Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1645: Dragon and phoenix yin and yang crossing catastrophe

"What? Double repair!?"

Ling Tian was shocked when he heard this, "Did you make a mistake? What curse, are you fooling me!?"

He didn't believe it, even when he put his hand on Ran Hongfu's shoulder, Jian Ying rushed into his body, but he didn't find any signs of poisoning.

But in his bloodline, there was indeed an extremely strange aura, madly devouring Ran Hongfu's vitality.

"Haha, even if you don't believe me, I am a dragon hunter, and I still know the power of the dragon clan very well. His little phoenix is ​​too staunch, even if he is not cursed, it will be a problem sooner or later.

"Anyway, she is dead now, if you can't save you, you can do it!"

Yang Lin sneered, then continued to drink and stopped talking.


For a moment, Ling Tian fell into a painful decision.

Although Ran Hongfu, who was weak and strong just now, really moved his heart, the double cultivation with Ran Hongfu still gave Ling Tian a feeling of betrayal.

Moreover, now that Ran Hongfu is unconscious, if she does it like this...it's also taking advantage of the danger of others, no, it's taking advantage of the danger of demons.

However, seeing Ran Hongfu's vitality has been lost at a rapid rate, she would really die if she didn't make a decision.

He will not allow this to happen.

"No matter, in the future...explain one by one!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth fiercely, then took Taoyuan off and threw it into the storage ring.

(Qing Xu: "Well, why is it weird!?")

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and fished Ran Hongfu out of the blood-red pool.

At this moment, she was naked, her skin as white as jade was cold, but it made Ling Tian faintly moved.

This body is too perfect.

Swallow a handful of Longevity Spirit Valley to Ran Hongfu, no matter whether it is useful or not, the vigorous vitality in this divine object will always have some effect.

Seeing Ran Hongfu's breath calmed down, Ling Tian's gaze swept over his delicate body involuntarily.


I don’t know what’s wrong. Almost in that instant, the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art in Ling Tian’s body started to operate automatically, and the surging dragon blood made Ling Tian’s body hot, as if he was about to explode. Out of the ordinary!

"Hong Fu, sorry..."

Ling Tian's eyes had turned blood red, and his trembling hands brushed Ran Hongshu's cheeks to take off the visor from his face.

This is a suffocating face, with long narrow eyebrows, which makes Ran Hongfu appear more heroic and charming. Compared with the stunning human race, she will never let it down, and she is unique, that belongs to the Phoenix family alone. Boundless extravagance.

With just three breaths, Ling Tian couldn't control it anymore, and rushed forward...


I don’t know how long it took, Ling Tian woke up from the trance, feeling that the red body temperature in his arms had gradually become warmer, and even the heat was still rising, the white skin was still flushing, and in his flesh and blood, It seems that there is a rolling crimson lava flowing throughout Ran Hongfu's whole body, sometimes condensing into a totem like a phoenix, so that its aura is soaring at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.


Ling Tian shook all over, and immediately understood that Ran Hongfu was okay, and the next thing he had to face was the robbery.

Suddenly got up, Ling Tian rushed out of the cave.

Up to now, he is not ready to face Ran Hongfu.

At the foot of the mountain, Ling Tian sat cross-legged with a big scorpion between his knees, his breath has changed drastically.

That's right, Ling Tian was also out of the cave, and only then discovered that, I don't know why, his Dragon Emperor Supreme Art was more surging than ever before.

Just like the engine of a car, it has become the engine of a sports car. As long as the spirit is activated, the blood of the whole body will instantly boil.

Not only that, Ling Tian confined his eyes, looking inwardly full of blood.

It was surprisingly discovered that the dragon blood in his body had become much purer than before!

There was even some phoenix breath in the body.

Under the change of bloodline, Ling Tian felt that his physical body was much tougher than before.

Although he couldn't refine the dragon blood overlord body yet, it was far more tyrannical than before.

With his fists tightly clenched, under the blessing of the Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue, although it can't compare with the strength of the vitality cultivation base under the blessing of the early Wuhun, the difference should not be too far.

Inside the cave.

At the moment when Ling Tian rushed out of the cave, Ran Hongfu on the stone bed slowly opened his eyes.

However, perhaps it was just after waking up, Ran Hongfu's pupils were dilated, without any focus.

His eyes were full of red flames, but there was no look.


Suddenly, Ran Hong's pupils shrank, as if thinking of something, she suddenly got up, and Que felt the pain of tearing a certain part of her body.


"This guy……"

Ran Hongfu's face twitched, but suddenly, another red rose rose up.

Putting away the white silk on the bed, Ran Hong brushed away the waves in her heart, put on her coat, but a mysterious sutra suddenly appeared in her mind.

Dragon King Supreme Jue! ?

Ran Hongfu murmured, and for a while, he couldn't figure out where this technique came from.

But her body seemed to be familiar with this technique, and almost a movement of her heart suddenly made her blood raging.

The Phoenix Totem spreads its wings on her back. Although the aura is far below the level of the beast, the level of nobility is definitely not comparable to before!


The horrible demon spirit burst out, and Ran Hongfu's eyes were crimson, his hands clenched, his shoulders suddenly shook, and he rushed out of the cave!


At this time, the Dong Mansion was sitting cross-legged, and Ling Tian, ​​who was thinking about it, suddenly raised his head.

At this time, in the sky, I don't know when it is already full of robbery clouds!

The fiery red thunder light inside is condensed, already accumulating energy.


A crimson streamer also flew out from the cave and went straight to the sky.


And with a loud arrogance, the streamer hovered, and it was that Ran Hongfu.

Today, Ran Hongfu has red wings spread out behind her, her aura has reached its peak, and she can only become a fairy after passing thunder calamity!


And at this moment, Ling Tian also quietly activated the surrounding formations. Although it would not block the breath of Thunder Tribulation, at the very least, it could hide the breath of Ran Hongfu in the Tribulation and reduce the grandeur of Thunder Tribulation. Astronomical phenomenon.

In this way, other monster races would not know who was crossing the robbery.

After all, here is too close to Qingfeng City.


The speed of Thunder Tribulation was astonishing, and in a blink of an eye, it fell down.

Regarding crossing the robbery, Ling Tian still had absolute confidence in Ran Hongfu.

Little Heavenly Tribulation, absolutely cannot threaten her.

It's just that the ones who are going to be guarded now are those who are looking for death...

Cross-legged Ling Tian's gaze harvested from under the robbery cloud, turning the demon secrets, and instantly turned the breath of his body into a dark color, hiding in front of the cave, only revealing a pair of frightening eyes.

But his gaze was staring at the direction of Qingfeng City.

Hehe, I really dare to come!

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