Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1609: Return to Haiyue City

Ling Tian's shot this time was really shocking. After taking out so many primordial martial arts, there was still something in his hand.

Moreover, looking at the various weapon blades floating in the air, the worst was the middle-rank quasi-celestial level.

Among them, there are even top-grade quasi-celestial soldiers of extremely high quality. These swords are usually rare in the outside world. Only those top geniuses in Sendai, or veteran powers in the late Sanxian period.

Now, Ling Tian placed everyone in front of everyone who didn't want money.

Among them, the short blade recast by Xue Youxuepu, the long stick that the dragon changed Xia Jing's weapon into, and the treasured sword of Jin Yao are all very tyrannical high-grade quasi-immortal soldiers, who were bestowed by Ling Tian to Zhen Moran Wukong. And Zhang Jing.

Those who didn't have enough weapons in other people's hands were also replaced.

As for Wen Wan Ye Gucheng and others, either they already have the best weapons in their hands, or they are using them, and don't need to change them.

In addition, Ling Tian also gave Zhen Mo Ran the martial arts and supernatural powers of the Blood Spirit Transformation Scripture and the Blood Spirit Vessel and the profound treasure.

Now, the blood spirit line has been abolished, and these inheritances are regarded as compensation for Zhen Mo Ran.

"Well, that's all there is to equipment. Everyone will hand over the unengraved things to me. After half a day, we will set off first."

Ling Tian got up, his voice flashed, and he disappeared into the hall with Liu Yiyi and Qin Mingyue.

The three of them first went back to Taoyuan to take a look at Ji Jiuyou, and then Ling Tian began to inscribe.

The Lei Yin Ming Diamond and the complete set of inscriptions in Ling Tian's hands were only enough to engrave a complete set of Lei Yin inscriptions for Qin Mingyue, and the others could only use the full set of platinum first.

Half a day later, the fleet of thousands of cloud boats entered the Jiuqu Mountain Range, and then the wind surged down.

And the flagship was also in it, flashing in the formation, madly heading towards Haiyue City.



This was once a small coastal town that was so barren that almost no one cares about it.

Only a few years ago, there was a legend that there was a mysterious treasure that split the sky and came to the world, and attracted countless sect warriors from the Eastern Territory to come here to hunt for treasure. .

Later, the ugly girl Qin Mingzhu in Haiyue City made a sensation in Haiyue City with her terrifying alchemy attainments. Later, it was rumored that Qin Mingzhu traveled to the Eastern Regions and smashed the major sects with a young man named Ling Tian, ​​and finally worshipped. Taihuazong.

After that, above Danbi and Wubi in the Great Desolate State, the warrior named Ling Tian was a blockbuster, shaking the entire Eastern Region.

In the following years, Haiyue City recovered its calm, but occasionally heard the legend of Ling Tian, ​​which became their after-dinner talk.

But the legend was too sensational, and too far away from them.

But in the last half month, warriors from all the major sects of the Eastern Region have continuously poured into Haiyue City, and the small Haiyue City has ushered in a long-lost lively scene.

In addition, more and more warriors came, and they even occupied the surrounding mountains in the end. These warriors set up camps, stretching hundreds of miles north and south along the coast.

It is even more spectacular than when it was in Wubi in the Wilderness Prefecture.

And what surprised them even more was that the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, known as the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Region, also arrived in Haiyue City and built a huge pavilion in the open space on the coast in two days.

Although the pavilion has only one storey, it has a radius of a thousand feet and a height of one hundred feet. It is extremely magnificent and the weather is severe.

From a distance, it looks like a walled fortress, standing on the coast.

On the plaque in the middle of the pavilion, the words Yutian Pavilion are depicted.

But what is the meaning of this, I don't know.

When did the impoverished Haiyue City warriors see such a magnificent building, they were surprised to find out. Only then did they know that all the major sects of the Eastern Region had suddenly received the Chamber of Commerce from Heaven and Earth before, and they united with the first Eastern Region. The invitation card of the Taihuazong, Xuanyuan Palace, Piaoxianggu, Wanpumen and other top sects with unified signatures.

