Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1608: Gift to Taichu [Four more thanks to the fruit of Mr. Chen]

However, Wen Wan continued to explain his intentions, but it made Ling Tian overjoyed. It turned out that Wen Wan had moved the Wen family. This time the Wen family and the whole family will come to help the Eastern Regions. Although they are not strong, they brought all the defensive equipment. This cannot be underestimated.

As everyone sat down, their voices gradually fell silent.

Leng Xuanye and the others looked at each other, and their hearts became more excited.

It was terrible, and the people sitting in the hall now only possessed the Ancient Grade Primordial Martial Spirit, there were as many as five people, and there were even more of the Primordial Ancient Martial Spirit.

With such a gathering of arrogances, no one can come up with such a powerful lineup even if they are on Sendai.

As for Ye Gucheng and Wen Wan, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Ling Tian had never told them before with so many powerful arrogances, and now even Leng Xuanye from Ten Thousand Buddha Temple and Nian Ling and Dark Night Villa has been invited by him.

Moreover, Ye Gucheng himself still didn't have a Martial Spirit of the Beginning, and he couldn't help but feel a little lonely in his heart.

"Hey, brother-in-law, now you call us all, what are the arrangements? When can I kill the Demon Witch Clan, I can't wait."

Qin Shaoyang rubbed his hands, looking impatient.

"It's not anxious to kill the Demon Witch Clan, and soon you will have the time to show your skills."

"As the saying goes, if you want to do something, you must first sharpen your tool."

After all, the light in Ling Tian's hand flickered, and the five rays of light appeared in front of everyone.

The five light **** gleamed with different colors, but in each light ball, there was an ancient seal character that appeared and disappeared from time to time, and the rich primordial martial arts energy was familiar to everyone.

"Hi, there are so many ancient-level primordial martial arts souls?"

Everyone looked at the five **** of light, their eyes straightened.

Although it was not an ancient primordial martial arts spirit, the appearance of four masterless primordial primordial spirits together was shocking enough.

"Hehe, this is the primordial martial soul I collected. It's also for you."

Ling Tian smiled and raised his hand. Two of them, the Poison Character Soul and the Wu Character Soul, flew towards Zhen Mo Ran.

"Mo Ran, these two primordial spirits are perfect for you, take them."

Although Zhen Moran's heart was like a stormy sea, his movements were not vague at all. He immediately took the two primordial martial arts spirits in his hands and directly incorporated them into his body.

Suddenly, under the blessing of Shuang Taichu, Zhen Mo Ran's breath instantly soared, rising steadily, which made people enviable.

"Hehe, Boss Xie Ling rewards!" Zhen Mo Ran bowed.

Ling Tian raised his hands again and again, and the remaining three martial souls flew towards Qin Shaoyang Wukong and Yan Hanfei.

"These three martial arts souls are Sheng, Jing, and Japanese souls. They are also yours. Others can't use them. Accept them."

Seeing Ling Tian's words, the three of them did not hesitate, and reached out their hands to capture their martial souls back into their hands, and put them into their bodies.

In fact, when Ling Tian took out the Martial Spirit, the sea of ​​anger among the three of them began to tremble wildly.

This is a set of reactions that we must have when we meet at the beginning.

When I first entered the body, the three breaths also skyrocketed.

Wukong and Yan Hanfei also jumped into beings with the dual primordial primordial martial spirit blessings, even if they were not much worse than having the single primordial primordial martial soul.

Of course, the most powerful one is Qin Shaoyang.

He is now extremely old, proud, and mad with three ancient Taichu, and he has put together a complete set, and his combat power blessing is comparable to the ancient Taichu, and even stronger.

Seeing that Qin Shaoyang who was enveloped by the mighty coercion, everyone was shocked.

Qin Shaoyang is probably the first in the human race to have a complete set of martial arts from the beginning.

Those who didn't get the Martial Spirit of the Beginning inevitably began to feel melancholy in their hearts.

But Ling Tianke hadn't stopped before, and opened his palms, and another extremely powerful aura of the beginning filled the whole hall.

Everyone was attracted by the breath, their eyes rounded.

