Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1607: Tianjiao Qizhi

Leng Xuanye and the others looked at each other, not knowing who Ling Tian was waiting for.

"Hehe, I guess it should be Shaoyang Zhang Jing and the others. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I still miss them."

Zhen Moran's eyes lit up, as if he had guessed who Ling Tian was waiting for.

"It's not just them, whoever should come will come."

Ling Tian knocked on the table in front of him, seeming to be counting his breath.

Sure enough, shortly after Ling Tian's figure fell, the formation in the hall suddenly burst out with dark black light, and the totem black lines trembled in an instant.

The formation has moved.

Everyone straightened up when they saw this.


Soon, the formation trembled for only three breaths, and a ray of light and shadow were transmitted in.

These figures walked out of the glow of the formation, and they were all startled when they saw everyone in the hall.

"Haha, Zhang Jing Ranmin, it's really you guys, not bad, the cultivation base is so high!"

Zhen Moran smiled when he saw these figures walking out of the formation.

The people here were Zhang Jing and Xu Zai Dao Feng Zhiruo, who was originally a disciple of the Eastern Region, and others.

When Zhang Jing and others saw Zhen Moran, they were also more cordial, and they immediately gathered around and began to reminisce about the past.

But the light of the formation never stopped, and a group of figures walked out, all of them from the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, wrapping up the three of Li Shishi Lingxi, and finally, a moonlight broke through the glow of the formation and manifested in front of everyone.


When the moonlight shrouded a shadow and walked out of the formation, Yin Zheng and others were dumbfounded.

The vitality pressure surging above the figure is even stronger than Leng Xuanye, and it looks particularly sacred, just like a moon palace fairy.

Zhen Mo Ran and Yan Han Fei Dang even recognized Qin Mingyue.

But Qin Mingyue at this time is far from comparable.

Now Qin Mingyue's cultivation has reached the level of Tier 4 Martial Sovereign, even higher than Ling Tian's realm, and his body is covered with extremely powerful pressure, that is the aura of an ancient-class primordial martial arts spirit.

"Hi, Qin Mingyue? Could this be the disciple of Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion?"

Yin Zheng's mouth grew wide. He didn't expect Ling Tian to invite such a tyrannical Tianjiao. This cultivation base was even more tyrannical than their son.

The eyes of Qin Mingyue and Ling Tian who came out intertwined for a moment, and knew that this was not the time when they were complaining, they were dragged by Zhen Moran's daughters.

After the young disciple of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion transmitted over, the formation did not stop, the glow above it surged, and there was still energy gushing again.

Obviously, someone else is coming!

Sure enough, after only five breaths, several figures emerged from the formation. They were Qin Shaoyang Ye Baoer and Wukong!

"Old sister!"

Qin Shaoyang walked out of the formation and saw Qin Mingyue, and immediately embraced Ye Baoer.

Among them, there was a Sanskrit sound in the formation, and an aura that was not inferior to Qin Mingyue burst out, and Liu Yiyi in a robe stepped out in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

"Liu Yiyi!? You, why did you become a monk?"

Li Shishi saw Liu Yiyi who had become a nun, and immediately opened his mouth, unable to believe what he saw.

Not only him, but Qin Mingyue's eyes were full of surprise.

This is really unexpected.

"Amitabha Buddha, poor nuns and Nian Ling, donors, goodbye to Nantang, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Liu Yiyi put his hands together, Buddha's prestige swayed.

Li Shishi couldn't wait, so he dragged Liu Yiyi over and began to dig into the roots.

Liu Yiyi belongs to the Li family of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the two women are cousins ​​with very similar blood.

At this time, the powerful descendants of Jiuxiao and Ten Thousand Buddha Temples have arrived, including the two most advanced disciples of the two great Dengxiantai.

Leng Xuanye and the others were speechless by the combat power of such juniors.

This lineup is really gorgeous.

Originally, they were still a little unsure about facing the mighty Demon Witch Clan.

Now he understood that Ling Tian had prepared too much for this battle.

The two major disciples who climbed Sendai are all Lingtian people, so even if the two major climbed Sendai, they will inevitably come out and come to support.

However, the formation in front of the hall was still surging.

It seems that someone is coming over.

However, in addition to the two big climbers in Sendai, Ling Tian still has no helpers! ?

Before Leng Xuanye frowned and guessed, the two figures in the formation gradually condensed, and then stepped out.

Zhang Jing and others laughed when they saw the figure walking out.

"Haha, brother Gucheng, just waiting for you!"

It turned out that the last one came out was Ye Gucheng of Wushuang City!

However, there was a woman next to her. This woman was dressed in a plain gauze and had a Feiyun temple. She looked very gentle.

"Hehe, I have kept you waiting for a long time, sorry!"

Ye Gucheng came to everyone, then looked at Ling Tian and smiled: "Ling Tian, ​​see who I brought you!?’

"Girl Wen Wan!"

Ling Tian stood up from the main position, with surprise on his face.

Before these people, he had sent news in advance to join him, but he didn't give gentle news.

Ling Tian did not expect that Wen Wan could come.

"I have seen you Tianjiao, Young Master Ling, please be respected by the little girl."

Wen Wan owed everyone a bow first, but even if Xuan walked to Ling Tian, ​​she would bow down and bow her head.

"Miss Wen, you must get up quickly."

"What are you doing?"

Ling Tian couldn't bear it, and immediately stepped away and stepped aside, emptied his hands, and then helped Wen Wan to rise.

"My son, my father died at the hands of the disciple Li Zong of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion. You killed Li Zong and avenged my father. Such a great kindness, gentle and graceful worship."

"If I am undefeated, my father under Jiuquan will also scold me for not knowing favor."

But Wen Wan didn't care at all, broke free of Ling Tian's vitality, took a step back, and bowed down.

"This...well, girl Wen, you better get up quickly."

Ling Tian took a bow, but didn't do anything.

"Miss Wen, that matter was just a small effort. After I did learn about the grievances between him and your Wen family, I deliberately killed him to avenge you, but I really can't afford your worship."

"Come on, everyone will be seated soon, don't stand."

Ling Tian greeted everyone to sit down.

For a while, there was a surging breath in the huge living room.

Unlike the twelve Sanxian powers before, these breaths are not only vigorous and vigorous, but also younger and more vigorous.

It's like a rising star, full of vigor.

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