Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1630: After Phoenix

"Jin San'er doesn't know what the village master's words mean."

"I have been cultivating deep in the mountains since I was a child, and I have only recently emerged from the mountains, and I have no plans.

"If the village master can't tolerate me, then I will leave Jin San."


Having said that, Ling Tian snorted coldly, then suddenly turned and left.

He was blind this time, and he was fine.

The big deal, just change to a cottage.

"Jin San'er!"

Bai Ling stomped and wanted to stop Ling Tian, ​​but she couldn't call the shots.


However, the village master uttered a hostile cry, and his figure flashed to stop Ling Tian.

"You killed Hunye, Heifeng Mountain will definitely count this account on my Lingyu Village, and you, don't want to get out of the business."

"Although I Ran Hongfu is not afraid of things, you have to stay!"

After all, without waiting for Ling Tian's reaction, the village master stretched out his finger to touch Ling Tian's chest.

Although Ling Tian could fight back or evade in an instant, he could feel that Ran Hongfu had no intention of killing on his body, so he shook his whole body and forcibly endured it.

Ran Hongfu's finger clicked, and a **** glow instantly disappeared into Ling Tian's body.

Frowning his brows slightly, Ling Tian found that the bloodline that Ran Hong's dashed drops did not harm or affect his body at all, just like a breath that couldn't be more faint.

However, in the next moment, the blood glow disappeared completely, and Ling Tian's demon spirit seemed to have a little smell.

This taste is generally the same as that of Bai Ling and the others.

"Well, from now on, you will be the demon clan within the Qingluan force in the southern demon territory. Come back to the stockade with me."

Ran Hongshu lifted the fiery red cloak behind him, turned around suddenly, raised his bare hands, and a group of demons came up to take the goods, and the large group of people hurried away.

"Let's go, Jin Saner, don't have lumps in your heart, the village owner is actually very good, as long as you don't make mistakes..."

Bai Ling cast an apologetic look at Ling Tian, ​​then dragged him to follow.

Inside Taoyuan.

Yang Lin, who was playing cards with Lao Hou Qingxu, took his gaze back from the sky.

"Haha, Lao Hou, I think this woman is extraordinary."

"Tsk tusk, this Ling Tian is really a fortune. When I enter the demon territory and find a demon race, I can meet the descendants of the phoenix with such blood."

"What can you see!?"

Lao Hou snorted, "Lao Tzu is a serious monster, so his eyesight is weaker than yours?"

"I think I was in Upper Realm, what kind of Feng clan beauty I haven't seen?"

"However, although this girl has a phoenix aura hidden in her body, she seems to have some problems, as if some of them have been pulled out, otherwise it's really amazing!"

Lao Hou clutched a hand of cards and smacked his lips.

"Haha, don't be afraid, this girl is just short of good luck."

"This good fortune is Ling Tian..."

"Come on, Wang Jian!"

Qing Xu: "You are sick, Lao Hou is a landlord, why did you blow me up!?"

The location of Lingyu Village was not too far away. After three days of rushing around, everyone entered a valley.

In fact, it is not so much a valley, it is better to say that this cottage was built in the gap between two mountains. There is only one opening to enter, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and it is a thousand feet long. Not to mention, the location is really good.

The space in the valley is huge, and some herbs have been planted on the middle plain by the monsters using crude techniques. Of course, the ranks are not very high.

Even though there is no lack of high-grade elixir in the Demon Realm, the more advanced elixir is, the more delicate it is. There is no way to transplant it without a master skilled in elixir.

On both sides and on the innermost mountain wall, there are densely packed caves that are the residences of all the demons in the cottage.

Outside the cottage, there are some simple formation restrictions, but in Ling Tian's eyes, these are really too shabby.

However, when Ran Hongfu's team opened the formation and entered the valley, the monster race within it burst into cheers.

As soon as many demon cubs transformed into form, they gathered from all directions, begging for dried meat and fruits.

It can be seen how dependent they are on the team returning from the trip.

In an instant, the entire valley was filled with cheers.

But soon a clan demon discovered that Bai Ling's team had only returned halfway, and the rest were missing, and Bai Ling and others were all injured.

At the end of the team, what the war horse was carrying was a corpse of the monster race.

For a moment, they understood, and the entire valley fell silent for an instant.

"Dear clan demon, Bai Ling is sorry to you, I failed to bring all my brothers back safely..."

At this moment, Bai Ling walked out of the team, knelt in front of a crowd of monsters with a puff.

Lan Jing and other monster warriors also filed out and knelt behind Bai Ling.

"Please be punished by the village owner."

Bai Ling bowed his hands to Ran Hongfu who turned his back to everyone.

"The Demon Realm is cruel, life and death are impermanent."

"Serve wine!"

Ran Hongfu turned around, and a monster warrior held up a jar behind him.

"This first bite, to my brother who died in Lingyu Village."

Ran Hongfu took the wine jar and spilled all the wine on the ground.

After giving up, Ran Hongfu flashed a red light in his hand and held a long whip in his hand.

"But Bai Ling, as the leader of the team, you have lost nearly half of the clan demon, you can't shirk the blame."

"Can you be punished willingly?"

Ran Hongfu's face was cold, and he said sharply.

"Bai Ling is at fault, he is willing to be punished!"

Bai Ling kowtowed, put his hands on his forehead, and knelt to the ground.

"Okay, now, all the young and old are in the village, you have broken fifty one of our brothers, and I will punish you fifty-one whip with a feather whip."

"It's life or death, it's up to you!"

After that, the long whip in Ran Hongfu's hand was picked up between Ling Tian's eyebrows and pulled out awe-inspiringly.


The whip fell on Bai Ling, and the latter whispered, the pain made her tremble all over.

But Ran Hongfu's face didn't have any fluctuations, and he still whips and whips.

She is the cultivation base of the fourth-order demon emperor. Although she didn't use much strength, let alone fifty whips, she was afraid that Bai Ling could not bear even thirty whips.

"The owner of the village, Lan Jing is also responsible, and I am willing to take the punishment together with Bai Ling!"

Lan Jing couldn't bear it and climbed up.

"Okay, then divide you twenty whips!"

The long whip fell on Lan Jing's body, and the Lan Jing that he drew also bared his teeth.

The two demons were punished at the same time, and looking at the surrounding clan demons, they couldn't bear it.

But no monster race came out to stop it.

Seeing that Bai Ling was already in a coma after receiving ten whips for a week, and he didn't even know the pain, Ling Tian finally couldn't help it.


With a loud shout, Ling Tian's figure flashed, and he stood in front of the two demons.

"What does it have to do with them!?"

"It was a sneak attack by the Demon Race of Heifeng Mountain. It was the best result to be able to bring goods and nearly half of the Demon Race brothers over."

"Why are you so cruel and unreasonable!?"

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