"Hey, dear, this...this is the Beginning of the Ancient Class!?"

"Golden Soul! This is Jin Yao's primordial martial arts soul of the Boundless Battle Hall!"

As soon as this early Wuhun appeared, someone recognized it.

Jin Yao's reputation is extremely high, and no one does not know his golden soul.

Leng Xuanye had learned that Ling Tian had killed Jin Yao before, but now that he saw this golden character soul, he was a conclusive conclusion.

"Brother Ye, this golden soul, I think you are more suitable for you than Jin Yao, take it, and from then on, you will rise completely."

Ling Tian pushed it with his hand, and the Wuhun of the Beginning slowly flew towards Ye Gucheng.

The latter immediately got up and took the Golden Letter Soul respectfully.

"Brother Ling, thank you for your righteousness, I, Ye Gucheng, will accompany you through the fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

After receiving the Wuhun, Ye Gucheng directly incorporated it into his body.

Ye Gucheng's martial arts aptitude is already extremely high, and now he has the blessings of the ancient and the beginning, and the future is unlimited.

Before everyone's excitement faded, Ling Tian's hand was still moving, Leng Xuanye immediately raised his eyebrows, "I said Brother Ling, is this martial spirit gone from the beginning?"

"Don't tease us. If you have anything, just take it out in one breath. This is really unbearable."

Ling Tian pursed his mouth and smiled, "Of course there is, how could there be none."

After thinking about it, Ling Tian still took out the Ancient Martial Spirit that had been hiding in Taoyuan.

Suddenly, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the temperature in the hall suddenly dropped, and the breath of the ancient martial soul swept away, causing everyone to open their mouths again, and exclaim again and again.

"I'm dizzy, this...this is another ancient Martial Soul of the Beginning!?"

"The soul of the cold character, I have never heard of it before."

"Are you never born in the beginning?"

However, when everyone saw this strange Martial Soul of the Beginning, they were even more shocked.

The ghost knows what kind of luck this Ling Tian is, and has gotten a person who has never been born before?

"Miss Wen, your Wen family can come to help my Eastern Territory human race through this calamity this time. For such a righteous person, Ling Tian has no retribution. I think this cold character soul is very commensurate with Ms. Wen, so please accept it. Right."

Ling Tian obtained this cold character soul from Nantang, when Nangong died to save him, Ling Tian never took out this cold character soul.

What everyone didn't expect was that Ling Tian also gave away this primordial martial soul directly.

Everyone was shocked, and Wen Wan was even more stunned.

After a while, she stood up awkwardly, but waved her hands again and again, "No, no, this time the Wen family came here uninvited, just to repay the kindness, Wen Wan dare not ask for this ancient spirit, it's too precious. Please take it back."

"Hehe, Miss Wen, don't need to mind. I'm avenging your father. You won't have the Wen family's help. And every time we have a primordial spirit, we have one more chance of winning. No one here is more suitable for this primordial beginning than you. "

"So, girl, don't refuse, accept it."

Ling Tian let it go again.


Wen Wan was still hesitating, and Qin Shaoyang said, "Ms. Wen will accept it. You will be a family after you get on our boat."

"Then, well, so, Wen Wan just drooled and accepted it."

Cautiously took the Hanzihun, Wen Wan still couldn't help shaking her whole body.

At this point, in the entire hall, there are as many as seven people with ancient and early Wuhun!

There are more than five people who have double antiquity and Taichu, Qin Shaoyang, Wukong, Zhen Moran, Yan Hanfei, and Zhang Jing.

"The rest of you, Shu Lingtian has no patience and has not been able to get more Taichu Wuhun, but I assure you that as long as there is a chance, I will definitely let you all have Taichu presence!"

"Here, I have prepared handy weapons for you, all carefully refined by me with good materials."

Ling Tian got up again, his sleeves flicked, and a series of quasi-immortal soldiers appeared in front of everyone, wrapped in a sharp and powerful aura.

"Hey, how do I feel that this time the Demon Witch Clan came to the Eastern Territory to find a beating..."

Looking at this scene blankly, Yin Zheng and others were completely stupid.

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