Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1643: Detained in prison

Ling Tian didn't expect that his Seven Lights of the Sacred Dragon was only the first stage, which made Cao Ang unable to parry.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

But at this moment, the hydrangea flew out again without knowing where it came from, and fell directly on Ling Tian's tip.

"Damn, it's still lingering!?"

Ling Tian cursed secretly and raised his eyes to look at the painting boat, only to find that the snake monster Susu was also looking at him as he walked.

But your banshee's eyes gleamed, as if it seemed delicious.

"Hehe, this young man is so handsome, now that you have got the hydrangea, please get on the boat!"

Before walking, the demon girl smiled.

In an instant, countless envious gazes came, but even though they were jealous, no demon clan dared to go up again.

After all, even Cao Ang was defeated, this guy is definitely not annoying.

"Damn it! Don't even think about getting on the boat if you dare to hurt me!"

"Where is the demon of Blue Wind City, take this demon to my son!"

However, Cao Ang, who was bombarded by Ling Tian, ​​didn't intend to let Ling Tian go. At this moment, he stood up and shouted.

Sure enough, as his voice fell, several bursts of air suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, a group of Qingfeng City cavalry gathered around, and the headed generals of the Yaozu had the cultivation level of the middle stage of dispersing immortality.

"You dare to hurt your son in Blue Wind City!?"

The demon general yelled while holding his long sword, and the coercion scattered, suppressing all the demon tribes speechless.

"General Cao Xiu, that kid, killed him for me!"

Cao Ang's fingers Ling Tian.

The general looked horizontally, with a long sword in his hand pointed at Ling Tian, ​​"Such a felony, why don't you come forward and die!?"

"Haha, it's interesting. It is clearly your first hand in the city lord mansion. Now that the skill is not as good as humans, you can find a helper to kill me? You are not afraid of your city lord mansion being laughed out of.

Ling Tian sneered. Although he didn't want to expose his combat power prematurely, so as not to arouse suspicion, but if he deceived people too much, he would really not care so much.

"Joke, in this Blue Wind City, my Cao family wants to kill whoever they want to kill!"

Cao Ang yelled, only wanting to kill Ling Tian in his heart.

"General Cao Xiu, at this time because of the little girl's hydrangea, I really don't want to make a big mess, but I hope that the generals will show mercy."

At this time, the snake monster Susu on the painted boat also stepped down and stood up against the wind, graceful and graceful.


Na Susu is well-known in Qingfeng City, and when he speaks at this time, it makes Cao Xiu a little embarrassed.

"Shizi Cao Ang, sell the little girl a thin noodle, and kill him, this time the hydrangea is also regarded as the elder son grabbed, how about!?"

Na Su had always looked at Cao Ang.

For a moment, the soft language was intoxicating, causing him Cao Ang to be completely overwhelmed.

"General, the city gate imperial army is here to report. This demon is back with Ran Hongfu from the Ran family."

At this time, a monster soldier whispered in Cao Xiu's ear.

"From Ran's family!?"

When Cao Xiu turned his eyes, he looked at Cao Ang and said through the voice: "My son, this demon has something to do with Ran's family. Now our city lord mansion is planning the bloodline of the main city of Qingluan, this stall, we still don’t want to stir up trouble. Good, not as good, and put him in the dungeon of the goods camp first, and it will not be too late if you want to kill you in the future."

"Ran's demon?"

That Cao Ang was also surprised, and coupled with the fact that the snake monster had always interceded, the anger in his heart was not so exuberant.

"Okay, then lock up this waste first, and after a while, I will chop off his head in front of all the demons in Qingfeng City!"

With a cold snort, Cao Ang flew onto the painting boat with a flattering expression and left with Na Susu.

"Take this demon!"

Cao Xiu waved his hand, and suddenly a kind of enchanted soldiers swarmed up.

Ling Tian could naturally get away, but the voice transmission of Cao Xiu and Cao Ang was intercepted by Ling Tian, ​​whose divine consciousness was far greater than that of them, and immediately turned his eyes and did not resist.

The bloodline of the main city of Qingluan!

This was the first time he heard a clue about the bloodline after he arrived in the Demon Territory, and maybe he could hear any more news, so he might as well just go with them.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian did not resist and was **** by the group of monster soldiers.

Monkey Ji Ling stomped anxiously among the monster races, but he was helpless at all. In the end, he slapped himself fiercely and rushed towards the Ran family.

The dungeon of Qingfeng City.

When Ling Tian was pressed into the dungeon, he realized that this dungeon was not in the city lord's mansion, but in a large camp in Qingfeng City.

"Damn, come here for nothing!?"

Squatting in the dungeon, Ling Tian looked at the dark walls of the cell and the small window, but was also caught off guard.

He couldn't steal chickens, but instead he shut himself in. Ling Tian hadn't been so embarrassed after so many years of walking around the rivers and lakes.

"Hahaha, I really laughed, Ling Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to be imprisoned by the demon clan one day, tusk, human Tianjiao, but if this is passed back, I am afraid that you will be laughed to death!"

In Taoyuan, Qing Xu laughed.

"Shut up your mouth, and be careful to use your hot pot next time!"

Ling Tian screamed at the walnut.

"Yes! Ling Tian, ​​hurry up to make hot pot for Lao Tzu, just use this old boy's tripod to cook! Haha, he boasted that he is a Tongtian Lingbao, isn't it the same for hot pot!?"

In Taoyuan, Yang Lin laughed, and even Tao Yaoyao and Tantai Jinzhu looked hopeful. They also wanted to eat hot pot, but Ling Tian didn’t find a chance all the way. Now in this dungeon, Isn't it just right! ?

"Damn, I can accept my barbecue. If you dare to use my shabu-shabu, I will never end with you!"

Qing Xu yelled angrily.

However, Yang Lin and Lao Hou Taoyaoyao and others have already held him down to death.

"Ling Tian, ​​come in!"

Ling Tian shook his head, and he could only read a sentence of sin and sin, and then disappeared into the Taoyuan.

After a while, Taoyuan was full of lobster meat.

Yang Lin's stomach was round when he ate, Tao Yaoyao and Tantai Jinzhu were also holding wine bottles made by Feixue, already drunk and unconscious.

Lao Hou hugged Qing Xu who was howling and crying and couldn't help comforting him, "Brother, don't cry, who made us a soul body, although your body is not clean anymore."

"But... this is not the first time, and it is probably not the last."

Qing Xu: "Damn, get out!"

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, but still held back a smile.

This Taoyuan is more and more like a big family.

Qing Xu's three old guys don't know how long they are long, but now they are still indistinguishable from the child. Is this the old child? The older you get, the more you look like a child! ?

However, Ling Tian suddenly changed his expression and left Taoyuan directly.

His spirit sensed Ran Hong's breath!

How did she come to the dungeon at this time! ?

Ling Tian's expression changed, but suddenly outside the dungeon screamed for killing, which was mixed with Ran Hongfu's swearing.

It's fighting!

Ling Tian was astonished. He lay down and looked at the small window, but he saw that all the demon soldiers of Qingfeng City outside were pouring in one direction. That was the only way to enter the dungeon.


But after a while, a group of Yaozu soldiers all flew back.

Even some Yaozu soldiers are already mutilated and died in terrible conditions!

The next moment, a red light burst into the big camp, wearing a red armor, holding a crimson spurge with a faint flame in his hands, red hair flying, and a pair of bright eyes under the visor full of fighting spirit.

It's not Ran Hongfu, who is it! ?

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