Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1639: Peeping phoenix on the back

Inside the cave.

Ling Tian watched the seven sacred dragon's seven beams for a while, and got little gain, he was about to hide in Taoyuan for some practice, but suddenly his face changed and he leaned against the window.

At this moment, a dark shadow crossed the silent valley and went straight to the top of the mountain.

It was late at night, and the valley was silent, and this dark shadow was sneaky, too suspicious.

Although the figure was far away, he couldn't hide Ling Tian's divine will.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian also left the cave, unfolding it freely, and then quietly followed.

There were weeds on the top of the mountain. At this time, the sky in the Demon Territory was dark and terrifying, and there was no star at all.

Ling Tian, ​​who had converged aura, walked through the weeds, even if he was a powerful Sanxian, he would never want to find Ling Tian's trace. This was the suppression of his divine consciousness.

He has been locked in front of the black figure in the rush, but as the distance gets closer, Ling Tian's heart becomes more suspicious.

Although this guy is wearing a black robe that can cover his breath, he can't completely avoid Ling Tian's spirit. How can she be familiar with her breath! ?

Soon, the figure didn't go far, so it stopped.

Vaguely, the figure seemed to have a pool of water before, and immediately, it dripped a drop of unknown liquid into the pool, and the next moment a stream of icy mist rose from the pool.

And then, what made Ling Tian's eyes widened suddenly while hiding behind a huge boulder was that the figure walked into the misty pool and suddenly took off his black robe and armor.

In an instant, a body that was so beautiful that it was suffocating, and was as white as a bright moon, appeared in front of Ling Tian's eyes.

Although it was covered by the rising mist, how could it interfere with Ling Tian's eyesight! ?

Almost immediately, Ling Tian suddenly took off the peach core and threw it into the storage ring.

Qing Xu: "Huh? Why does it feel weird!?"

Yang Lin: "Less long-winded, deal the cards!"

Ling Tian covered his mouth, his eyes watched the white figure fall into the pool for an instant, leaving only a beautiful back.

But at this time, all the scars on the back were vertical and horizontal, and there were even blood gallows remaining on it.

It's Ran Hongfu!

Ling Tian recognized it the moment his black robe faded, and now he saw the scars all over his body, and he was even more certain.

This hidden figure of Ran Hongfu came here, is it to take a bath! ?

However, Ling Tian soon discovered that Ran Hongfu's back suddenly surged with fiery red light like magma, wandering in his flesh and blood.

And as the light gradually grew, the scars on his back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What kind of abnormal recovery speed is this?

Although the Yaozu's body is far more powerful than the Human Race, Ran Hongfu's injury is not light, such a terrifying body, I am afraid that it is no longer inferior to Ling Tian's Liuli War Body.

Not only that, what made Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank was that on Ran Hongfu's beautiful back that was restored to be smooth and white, the red glow surging, unexpectedly condensed into a flame-colored black bird totem with blooming wings!

The totem Lingtian recognized it at a glance.

flaming Phenix!

This is definitely the totem of the Phoenix!

Moreover, as the flame-colored totem gradually shined, Ran Hongfu's momentum also rose sharply.

The cultivation base was advancing by leaps and bounds almost between breaths, and finally stopped at the point of half a step.

But after sitting in this water pool for a short while, Ran Hongfu could soar his cultivation base to the point where he was just as sluggish as before? !

Is this too fake?

Phoenix has the ability to rebirth from Nirvana. Is this Ran Hongfu's talent that the heavier he hurts, the faster he grows! ?

Such a talent is really born to fight for a living.

However, at this moment Na Ran Hongfu was ready to get up, and the perfect body that could be called the good fortune of the world once again appeared in front of Ling Tian.

I don't know why, Ling Tian, ​​who is almost immune to the beauty of countless Yue Girls, can't control herself.

There are faint signs of boiling blood all over the body.

The Dragon Emperor Supreme Art is even more automatic, agitating the blood rushing.

If you can't hide it anymore, if you continue, it must be exposed.

Ling Tian's eyes were red, and his body opened again, disappearing into the dark night like a gust of wind.


In the pool, Ran Hongfu also seemed to be aware, the light and shadow flickered in the mist, and he put on his armor, but he could get out of the pool, but he did not find any breath left.

Ling Tian, ​​who had returned to the cave, panted heavily, and then forcibly suppressed the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art.

This is too abnormal.

Could it be that the Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue is too sensitive to the Feng Clan aura on Ran Hongfu's body?

At this point, Ling Tian had become more and more certain that Ran Hongfu was the descendant of the Phoenix, which was much more noble than the Qingluan clan in this demon realm.

I just don't know why Ran Hongfu's bloodline aura is so introverted. If it weren't for the totem on his back, the phoenix aura hadn't even been discovered by Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian suddenly moved, and before he could think too much, he controlled his breathing to grow longer. In the dark cave, the next moment a black shadow was reflected on the window.

But the figure stayed for a while, then left.

After all, Ling Tian had done something wrong. He was really afraid of being knocked on the door, and immediately didn't want to think so much. He took out the peach pits and got into Taoyuan.

He wants to comprehend the Seven Lights of the Sacred Dragon and let himself be quiet.

However, the next day Ling Tian was called by Hou Ji Ling, saying that it was Ran Hongfu's request.

Ling Tian gave a thud in his heart.

Could it be that it was discovered last night! ?

How is this good.

Anyway, I watched it all, this is definitely not white.

"Does the village master say what to do with me?!"

Ling Tian followed Hou Jiling, a little nervous.

"Uh, the owner did not say, but it should not be a trivial matter, Bai Ling and Lan Jing are both here."

Monkey Jiling took Ling Tian to Ran Hongfu's cave, "Come in."


Ling Tian nodded, thinking that there must be a way for cars to reach the mountain, and dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

Then walked in.

Sure enough, in the cave, Bai Ling and Lan Jing were sitting next to each other, while Ran Hongfu still covered half of his visor and stood there with his back to him.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit quiet and strange.

"Villager, what are you looking for?"

Ling Tian fiercely gritted his teeth and asked, arching his hands.

"Jin San'er, I want to leave Lingyu Village and go north to Qingfeng City, the important town of the Qingluan clan!"

However, what Ling Tian didn't expect was that Ran Hongfu suddenly turned around, with a faint excitement on his face.

"Huh? Go north to Qingfeng City!?"

Ling Tian raised his head blankly, a little dazed for a while.

But I didn't expect Ran Hongfu to come to such a place to go north to Qingfeng, and Ran Hongfu would leave Lingyu Village! ?

"Hey, Jin San'er, you still don't know that Qingfeng City is one of the three major cities in the territory of the Qingluan clan, second only to the main city of Qingluan, it is very prosperous!"

Bai Ling took out a map and spread it out in front of Ling Tian.

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