Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1622: Fourteen Kuang

These disciples have good looks and gorgeous clothes, and Yan Yan, the granddaughter of the six island masters, is among them. After they teleported in, they all knelt down together.

"Hehe, get up all the time."

Cheng Kun held his hands empty, the original evil spirit on his face disappeared completely, and replaced it with a peaceful smile: "I will let you disciples come over today, not for anything else. I just want to give each of you a big deal. Chance!"

"Oh? Master, what chance, all the island owners are here, so grand?!"

The head of the younger generation was tall and tall, dressed in white and carrying a sword, with a starry-eyed look, and excellent temperament. Hearing this, he stood up and said in amazement.

"Hehe, you kid, you always mutter in front of me how rampant Ling Tian is outside, and you have to go out and clean it up."

"But I didn't let you go, do you remember, why?"

The disciple bowed his hand, "Of course the disciple remembers, because...Although we are true disciples of Tianyu Xiandao, we don't have an ancient-class primordial martial arts spirit, and we are not Ling Tian's opponent."

The other disciples also nodded, but their faces were full of unwillingness.

"Yes, exactly."

"However, do you really think that Tianyu Xiandao is the supreme sect of the human race, will there be no ancient martial arts spirit for you?"

Cheng Kun suddenly raised his body and smiled. In the astonished eyes of the disciples, a formation filled with ancient majesty was once again illuminated in the middle of the secret room.

That formation tore through the space, and light **** slowly rose from it. There were as many as fourteen!

Not only that, in every ball of light, there is a terrifying power of the primordial martial soul, and among them, there are a series of ancient seal characters floating looming.

"Hey, this... these are all ancient Wushu spirits of the Beginning!?"

"Oh my god, so much!"

That Cheng Kun's disciple, like a wooden chicken, froze there.

Others, there are no exceptions.

This is simply too shocking.

They have been accepted as disciples by the island owner of Tianyu Fairy Island since they were young, supplemented by the best practice secrets in the world, and practiced with inexhaustible resources until now, but they have always thought that Tianyu Fairy Island, except for that island Apart from the master possessing a complete set of ancient-level primordial martial arts, there is no complete primordial martial arts.

But now, I would never have thought that Tianyu Xiandao actually collected so many primordial martial arts, and they were all of ancient level!

Among the disciples, the well-behaved girl named Yanyan opened her mouth slightly.

The scene in front of her was truly shocking, even if it was the Wuhun of the primordial primacy she had seen in the final World War in Nantang, there was not as much in front of her!

"Hehe, that's right, these were found one by one from our Tianyu Xiandao for thousands of years!"

"With these martial spirits in the early days, we can prosper forever, and no one wants to shake our human supremacy!"

"Nowadays, undercurrents under the sky are surging, and Ling Tian has angered the Demon Witch Clan again. Human Clan’s difficulties are imminent.

"So, when I wait for you to be summoned, I want to pass on these ancient martial arts spirits to you."

When Cheng Kun's words fell, the seven disciples were overjoyed.

For them, this is simply a great opportunity!

Fourteen ancient-level Taichu paired in pairs, and after being incorporated into the body, they were Shuangkuangu Taichu in the body, even if they were compared to Lingtian's Shuang Taichu, they were not afraid at all.

At that time, with their tyrannical cultivation bases and martial arts supernatural powers, will Ling Tian's group of arrogant guys be suppressed without breathing?

"Disciple, thank you Master for your great kindness!"

"Disciples thank you Shien!"

All of a sudden, the seven disciples knelt down again.

"Hehe, this is your fate, get up and prepare to incorporate Taichu into your body!"

A vicious color flashed in Cheng Kun's eyes, and with a push with his hand, the seven pairs of early martial arts flew in front of the seven.

How could they resist the temptation, all the seven of them took the primordial martial arts spirit, without thinking about it, their vitality rose up, that is, they all incorporated the primordial martial arts soul into their bodies.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, under the blessing of Shuang Taichu, the already tyrannical aura of the seven people swelled steadily, and the violent aura filled the entire secret room, making each of their faces flushed with excitement.

The feeling of having the martial soul blessing from the beginning is really fascinating.

"The spirit of the early days is really strong!"

The disciple in white felt the terrifying energy surging all over, and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

"Master, is there anything we need to do? Or, the seven of us, we will leave the island and head to the Eastern Region to teach the Imperial Heaven Sect and let them know the fate of offending our Tianyu Xiandao!"

The man's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Cheng Kun expectantly.


The two island owners, Cheng Kun and the other island owners looked at each other, and then there was a surprised laugh from the seven.

"No, you still have important things to do."

"That is……"

Cheng Kun's eyes became scarlet by accident, and that kind face seemed to suddenly become a devil-like hideous horror.

"Yes, let us take home!"

"Do it!"

After all, without waiting for the seven people to react, the seven island owners shot at the same time, the **** demon infant hidden in the eyebrows reappeared, and then rushed towards the seven people amid the infiltrating ghost cry.

The seven were shocked, their whole bodies violent, and they were about to resist.

But everything came too suddenly, and the Devil Infant's breath was so mysterious that they couldn't resist it at all, but while breathing, the Devil Infant rushed into the center of the seven people's eyebrows.

The next moment, the seven disciples trembled all over, their entire bodies beaten violently, and their entire faces were weirdly distorted, sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes frightened, and frightening.

"Grandma, don't be like this, you will die!"

In the sea of ​​thoughts of the girl named Yan Yan, a cry sounded.

"Don't be afraid, kid."

"Grandma is old, in this life, she will be in such a situation. She can't break through to the flying realm, and can't ascend, and she has to endure the dirty behavior in the fairy island. Grandma really has enough."

"In the past five hundred years, the only thing that made grandma happy is to pick up your baby bump."

In the sea of ​​Yan Yan Yi, the ghost face Devil Infant that rushed in, although still looking terrifying, had no evil aura.

"But Yanyan doesn't want grandma to die..."

Yan Yan was still sad.

"Child, remember, this is all fate, you already have great luck in your body, grandma does not regret it, nor is it sad!"

"However, you have to remember everything that happened in the Tianyuxian Island."

"Don't let their treacherous tricks succeed, otherwise, the human race is in danger!"

"Child, grandma can't... accompany you..."

When the voice fell, the Grimace Devil Infant suddenly collapsed in Yan Yan's sea of ​​mind.

Yan Yan was trembling all over, she in the secret room, her eyes closed tightly, the bare hands in her sleeves tightly clasped, and she caught a stream of blood flowing down.

But she still resisted not letting her tears fall.

She can't let grandma die in vain.

This hatred, after all, must be reported!


In an instant, Yan Yan opened his eyes suddenly, but a pair of eyes that were originally clear as water shone with a frightening scarlet color.

She raised her arms, her back was violent with the breath of Taichu, and the word'Wuji' rose suddenly!

At this moment, she was like a docile kitten with fangs.

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