Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1636: Shabu-shabu [Thank me, Wei Da, for your protection! 】

So handsome, really handsome...

Ran Hong couldn't help but flushed, and his heartbeat became faster.

However, the visor concealed some of her reactions very well.

But all the banshees in the cottage couldn't help but rush up.

No way, today Ling Tian is even convinced by the male demons, let alone those female demons.

"It's safe."

Ling Tian walked to Ran Hongfu's body and handed over the halberd in his hand.

"Your halberd..."

However, for a while, Ran Hongfu didn't react, as if he was deaf.

"Hey, why are you in a daze? Return your halberd."

Ling Tian fingered Ran Hongfu's forehead.

"Oh, oh, that... OK, you... go in, I'll hold the weapon for you."

Ran Hongfu took the Euphorbia swiftly, but his gaze was aside and there was no focus.

Ling Tian: "..."

"Uh, it's up to you."

"Don't look at it, clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded."

Ling Tian waved his hand, coaxed the demons away, and flashed past Ran Hongfu into Dazhai.

"Hey, Jin San'er, you are really amazing. Walk around, and you will have to let the village master put on a banquet to celebrate you!"

Hou Ji Ling hurriedly pulled over, hooked his shoulders and put his back into the village.

"Miss, did you have a mania just now!?"

Bai Ling whispered behind Ran Hong.

"Ah? Do I have one?!"

Ran Hongfu turned around, still holding the Euphorbia in both hands.

"Why not? You can lent this big halberd to Ling Tian just now. Why did you say you want to help him keep it first?"

Bai Ling stared wide-eyed.


Hearing the words, Ran Hong hurriedly put the halberd away, frowned and said: "I have never said such a thing. You must have heard it wrong."

With that, she flushed and flashed into Dazhai.

Bai Ling: "Strange..."


Lingyu Village survived the catastrophe, according to the custom, it was a big banquet.

This time, there are naturally no exceptions.

In the huge valley, tables were filled with the favorite foods of the monsters, and Ling Tian, ​​as the biggest hero this time, was naturally invited to the middle table.

However, when Ling Tian looked at the table full of food, he couldn't help but get a black line.

Golden bone yak meat, topped with good ingredients, raw.

Golden scale octopus shrimp, raw.

Nine-horned antelope meat, raw.

In short, a table of good ingredients is rare in the human race, but without exception, it is all raw.

Looking at the Demon Emperor at a table, even the delicate Bai Ling stretched out his hand to grab the big elbow and chewed, Ling Tian's face couldn't help twitching.

It was a pity for Ling Tian to look at the ingredients, let alone eat them.

There is no way to speak...

"Why, Jin San'er, why don't you eat it? Is it because this delicacy doesn't suit your appetite? I'll let the banshee go and change something fresh.

Seeing this, the monkey Ji Ling asked.

"No, no, I...I'm a vegetarian."

Ling Tian touched his nose.

However, his voice fell, and all the monster races in the huge valley were startled. They all looked at Ling Tian as if they were looking at the monster.

"Hahahaha, don't make fun of Jin San'er, our Yaozu is not a vegetarian, absolutely not, you are really humorous."

After a while, the monkey cleverly laughed.

"Uh, isn't it..."

Ling Tian's expression changed, and he said that he really didn't know that Yao Clan was not vegetarian.

Don't you want to show it?

"Well... where's the village master!?"

With an idea, Ling Tian looked around, but didn't see Ran Hongfu, so he turned the topic away and asked.

"Ah, you still care about our village master..."

"No, the village owner is cooking on the top of the mountain, he should be coming down soon."

The monkey clings to the top of the mountain and points to the top of the mountain, "Hey, is it that you are not used to eating this raw meat? Coincidentally, the village owner doesn't like it, and in the entire village, only the village owner can cook."

"We have a good food. The village owner rarely cooks. The last time she succeeded the village owner three years ago."

