Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1635: One halberd breaks the Wanjun [Thanks to Mr. Chen for essential oil]

As Ling Tian's words fell, Na Hun Tun suddenly saw the halberd in Ling Tian's hand, burning flames!

The hot breath caused a deep chill in the heart of Du Huantun.

Euphorbia is a fire, and Ling Tian is also ready to use the method of breaking the army that he has not used for a long time!

Ling Tian shouted wildly, his white hair was flying, the euphorbia trembled, and the flames bloomed. The whole person is like a golden lion burning with flames, surging surging.

"Damn it, I don't believe that if I swallow all my strength, I can't kill your junior monster race!"

Huantun was also furious, now that his army is approaching, how could it be possible for Ling Tian to take all his aura! ?

It was no longer hidden immediately, all the power of the blood in the body burned, and the power was poured into the black gun, making the black thunder on the gun body more dense!

"Black Wind Thunder Slash!"

"Jin San, let you see the martial arts I learned from the Lei Si clan!"

With a loud shout, the figure seemed to be integrated into the spear light, and it stabled with one blow!

In an instant, above the vast sky, a black awn came across like a mountain, suppressing Xiang Lingtian.

"Small bugs!"

There was a golden fire-colored light in Ling Tian's eyes, and the wings behind him burned, and the divine light penetrated through his eyes.

Break the army, break the ten thousand martial arts with one force!

The halberd lifted up, Ling Tian circled the golden fire and flew across the sky. The fiery red halberd was surrounded by the nascent fire glow, and his volley-changing flesh was like a round of majestic red sun, oscillating above the sky.


The halberd lingering in the flames swept all the way, smashing the lightning spear lights that were comparable to mountains.

Breaking the army's last heavy, invincible!

too strong!

The demon in the distance, looking at this space, trembled deep in their hearts. The terrifying power of Ling Tian's halberd, through the air at an extremely long distance, made every monster race feel the fear and trembling from the heart in the depths of the soul of each monster.

"What martial skill is this! So tyrannical!?"

Ran Hongfu opened his mouth wide, looking at this scene with some disbelief.

How does it look like it is owned by the Yaozu! ?

If it is, the grade will definitely not be lower.


In the sky, I saw that my spear light was crushed by Ling Tian, ​​and directly turned into ashes.

Huantun was shocked, and couldn't help crying out. Now Ling Tian, ​​holding the Eucalyptus in his hand, was far beyond his expectation.

Ling Tian, ​​carrying the halberd is a scorpion. Although the halberd breaking is a human heaven-rank martial skill, the degree of mystery is not comparable to that of the so-called Black Wind Lightning Slash!

Without giving him a chance to be shocked and lost, Ling Tian was full of flames, and fell from the sky with a halberd.


This halberd was so amazing, the entire sky was rendered into golden flames, and most of the endless black thunder light was swept away.

The morning sun is full of vitality like flames, Ling Tian is like a monster war **** coming out of a sea of ​​fire. The ends of his hair, the corners of his clothes, and the center of his eyebrows are all blooming with brilliance, and his halberd shows true Invincible prestige.


He tried his best to resist, but was still flying out, the black spear in his hand shattered, and his arms were about to shatter.

hiss! hiss!

His arms were painful, causing the heart-piercing wailing of Tuan, who wanted to kill Ling Tian, ​​turned around and was about to flee back into the army.

"Hehe, I want to escape now, it's too late!"

But how could Ling Tian give him a chance to escape! ?

Holding the halberd tightly with both hands, the demonic wings bloomed behind Ling Tian, ​​and his feet trembled in the void, the whole person rushed into the sky, holding the halberd in his big hand, and suddenly swept down at the top of climbing to the extreme height!


The euphorbia tore the space and sparks splashed.

The speed is even more like a flaming meteor. Before the demons could blink their eyes, they fell from the sky with a powerful halberd, penetrating the thick carapace, and finally with a bang, nailing it to the plain rock in front of the Lingyu cottage. on.


In an instant, the smoke and dust raised by this halberd swept away and shook away, blocking the sight of all monster races.

"Jin San'er, won!?"

"I don't know, but that halberd is really terrifying!"

The smoke and dust dissipated after a long time, but when a group of monster races saw the figure in the smoke and dust, they couldn't help but suck.

At this moment, a huge pit appeared on the plain in front of the cottage, and in the huge pit, Ling Tian was holding the halberd with both hands. It was penetrated by a halberd, and it was firmly nailed to the center of the giant pit.

The breath has completely dissipated.

Hunk, dead! ?

The Great Master of Heifeng Mountain, who carried tens of thousands of monster races, died in the hands of this Jin San'er like this!

Moreover, he was still nailed to death in front of the cottage.

This is really too humiliating, too unbelievable!

"Haha, now, do you still want to destroy Lingyu Mountain Village!?"

Ling Tian pulled out the halberd from Hun Tun's corpse, and looked at the more than ten thousand monsters with fiery eyes. One monster was independent, and it seemed to have a mighty army.

The Heifengshan demon clan that forced it was shocked!

Ling Tian's momentum is really too shocking.

"Damn it! What are we afraid of? He killed our great master, our Black Wind Mountain Demon Emperor is more than a hundred, everyone is up, you don't believe that he can't be destroyed!"


However, the bloodliness of the demon race made them calm down quickly, and hundreds of demon emperors slew them with the sword.

"No, let's go too!"

Ran Hongfu was shocked, and regardless of the pain, he grabbed a weapon and rushed up with the Demon Emperor.

However, Ling Tian in the middle of the battlefield suddenly sneered.


The halberd's mass killing technique was sacrificed, and the halberd spiral set off a fire storm, engulfing all the demon emperors on the way. For a time, countless screams sounded, and the Heifeng Mountain demon emperor was killed and injured immediately.

"No, run away, run away quickly!"

Hundreds of Demon Kings were killed in a blink of an eye, and the Heifeng Mountain army dared not rush to kill anymore, and fled away.

Ling Tian charged up, picked up the halberd, and slammed into it like a tiger driving a sheep, beheading all the demon emperors one by one.

After the tea time, on the plain in front of Lingyu Mountain Village, there was no more standing monster in Heifeng Mountain.

The corpses of the Demon Emperor were also all over the ground.

The terrifying Heifeng Mountain demon clan, unexpectedly, was killed by Ling Tian alone.

When Ling Tian carried the halberd and walked from a distance in the smoke step by step, covered in blood, Ran Hongfu in front of the cottage could no longer look away.

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