Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1631: Is it wrong? Kill the Black Wind Mountain

Ran Hongfu was startled at first, and when he could see that Ling Tian came out, he chuckled lightly, "I think you just entered Lingyu Village, you will not be cured of your crime."

"But this is the rules in my Lingyu Village. If you lead the team out of the valley and damage your brother, you should be punished, regardless of the reason."

"Step aside!"

When the sound fell, Ran Hong flicked the long whip in his hand, and then drew it down again.

However, Ling Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, ignoring the might of the long whip, abruptly taking the long whip, clinging to it.

This scene surprised all the monster races in the village.

It was the first time that he dared to stop the village master for punishment.

Moreover, this monster clan looked still alive.

This is too courageous.

"Jin San'er, don't think that if you save them this time, you can be presumptuous with me!"

"Go away!"

Ran Hongfu gave a squeaky chick, and when he tried hard with his bare hand, he would withdraw the long whip.

But Ling Tian was still clinging to it, his whole body was ascending as a mountain, no matter how hard that Ran Hongfu tried, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"I don't care what **** rules you are!"

"I only know that if you continue to fight, then Bai Ling will be killed by you!"

"I saved their lives, and I don't allow her to die."

"It's not even you!"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and he became even more displeased with Ran Hongfu's mannerisms.

A trace of shame flashed across Ran Hongfu's cold face, but Ling Tian's long whip was clamped, and unless she broke out all the coercion of the Tier 4 Demon Emperor, she would be helpless.

"Aren't you distinguishing rewards and punishments?"

"I saved the lives of these dozens of monster races and brought back half of the goods. This kind of credit can always meet their punishment, right?"

"If you don't, you can give me a whip, whatever you like, how about it?"

Ling Tian said coldly, even if he let go of the long whip.

If this Ran Hongfu is still so savage, he really wants to teach a lesson.

Anyway, Ling Yuzhai Ling Tian didn't take it seriously either.

"Hehe, since you want to be punished for them, then I will fulfill you!"

Ran Hongfu withdrew the long whip, surging with demonic energy, and with a whip wrapped in great pressure, he drew towards Ling Tian.

Ling Tian did not dodge, even without blinking his eyes.

"Jin San'er...hide!"

Bai Ling knelt on the ground, whispering weakly.

Although Ran Hongfu's whip didn't use his full strength, it was enough to cause a demon emperor like Bai Ling to half-dead and seriously wound it.

All the monster races onlookers also turned away from the beginning, not daring to look at it again.

Because of the fall of the long whip, Jin San'er was bound to be smeared with blood.


However, there was a blast, but everyone did not hear any Jin San's screams.

Qi Qi turned his gaze to look over, but was surprised to find that Ling Tianjunxiu's face was twitching.

The coarse cloth on his chest was torn apart, and blood bleeds out of the terrifying whip marks.

But even so, this Jin San did not say anything.

This is nothing short of a man.

"Hehe, okay, you're still a kind of breeder!"

Ran Hongfu put away the long whip and looked at the demons who were kneeling on the ground.

"Since someone receives the penalty for you, then all get up."

"Remember, this is the rule of my Lingyu Village. If you are afraid, next time, you don't have to go out of the valley."

Ran Hongfu's towering chest was undulating, and finally he glanced horizontally at Ling Tian, ​​took a word, turned and flew back to the cave at the highest point of the valley.

"The goods are in storage! The monkey is smart, find an empty cave for Jin San'er to settle in!"

Seeing that Ran Hongfu's figure disappeared to the top of the mountain, Ling Tian let out a cold snort in his chest, and then turned around to lift both Bai Ling and Lan Jing up.

"Jin San'er, thank you."

Bai Ling murmured, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fainted.

"Hurry up! Take sister Bai Ling to heal her injuries!"

A demon emperor with a sharp mouth and monkey gills rushed out, beckoning the demon to lift the Bai Ling and Lan Jing down, and finally looked at Ling Tian.

"Is Jin San'er?!"

"Hey, I didn't expect that not only are you handsome, but you are a kind of breed!"

"I heard that you saved the clan demon in our village from the bandits of Heifeng Mountain?"

Ling Tian nodded, humming.

"Haha, militant power!"

"However, what I admire is that you dare to fight with our village master!"

The monkey rushed up and slapped Ling Tian's chest twice, and said with a mean smile: "Seriously, you are the first one in Lingyu Village who dares to do this, and you are also the first to let it go."

"My name is Hou Ling, you can call me Monkey Smart!"

"Let's go, I'll find a room for you to settle down. From now on, you will be my brother from Lingyu Village!"


Seeing that Hou was busy cleaning the cave for Ling Tian and standing on the mountain wall, Ling Tian shook his head.

At this time, he already had the intention to go.

He was thinking of following the demon clan to go deep into the demon realm. No matter how bad, it would be good to get some news or maps inside the demon realm.

But I never thought that I would settle down in a cottage,

Moreover, he really didn't like Ran Hongfu's behavior.

"Hey, brother Jin San'er, in fact, you just came to Lingyu Village, so you are not very familiar with our village owner."

"She is cold outside and hot inside. None of the young and old in our stockade doesn't love her."

As soon as Ling Tian wanted to laugh, the monkey clever took Ling Tian out of the cave, pointed at the opposite mountain wall and said, "Look, Bai Ling has already personally gone over to take care of it."

"Bai Ling grew up with the village master since childhood. They are masters and servants. If the village master is not helpless, how can he punish him?"

Looking along Monkey Ji Ling's fingers, Ling Tian also found that Ran Hongfu's figure had hidden in a cave.

But this cannot change his view of Ran Hongfu.

"Furthermore, the village owner didn't want Bai Ling to go out this time. It should be the rules in the village. You can take the team out, but if you break your brother, you will be subjected to the whipping, regardless of the reason.

"I think the village owner led the team out of the village countless times. At that time, the survival of the whole village was dependent on her, but the village owner also suffered the scourge of the old village owner for an unknown number of times because of the loss of his brother. , Almost died."

"For this cottage, the owner of the village has suffered too much. Outside, she has experienced countless lives and deaths. How old is she? The old village owner died outside, and all the pressure of the cottage was carried by her. "

"Bai Ling is also afraid that the village master is too tired and has no time to practice, so he came out of the village this time."

"So, you really blamed the village owner."

The monkey sighed and patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, "Brother, you just came out of the mountain. I don’t know how cruel this demon realm, especially the territories we don’t care about, is so cruel. The heavy punishment is actually a reminder, reminding us all the time. If you don’t make a moment, you have to be cautious and get flogged. How can it be better than death?"

"Our Monster Race, that's it."

After that, the monkey cleverly left.

"Is it wrong?"

Standing in front of the door for a long time, Ling Tian sighed, "Perhaps."

Perhaps, at this moment, he just started to understand the Yaozu.


Originally, Ling Tian was going to take a rest in the cave, and then go to explore the news of this demon domain, to see if there is any map power thing that can be used.

But in less than half a day, riots broke out in the cottage.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"The main thing is not good, we are besieged!"

"The demon thieves of Heifeng Mountain are here!"

When Ling Tian came out of the cave, he saw that the valley had become a mess.

And through the gap between the two mountains, Ling Tian could see clearly, the smoke and dust were everywhere outside, and the sound of iron hoofs roared and trembled from far to near, like a muffled thunder.

The demon race of Heifeng Mountain, came really fast!

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