It was just a pure energy manifestation.

Besides, Ling Tian hasn't played Lei every day or two. What kind of thunder has he never seen?

However, the blue thunder light in front of him is not weak.

The thunder pressure that erupted in that instant was somewhat similar to the red world-destroying thunder of the Nine Heavens Tribulation.

It's just that this one is azure blue.

Lei Mang almost disappeared in a flash, Ling Tian refocused his gaze and looked into the brocade box, only to find that there was a spar shining like a thundering star! ?

It was really the first time Ling Tian saw this dazzling crystal stone. Even the Five Elements Origin Crystal could not be compared in terms of shining light.

"This...is it used to inscribe more advanced weapons...Lei Yinming drill!?"

Ling Tian raised his brows and couldn't help but mutter.

This thing is quite rare.

At the very least, Ling Tian has never seen it so far.

But it's on the ancient scores of forging soldiers, and it's just a record.

This Leiyin Ming diamond is a diamond used for inscription on top of the platinum Ming diamond. The energy is very terrifying.

"Hehe, that's right, it seems that the son is really proficient in refining an inscription, and he even knows this Lei Yinming drill."

However, Ling Tian’s reaction made her gentle gaze more curious and admired. She said softly: "The son should know that this Lei Yin Diamond Diamond is much stronger than the Platinum Diamond Diamond, only medium grade. Only the quasi-celestial soldiers can be inscribed with them even if they are above the top-grade quasi-celestial soldiers."

"So, I want to use this diamond in exchange for the young master's collection of gold and stone, I don't know if it's possible."

Of course Ling Tian was willing. The Thousand Grass Collection in Ling Tian's hands was nothing more than a collection of books. How could the value be comparable to that of Lei Yin Ming Zuan.

But if he couldn't speak, she seemed to be afraid of Ling Tian's refusal. With a flash in her hand, she unexpectedly took out a fragmented book.

"My son, I know that the Thousand Herbs Collection is very rare. I also have a magical power martial arts secret book here. Although it is a fragmented scroll, its rank is very high. I think it is unique in the foreign secret store today, and the rest of the secret book. , I can be sure, right at the core of the five sects!"

This gentleness added another bargaining chip.


This was beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

It's just a fragmented scroll, where can the rank be high?

Reaching out his hand to take the misery, Ling Tian realized that this should have been a whole scroll, but now only a corner is left.

"The Brahma Five Seals?"

But this corner should be the beginning of the scroll, and above it is the name of the martial arts title.

However, just seeing this name is enough to make people feel that this martial arts supernatural power is extraordinary.

"Brahma has a seal, and his arms are still."

The first sentence contains only eight characters, but it makes Ling Tian's heart suddenly moved.

"The first seal, the one-armed sky. The two seals, the dragon with both arms, the three seals, the four arms are shattered. The four seals, the six arms clean the world. The five seals, the eight arms do not move the King of Ming."

Before the scroll, it was the introduction of this martial art supernatural power, but what was recorded later was only the first seal, the seal of the sky.

The rest is broken.

In other words, this magical martial art should have five seals, but Wen Wan has only one.

This supernatural power martial skill requires Yuanshen late stage small perfection to cultivate the first seal. It can be seen that its rank is high. Ling Tian conservatively estimates that the burning sky five seals should be at the top of the super rank or above.

Specifically, it depends on its power after being refined.

"Buddhist Cultivation..."

Ling Tian groaned.

"The son of wisdom, this technique is indeed from Buddhism, but the rank is so high that I dare not exaggerate it. As far as I know, the four great temples in the Ten Thousand Buddha Temples in Xiantai have a magical power of the Zhenzong seal, called Tianwang Yinjue. , But there are only three layers. They are the Diamond Seal, the Mingguang Seal, and the Broken Seal. The rank ranks among the super-quality magical powers!"

"Now, these Brahma Five Seals are definitely much stronger than the King Seal of that day!"

"As long as the son can find the remaining fragments in the core of the five major sect sites, then the value of this secret book's magical powers can be immeasurable."

Tenderly, I was afraid that Ling Tian would disagree.

After all, although this Buddhist technique is powerful, not everyone can practice it.

"Okay, I promised."

However, Wen Wan didn't expect that Ling Tian just thought about it, and directly collected the brocade box and the divine power fragments, and a flash in his hand, the Thousand Grass Collection was sent to her.

"Girl take it away."

Wen Wan was overjoyed and stood up to give a salute: "Wen Wan thanks Master Xie."

"Girl, don't betray me, you love books like your life, I admire it, and now I want your baby to be exchanged."

Ling Tian held his hands empty.

"Hehe, those are nothing more than things outside of the body. To me, they are of no value. They are not worthy of this thousand cursive collections."

Wen Wan carefully put away the classics, and then thought for a while and said: "My son, can you let me look at the folding fan in your hand?"

"Oh? Are you talking about this?"

Ling Tian thought about it, and then took out the fan from the ring.

This fan is now made by Ling Tian's golden paper with giant spirit branches and Southern Tang imperial edict, and the storm pterosaur inside is still healing and sleeping.

"It's really a good fan, but it was made by the son?"


Ling Tian did not deny it.

"So, okay, if you go out of the Heavenly Secret Vault in the future, Wen Wan really wants to find time to visit the son, and hope that the son will not turn me away by then!"

Wen Wan flushed and leaned forward.

"Hehe, naturally not."

Ling Tian scratched his head, but couldn't refuse, this gentleness was too polite.

"The little girl is leaving, I wish the youngest son to fly to the sky, and Baizong will be the leader."

After that, Wen Wan summoned a white cow and left far away.

"What a strange woman."

Ling Tian shook his head and returned to Xiao Qing's back.

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