Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1644: Hong Fu is dying! ? [Fourth, thank you Wei Da for your protection! }

This violent little hot pepper unexpectedly committed suicide and entered the Qingfeng City defense camp alone!

"Ling Tian, ​​your kid is really a blessing. How long have you known Xiao Fenghuang so that people can be born and die for you like this. Tsk tusk, I really envy my generation!"

Lao Hou smiled in Taoyuan.

"Hehe, I think I was as romantic as Ling Tian back then, in the human race, all the daughters of the sect Tianjiao are vying to warm up my bed!"

Yang Lin was also drunk while holding the wine bottle.

"Warm your sister, you also know Hu Chu!"

Qing Xu in Lao Hou's arms got up and cursed.

"Damn, come on, let's get rid of it!"

Qing Xu: "..."

"When is it all, you guys are still talking nonsense here, I want to go out."

Ling Tian glanced at the peach core before jumping out of the dungeon. Anyway, the prohibition here was nothing but a virtual reality to him.

"Wait, Ling Tian, ​​you are out now, but you can't explain it clearly. Did you decide to expose your strength now!?"

"Outside, they are all monsters, even if you take Ran Hongfu away, how can you explain to her!?"

However, Lao Hou stopped Ling Tian, ​​"Besides, since the little Phoenix dared to come, she should be sure, and her combat power is not bad now."

Ling Tian frowned after thinking about it for a while, and then he did not move.

The worst, Ran Hongfu was injured, but with Phoenix's talent, as long as he didn't die, it would be fine.

And when Ling Tian was hesitating, Ran Hongfu had already penetrated into the large camp. Although there were many demon soldiers in the camp, no one was her general.

With Tianfeng Six Burning Halberds in his arms, Ran Hongfu is too strong, even if it is an ordinary demon clan Sanxian, it can't resist her.

"Huh, Ran Hongfu! You are so brave, dare to break into my camp, kill my demon soldiers, and capture them before you stop!?"

At this time, there was a loud shout from the camp, and a cyan light flew out. The figure had not yet manifested, and a long knife burst out.

The blue breeze stepped on the clouds!

The martial skills of Cao Ang are generally incapable, but they are much more sophisticated, and the power of the monster clan on it is much more tyrannical!


Surrounded, Ran Hongfu was bloody, and with a soft drink, there was no trace of fear in the eyes under the visor, and he lifted the spear and greeted him.


But with a blast, the blade light was dispelled, but Ran Hongfu was also directly shaken out.


Ran Hongfu fell to the ground, the spurge was not loosened, but a mouthful of blood spurted out.

In the distance, a cyan shadow appeared, and it was Cao Xiu, the demon general who captured Ling Tian!

He has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Sanxian, and even now Ran Hongfu is strong, he will definitely not be his opponent, after all, Ran Hongfu has not yet achieved Sanxian.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that in the past few years when you ran away, you can grow up so fast. The halberd is good. Who taught you!?"

Cao Xiu sneered at the long knife that flew back.

"Let Jin San'er!"

However, Ran Hongfu didn't seem to have heard it. He climbed up from the ground and pointed at Cao Xiu with the mottled euphorbia in his hand.

"Jin San'er? Who is that!?"

Cao Xiu turned his eyes, and suddenly he said, "Oh, you're talking about the lion demon who was just grabbed by me, tusk, how important he is to you, it makes you worthy of breaking into the barracks for him!?"

"Don't you know, even if you are a son of Ran's family, can I follow the rules and put you to death!?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let go of Jin San'er!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Ran Hongfu seemed to be mad, his whole body surging with red glow, a pair of eyes bursting with flames, silver teeth squeaking, and the war spirit made all the monster races shocked.

"Humph, you've been fearless since you were young, but at that time you had your grandfather covering you, and you could be unscrupulous in Qingfeng City, but now, what are you yelling at me!?"

"Kill me, do you have the ability!?"

As a military commander, how can a younger generation laugh at Cao Xiu's mid-stage cultivation?

Immediately he raised his long knife straight to Ran Hongfu.

Although Ran Hongfu was not afraid, even if Cao Xiu had never used all his combat power, he still cut her back again and again.

However, in just a few breaths, Ran Hongfu was already bruised all over his body, and his face turned pale.

In the dungeon, Ling Tian's eyes were staring, his fists clenched tightly and couldn't help but want to make a move.

If this continues, Ran Hongfu will undoubtedly die.