Ling Tian also raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked at the top of the mountain behind him, but smoke rose, "Oh? Really? That's amazing."

This Ran Hongfu is really interesting.

Sure enough, after a short while, Ran Hongfu flew down, with a tray in his hand, standing in front of the table and looking at it, only to find that there was still a place next to Ling Tian, ​​he hesitated for a moment, and then sat down.

There are only two dishes on the tray.

However, Ling Tian took a look, still a black line on his face.

Finally, I tasted two bites, and my face was black.

"Why, isn't it delicious."

Ran Hongfu looked at Ling Tian's expression nervously.

"Uh...cough cough cough, okay... okay..."

Ling Tianqiang resisted and swallowed the meat.

But I secretly said in my heart that there are dishes here and there, the taste is simply weird, and I don't know what seasonings Ran Hongfu added to make such a dark dish.

"Hmph, looking at it like that, it's obvious that I don't like my cooking!"

However, Ran Hongfu was not stupid, and Ling Tian's expression was too fake.

Ling Tian chuckled, but did not continue to explain. Seeing Bai Ling and the others eating with gusto, he really sympathized with them.

"Huh, okay, you look down on me to cook, right? Then you come!"

However, Ran Hongfu didn't mean to let Ling Tian go. A pair of sharp eyes stared at Ling Tian, ​​"Aren't you good at everything? You yelled at me before, do you know how to cook!?"

"If not, you will pay attention to your identity in front of me in the future, and you must not be disrespectful to me!"

Hey, you little pepper is still coming up.

However, Ling Tian is also the master of eating soft but not hard, immediately holding his arms, "Don't say it, I really know it."

The voice fell, and all the monster races in the valley stopped again, looking at Ling Tian together.

"Hehe, you are bragging, you can try, but don't use my stuff." Ran Hongfu sneered.

"It's easy to say, it's very simple."

Ling Tian wiped his hands, thought about it, smiled suddenly, flipped his palm, and took out a cauldron at random from the ring.

Then a few large pieces of ice were added to it, and then the palm of his hand shook, and a red flame rose.


However, the heat of the fire explosion shocked the other monster races.

"This is, beast fire!"

"Ninth-Rank Fire Qiyan!?"

Ran Hongfu was also surprised. He glanced at Ling Tian up and down, and then suddenly said: "Hehe, it's no wonder that you could be on fire when you were fighting with Hun Tun before. It turns out that you are indeed extraordinary in blood, and you still have a beast fire. This fire Qiyan was born from a unicorn. If you could have one ten thousandth of the unicorn blood, you would be proud of it."

"Jin San'er, you are really amazing. Before, only the village master had a beast fire, so only her fire can cook vegetables. I don't know what you do for us?! I'm so hungry, you hurry up!" The monkey rubbed his stomach cleverly.

"Hehe, don't worry, it will be soon."

Ling Tian moved his eyes and suppressed the surprise that Ran Hong was holding fire, and then the fire was planted into the cauldron, the ice cubes turned into water to boil, and the herbs that had been prepared long ago were thrown in.

In a short while, the bottom of the spicy hot pot with red oil will be finished.

Then Ling Tian threw in everything like beef, mutton and shrimp in the eyes of the demons with surprise.

"You... is this cooking? Are you kidding me?"

Ran Hongfu watched Ling Tian no longer move, and pointed at the cauldron in surprise.

Other monster races also scratched their heads. Could it be that this is the cooking, they will too.

Ling Tian smiled, did not answer, but counted his breaths.

Sure enough, after a few dozen breaths, a strong fragrance spread out from the cauldron, and then swept across the entire valley.

Ran Hongfu didn't speak, only felt that her saliva could not stop pouring out.

The huge valley is full of sounds of demons swallowing saliva.

This is too fragrant, right?

Ling Tian hugged his arms, naturally feeling very proud in his heart.

"Sample, a hot pot meal will not subdue your little chili pepper!?"

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