Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1638: Mysterious Number Tianfeng Six Burning Halberd【

The name is really domineering, and Ling Xiao’s hand-written method has only six strokes. Today, the Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon records seven strokes. Although it is not a character generation, the mystery of this genealogy is not inferior to that of Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship. How much, reaching the realm, absolutely comparable to the immortal arts, enough to use the top demon clan to disperse immortals.

He used the previous tactics to break the army, and the last one can still be tried. Compared with this method, it is the sky and the ground, and this place is just the edge of the demon domain. After deep into the demon domain, the demon clan’s martial arts and supernatural power ranks, It will inevitably follow, when the time comes, the broken army will not be enough to see.

Moreover, that is also a human exercise method, far from this holy dragon Qi Yao.

Therefore, this Ran Hongfu was a great gift to Ling Tian.

However, how this ancestor of the Ling family appeared in Ran Hongfu's hands still made Ling Tian quite curious.

"The village master, can you tell me, where did you get this book?"

Ling Tian grabbed the score and asked suddenly.

Ran Hong was stunned, her eyes flickered, and finally she bit her lip, looking a little embarrassed, "This... is my family heritage."

"What, family inheritance!?"

Ling Tian raised his brows when he heard that, secretly saying that this is impossible.

"Well, these two cheats, and the big halberd, were left by my parents. It is said that they were left by a senior. As for who they are, I don't know."

Ran Hongfu also took out another cheat book. The material looked very similar to Ling Tian's one.

"The village master, your father and your mother are both monsters!?"

Ling Tian took the secret book and asked casually.

But as soon as he exited, Ling Tian secretly broke.

"Of course, it's not a monster or something!?"

"How come you guys are asking such weird questions?"

Ran Hong flicked his eyebrows, and his face instantly became fierce.

Ling Tian's question was a bit abrupt.

"Sorry, sorry, I... I drank too much, don't blame the village master, don't blame ha, be good..."

Ling Tian was also panicked, and quickly opened the secret book by Ran Hongfu. There were only five tricks on it, and the handwriting was also Ling Xiao's.

However, Ling Tian would naturally not let go of the opportunity to try with Sword Shadow, but this test does not matter, in the sea of ​​mind, there was another crash, and the sound of phoenix sound rang through his mind, boundlessly rising in the flames. , Gradually emerged in addition to a few ancient characters.

Tianfeng Six Burning Halberd!

It is also a top martial art of the monster race of very high grade!

Tianfeng obviously corresponds to the holy dragon.

Moreover, the tricks have changed from five tricks to six tricks.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that if he entered the Demon Realm this time, it was bound to cause a storm.

Whether it is the Seven Lights of the Sacred Dragon or the Feng Liuyan of this day, they are definitely the treasures of the monster race!

The dragon and phoenix tribes, but the god-level existence of the demon tribe, can't be seen in this world now.

If he was born, he would be robbed by craziness.

"Jin San'er? What is your expression, why are you so surprised!?"

Ran Hong frowned.

"it's okay no problem……"

Ling Tian scratched his head. For a while, he didn't know how to talk to Ran Hongfu about this cheat. She couldn't tell her that once she touched it, this cheat would become a top technique that would make the whole monster clan crazy! ?

It is impossible for Ran Hongfu to believe it.

"Huh? Why are there a few lines on the last page!?"

However, Ling Tian flipped through the secret book at will, but at the end of the last page, he found a few strange lines. The writing of these words did not look like Ling Xiao left, but more like they were originally from the secret book.

"Nine Phoenix Chaoyang."

"Liu Yan Yaotian."

"The five elements do not move."

"The five directions are moving."

"Dual resumption."

What is this! ?

Ling Tian frowned, looking at the words that looked like a heavenly book, for a while, he really couldn't figure it out.

It seems that some of them are like Guaxiang's words, and some are like passwords.

"Uh, you also have it in the back of the book."

At this time, Ran Hongfu reminded him.

Ling Tian hurriedly took out his own copy, turned to the last page, and it really did.

But only four sentences.

"Two dragons play with beads."

"Four elephants and gossip."

"Nine turns of reincarnation."

"Nine-nine into one."

What to do with this! ?

These strange things seemed to fit together, but Ling Tian wanted to break his head and couldn't understand what they said.

But what is certain is that this absolutely has nothing to do with the two exercises.

"Nine phoenixes are in the sun, six arms are shining in the sky, the five elements do not move, the five directions are moving, the two elements return to the beginning, the two dragons play with the beads, the four elephants and gossip, the nine turns of reincarnation, and the nine return to one."

"The first part of each sentence is a number. Could it be that the password to open a certain secret is not possible!?"

Ling Tian put the pages of the two cheat books together and found that a totem could be synthesized in the dark lines, which looked like some kind of beast.

But it's not a dragon or a phoenix.

"How come it looks like a penguin!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, the secret path really saw a ghost, but he really didn't understand it, so he wrote down these numbers. He guessed that these were hidden poems, and that numbers would be useful in the future.

"By the way, why are you called Jin San'er? This name is too casual."

Ran Hongfu grumbled.

"Ah, my grandfather always calls me San'er. Later, when my grandfather died, I came out of the mountains. As for the name, I don't know, so I'll be called Jin San'er."

Ling Tian slapped haha, wanting to fool around.

"Oh, like this……"

Ran Hongfu held his chin and thought for a while, and said: "I am your village master now, and I have the right to give you a serious name."

"In this way, I heard that there is a word in the Human Race called Yushu Linfeng, it is better to... you call it Jin Yushu!"

Ling Tian: "???"

Ling Tian with a black question mark on his face secretly said, you are really a ghost named!

Jin Yushu, what the **** is this?

"Well... the village master, isn't Jin Linfeng, more suitable for my temperament!?"

Ling Tian threw his silver hair behind his head and made a cool gesture.

"Then it's outside, just call you Jin Linfeng..."

Ran Hongfu's face turned red again, "Jin San'er, what are your plans for the future?"

Seeing Ling Tian looking over suspiciously, she said again: "You have an extraordinary bloodline and a beast fire. Even with this hot pot, you can be attached to a good power. Your achievements are immeasurable."

"I can't, stay in Lingyu Village forever, right?!"

Ling Tian scratched his head and didn't ridicule anymore, "Well, it's true that I, Jin San'er, really want to gain some fame, so this Lingyu Village is not where I belong."

In fact, Ling Tian wanted to say to leave directly, after all, he had something to do in the Demon Realm here, and now that he knew Ling Xiao's clues, he really wanted to find it.

But now, he didn't say anything.


Ran Hongfu looked like he had expected, but his face was still dimmed.

"Villager, how about you!?"

Ran Hongfu shook his head, I don't know.

"Fine, I'm tired."

Having said that, Ran Hongfu got up, grabbed his secret book, jumped, and flew up to the cave on the mountain wall.

But when Ran Hongfu's figure disappeared, all the drunk monster races in the valley suddenly sat up from the ground.

How does this look drunk! ?

"I rely on... You eavesdrop!?"

Ling Tian stood up, secretly saying that these monster races are too chicken thieves, right?

Monkey Ji Ling: "Hey, I'm afraid the village master didn't talk so much with any monster clan alone, let alone give things away."

Ling Tian: "A group of eight women!"

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