With another knife coming over, Ran Hongfu's big halberd smashed in front of him with a bang, and his figure flew out and fell on the mountain wall.

The pain almost made her faint.

She tried her best, but failed to insist on five moves under Cao Xiu.

"Hmph, I don't know what I can do, I haven't used my full strength before, are you so unbearable!?"

Cao Xiu sneered again and again. It was a shame that Ran Hongfu insisted on five tricks under his hands with half-step cultivation.

"Even if you are a child of the Ran family, you will inevitably end up in a barracks. If you want to save people, then die together!"

Cao Xiu's heart to kill suddenly came up, and the long knife in his hand was cut down, and Ran Hongfu was about to be killed.

In the dungeon, Ling Tian's killing intent was violent, and he couldn't help it.

Ma De, even if it is exposed, he will kill these dogs today!

"Uncle Cao wait a minute!"

However, at this moment, a bright blue light shot out, and a clang hit the edge of Cao Xiu's edge.

Juli swept across, and will directly destroy this killer move.

"Meet Da Shizi!"

At this time, all the demon soldiers in the barracks also bowed down.

Even Cao Xiu's expression changed, and he put away his long sword and said respectfully, "See Da Shizi!"


Light and shadow flickered, and a demon clan dressed in azure and gold armor fell in front of Ran Hongfu.

"Afu, why didn't you tell me when you came back, where have you been all these years!?"

The man's face suddenly became gentle, as he looked at Ran Hongfu on the ground and asked.

"Let Jin San'er!"

Ran Hongfu on the ground struggled to stand up, still only having a word.

"Hehe, are you begging me?"

"You never begged me. If you admit it this time, I will satisfy you."

The big son smiled with his hands on his back.

"Let it go, Jin San'er!"

"Count me...please."

Ran Hongfu's eyes were red, trembling all over.

As proud as her, she would rather die than succumb.

But now, with faint tears in her eyes, she was still relieved.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Come on, release the Jin San'er and send them away!"

The eldest son laughed loudly, and then backed away.

When Ling Tian came out of the dungeon, his face was already frosty.

At the moment, he was ready to make a move, but it was precisely because he did not make a move that he saw such affectionate and humiliating side of Ran Hongfu.

In that moment, Ran Hongfu's shadow was deeply imprinted on Ling Tian's heart.

"Are you stupid, don't you want to die!"

Ling Tian helped Ran Hongfu up, feeling distressed and angry again.

"You saved my life, and I will never let you die."

Ran Hongfu leaned against Ling Tian's arms, her voice still firm.

"Jin San'er, hurry up, I hurt!"

"Okay!" Ling Tian got up and Ran Hongfu walked towards the gate of Daying, but in the end, he turned around and looked at the elder son of Cao Mansion and Cao Xiu with sharp eyes like ghosts.


After all, Ling Tian turned into a ray of light and flew out.

"Da Shizi, why did you let them go!?"

Cao Xiu was puzzled.

"Hehe, I have my own arrangements, and the Ran family refuses to give us more places. This time, I see what they have to say!"

Da Shizi narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Jin San'er, go out of the city, three hundred miles west, there is my cave in the valley."

"I, I want to overcome the catastrophe!"

In Ling Tian's arms, Ran Hongfu was about to pass unconsciously.


"You insist."

Ling Tian turned his speed at full speed, approaching the extreme, but with the effort of a cup of tea, he reached the valley.

Putting Ran Hongfu beside the pool in the cave, he retreated.

He knew that Ran Hongfu must use his talent to improve his cultivation.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not notice any appearance of robbery cloud condensing. Ling Tian Shennian went deep into the cave, only to find that Ran Hongfu's aura had lingered!

Shocked in his heart, Ling Tian broke through the formation and rushed into the cave, but at this time, Ran Hongfu leaned in the blood-red water pool and was already fainted.

"what happened!"

"What about talent!"

Ling Tian was very anxious and found that Ran Hongfu's whole body wounds had obviously healed, but his breath was still so weak that he was already on the verge of death!

"Ling Tian, ​​her blood is abnormal, like she has been cursed, you have to find a way."

At this moment, in Taoyuan, Yang Lin suddenly said.

"any solution!?"

Ling Tian asked urgently.

"You have the blood of the dragon race in your body. The so-called dragon and phoenix yin and yang, heaven and earth are good fortune, you can use the dragon energy to penetrate into her body, you can curse her blood, and completely wipe out!"

"That is, you have to double repair with her!"

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