Above the invitation, all major sects of the Eastern Region must rush to Haiyue City to attend the meeting.

As for what it was for, the invitation just said that this event will have a treasure that will make a sensation in the entire Eastern Region and even the entire human race.

All the sects and warriors who participated in the meeting will be rewarded by the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce.

The heavy gifts above the invitation, the major sects actually didn't care too much.

It's just because the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce has been famous in the Eastern Region for a long time. Who doesn't know that the Chamber of Commerce has a strong background and is very mysterious. Even the overlord sects of other states have business dealings with the Chamber of Commerce.

Normally, there is no sect in the entire Eastern Region who dared to slap the face of the Chamber of Commerce. What's more, this time it was an invitation sent by the Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with other top sects in the Eastern Region.

Not to mention, this invitation actually said that this event will have a sensational treasure born, which has to be astonishing.

At the end of the invitation, it even stated that if there are any sects who do not attend the meeting, they will be responsible for the consequences.

Therefore, after the invitations were sent to the various sects of the Eastern Region, no one dared or wanted to refuse, so they packed up and rushed to Haiyue City.

Even the warriors of other states near the Eastern Region couldn't restrain the curiosity in their hearts and followed.

In short, before the grand event started, Haiyue City was already overcrowded, attracting everyone's attention in the entire Eastern Region.

They all wanted to see what kind of treasure the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce is going to come up with this time, with the ability to sensationalize the human race.

Ling Tian and others arrived in Haiyue City secretly seven days ago.

Inside the Imperial Palace on the coast.

Ling Tian stood in front of the lean on the railing, leaning on Haiyue City with his back, looking at the endless deep blue sea in the west, still wearing a white robe and moving lightly in the wind with his white hair.

Master Yifan, the chairman of the World Chamber of Commerce, pushed in and saw Ling Tian's back, feeling the unfathomable coercion on this junior's body. In his eyes, it was hard to hide the excitement.

"Amitabha, fortunately fortunately, Sect Master, you have finally returned safely."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the old Master Yifan, who had only seen him a few years later, smiled immediately and let him sit on the big chair.

"Master, I haven't officially entered the Tang Sect. Is your name a bit too early?"

Master Yifan shook his head, "Hehe, this is not what a poor monk meant by himself."

"The fame you have gained over the years, the master, who doesn't know now?"

"For the entire Tang Sect, who doesn't want you to come back as soon as possible and take charge of the Tang Sect, so that the Tang Sect will go from being incognito to being famous?"

"Now, among the three halls of the Tang Sect, the Lin Family of the Shenwu Palace has been removed by me, and no one has any objection to the son in charge of the Tang Sect."

Master Yifan said with excitement.

"Then, have you informed them that I am going to build my own sect? By then, Tang Sect will no longer exist."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands.

"I said it, but it needs to be explained by the sect master himself when the time comes. After all, the self-establishment of the sect is no trivial matter. The sect master has to carry out this matter when the magic witch clan soldiers are in the eastern region, right? Some adventures?"

Master Yifan frowned. Although Ling Tian asked him to make some plans, Master Yifan also didn't know what Ling Tian had to use to resist the terrifying Shichahai army.

"Hehe, there is no risk."

Ling Tian snorted coldly, looked at the boundless East China Sea, and smiled: "I have been preparing for this for too long."

"Oh? So, does the sect master have great confidence in resisting the army of the Demon Witch Clan?" Master Yifan still couldn't sit still, got up and asked.

He wanted to hear an absolutely affirmative answer from Ling Tian's mouth.

In the past few months, he has never closed his eyes for a day.

"It is not to resist the demon witch tribe army, but to wipe out all the demon witch tribe army on the East China Sea!"

Ling Tian suddenly turned around to meet the excited gaze of Master Yifan.

His eyes were filled with a bitter will to fight and the belief in victory.

"We have everything ready, and we just wait for the army of the Witch Clan to come and die."

"I want the destruction of the Shichahai army to become a stepping stone for Ling Tian to build the sect!"

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