Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1621: Heavenly Conspiracy Blood Witch Demon Infant

"What? Ling Tian, ​​do you really want to hear what you said to Xiandao that day and go to the Demon Realm!?"

Leng Aotian stood up again and frowned, "Ling Tian, ​​I have to remind you, Demon Realm, it's not so easy to go!"

"Oh? Is it possible that this demon realm or Longtan Tiger's Den is not?"

Ling Tian turned around, his face surprised.

"Of course..."

Leng Aotian and the others looked at each other, and finally he took a deep breath and said, "I used to go to the Demon Realm to see a doctor for Xuan Ye."

"Don't think that without the support of the Dragon Clan in the Demon Region, and the separation of the Dragon Clan in the Four Seas, they will be weak."

"But don't forget, Yaozu was once the master of this world."

"Now the Demon Region is not as good as before, and we were beaten back 500 years ago. But that time was because of the five families of the Demon Region, only one family came!"

"Furthermore, the biggest difference between the Demon Territory and the Human Race is that within the boundaries of the Demon Territory, within the boundaries of the Demon Territory, the heavenly path is abnormal. Any Human Race entering it will be suppressed!"

"Furthermore, with the exception of the human traders, if the human race enters the demon realm, they will definitely be besieged."

"On top of this, the human race does not have the slightest advantage in the demon realm. Divine consciousness is not good. You can't even use the martial spirit of the early days, and you can't use your own martial spirit, and the human technique cannot be easily used."

"You said, in this case, what do you use to go to the demon realm, relying only on your physical body?"

Leng Aotian stretched his hands, and all the younger generations standing on both sides of the hall looked at each other. Unexpectedly, this demon domain was still so peculiar, and the human warriors would be suppressed when they entered, which was too domineering.

Ling Tian also frowned. He really didn't know much about the demon domain before.

If what Leng Aotian said is true, then this demon domain is really not as easy as he imagined, so it is so easy to enter.

He admitted that he had underestimated the demon domain before.

"Leng Zhuangzhu is right, but this is not without a solution."

Hong Lao and Master Na Jing Chan looked at each other, then laughed suddenly: "Has Master Leng heard of the mystery of the human race?"

Leng Aotian raised his brow when he heard the words, "I've really heard of this."

"It is said that this magical mystery technique can disguise the vitality of the human race as the bloodline power of the demon race, and even the appearance can be easily transformed. The higher the cultivation level, the less likely it is to be discovered. The demon race of the same level, basically see it. well."

"But this is a legend after all. My Dark Night Villa is in the Northern Territory and I have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with the demon clan, but I have never seen anyone cast a magical mystery technique. In the demon domain, there is also no rumors."

"Could it be that there is such a mysterious secret in this world?"

Leng Aotian, Xiao Feng and others all looked over.

"Of course there is."

"Moreover, as far as I know, the four great climbers in Sendai have this secret method."

"The reason Leng Zhuangzhu said that the Yaozu has never discovered a human race disguised by this exercise..."

"Hehe, that's because there are only a handful of people who have actually used this secret method, and every one of them was extremely successful. They were originally cultivated to the highest level, and they couldn't be seen through in the demon realm."

Hong Lao suddenly sneered, her eyes flashing with a look of pride or sorrow, but the palm of her red sleeve stretched out, and a jade slip flew towards Ling Tian.

"What is recorded here is the mystery technique."

Ling Tian took the jade slip in his hand, but did not look anxiously. Instead, he frowned and asked, "Senior Hongluo, you said that all four secret techniques are available in Sendai. Where did that come from?"

"More than five hundred years ago, from Tianyu Island..."

The red roar fell, and everyone was shocked again.

Why is Tenyu Island involved in it?

"The secret technique given by Tianyu Xiandao? This is too weird, right? How do I feel that this is a huge conspiracy of theirs, it is very likely that it was designed long ago!"

Leng Aotian just sat down and stood up again.

"Yeah, it's really interesting. What we are missing is from Tianyu Xiandao."

Xiao Feng also sneered.

"I know your concerns, but there should be no problem with this secret technique, because...someone has used..."

Hong Lao suddenly seemed a little nervous, "Moreover, that person has not come back now, he will not be seen through by the Yaozu."

"That's also possible..."

Leng Aotian wanted to say it again, but Ling Tian suddenly raised his hand to interrupt.

He could see that there must be hidden feelings in Hong Lao's words.

"I took a look at this secret technique, but it is very mysterious and there is no problem."

Copy the jade slip and hand it to Qin Mingyue Leng Xuanye and others, Ling Tian raised his sleeves and returned to the main position.

"You don't need to persuade you anymore, I have decided that I must go to the demon domain!"


Tianyu Fairy Island.

The abyss under the Tiansheng Mountain.

The two island master Cheng Kun and the six island masters on the left and right sit on the futon in the Abyss Chamber.

At this time, their bodies were filled with weird scarlet vitality, and the vitality was wrapped with pure divine thoughts, which condensed the vitality into a baby like an evil ghost, full of the smell of evil spirits.


Suddenly, Cheng Kun held Yuan Shouyi with both hands, and the scarlet vitality circulated a great Zhoutian consummation, and finally turned into a grimace doll the size of a walnut, hidden in their eyebrows.

"Hehe, juniors and sisters, this blood witch demon infant has finally been trained to the greatest extent by us, and we can proceed with our plan."

Cheng Kun spoke, and the six island owners on the left and right also took the blood-colored ghost face doll in front of them back to their eyebrows.

"Haha, it's been five hundred years. Before the end of life, we finally condensed the demon infant. We just don’t know. Then Ling Tian and the rest of the younger generations will go to the demon domain. If not, our plan , But just..."

San Dao is an old Dao dressed in a blue gossip robe. His face was originally immortal, but now his eyes flashed with a terrifying evil red light.

"Hehe, don't worry, they will definitely go."

"Furthermore, the primordial spirit is in the demon realm. I didn’t lie to them. Even if they don’t go, we have to take out all the primordial spirit of the demon realm. At that time, we will be in the demon realm and we can return. Step down on the imperial ancestor, seize the last Wuhun of the primordial primacy, and make a set!"

Cheng Kun sneered, his eyes flashed with craziness and killing intent.

"So, then we don't waste time, let's start the demon infant seizing the house!"

This is, Liudao Master Huayan's mother-in-law is impatient.

"Hehe, Junior Sister Six is ​​anxious, okay!"

Cheng Kun received it in the same way, and a line of light rose up in the secret chamber, and the next moment, a group of figures were teleported in by the formation.

There are seven people in total.

Among these seven people, there are males and females, but without exception, they are all the descendants of the supreme arrogant talents with extraordinary temperament and strong aura.

Except that there was no Wuhun in the early days, the others were even stronger than those of Leng Xuan Ye Ye Gucheng and his ilk.

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