Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1646: Green Wind Castle Lord

At the moment when Lei Jie condensed, the demon soldiers of the brigade poured out from the Blue Wind City.

The leader among them is the demon general Cao Xiu who is closest to here.

He had just sent the eldest son Cao Fei back to the city lord's mansion, and he discovered that there was a cloud of robbery three hundred miles outside the city.

Moreover, the grandeur of this robbery cloud breath, even surging fiery red thunder, is almost unprecedented!

Such a demonic tribe must be of noble blood.

Haha, dare to smash the catastrophe under the eyes of the general, you are really rampant!

There is no morality in the Yaozu, it is all the weak and the strong.

Generally, the demon race, whether strong or weak, will find a remote place to cross the robbery.

After all, after crossing the catastrophe, the Yaozu will experience a short period of weakness, and it is extremely easy to be attacked.

And like that, the bloodline is pure and noble, and the monster martial emperor who has overcome the extraordinary Thunder Tribulation, is more cautious.

Because bloodlines are too important to the monster race, even some powerful monsters might kill and seize it by force. This is a common occurrence.

Therefore, Cao Xiu saw that this Thunder Tribulation was extraordinary and it was still so close to Qingfeng City. Isn't it really for him? ?

Immediately, Cao Xiu transformed into a blue-winged flying horse, shooting out of the city at a speed like a meteor.

In Qingfeng City, many strong monsters were also awakened by the Thunder Tribulation Heaven Phenomenon, and the ambitious all rushed towards the Thunder Tribulation together.

Three hundred miles is still too close.

When Cao Xiu rushed to the area around Lei Jie, Ran Hongfu hadn't finished the tribulation.

However, Cao Xiu frowned.

Because he can only faintly feel the breath of the demon of crossing the catastrophe at this time, but he can't see anything.

The breath around this mountain seemed to be disturbed.

"Hehe, it seems you are not unprepared!"

However, this made him even more certain that the Demon Emperor Crossing Tribulation must have an extraordinary blood!

"It's mine, it's all mine!"

"If my blood is able to enter the next rank, I may be promoted to the late stage of Sanxian stage in the future. At that time, hehe..."

Cao Xiu turned into a human form, and the fiery color on his face could not be covered. At this time, regardless of the strange aura of this area, his figure was shaken and he rushed in directly.

Now he has the combat power of the mid-term Sanxian period, in this Blue Wind City, he is already superior. In addition to the guards of the other three city gates, the City Lord and the Ran Family Lord can suppress him.

Therefore, for the blood of the Demon Emperor Crossing Tribulation, he is bound to win.

Holding the blue long sword in his hand, Cao Xiu became more and more excited when he saw that he was about to rush to the core of Jieyun.

"Cao Xiu, do you want to die like that!?"

But at this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded from the mountain below.

Amidst the roar of thunder and roar all over the sky, this sound penetrated the air, causing Cao Xiu to shock suddenly, his whole body suddenly possessed like frost.

"Who, who is pretending to be a fool, come out!"

Shaking all over, Cao Xiu stopped in the air, his spiritual thoughts dispersed, but he couldn't find anything.

So, either the existence of this speech used secret techniques, or the cultivation base was far better than him!

"Hehe, who am I? Then you see who I am!?"

The voice fell, and a figure burst out from below, and the black mist rose up like a ghost and evil beast.


However, with Cao Xiu's spirit, how could he recognize Ling Tian's magical technique?

"Hehe, we just came in before, have you forgotten it now!?"

"I once said, let you wait."

"When you hurt Hong Fu, you are already doomed to die."

As Ling Tian said, he raised the big scorpion in his hand.

"You...you are the Jin San'er!?"

"The demon of the robbery is that Ran Hongfu!"

Cao Xiu raised his brows suddenly and was shocked.

The aura on Ling Tian's body is completely different from that of Jin San'er, what is going on! ?

Moreover, that Ran Hong was seriously injured, even if he was immortal, he wouldn't be able to overcome the catastrophe now, right?

"Hehe, now that you know, then you can die."

However, Cao Xiu couldn't figure it out, Ling Tian had already done it.

With a big shock in his hand, he lifted up suddenly, and while his body was full of demon qi, Ling Tian directly lifted his cultivation base into the middle stage of dispersing immortality.

Rolling with the tip, the second stage of the Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon, burst out and take Cao Xiu directly!

"Your cultivation base!"

"This is impossible!"

Feeling the coercion of Ling Tian that was so powerful that he almost suffocated him, Cao Xiu was shocked, but Ling Tian's stroke was so fast that he could only subconsciously stab him with a long knife in his hand.


However, the moment the two blades touched, the cyan long sword shattered.

However, the great coercion was overwhelming, and he swallowed Cao Xiu directly.

Before he died, Cao Xiu couldn't believe that this was what a demon patriarch's arrogant, he could be killed with a single blow so easily.

The demon in the middle of the dispersal stage was smashed to pieces, and the flesh and blood were directly thrown out by Ling Tian.

When the monster clan powerhouse who was swarming over saw this scene, they all stopped, not daring to step forward.

Although they didn't know how powerful it was in this weird area, they dared to kill Cao Xiu in front of Blue Wind City, but they definitely couldn't afford it.

"Hehe, where is the sacred to my Qingfeng City? Kill my Cao Demon General, don't you put the Lord Qingluan in your eyes?!"

However, just as the demons were startled and suspicious, a voice suddenly rang from the inside of Blue Wind City. The next moment, a blue light crossed the void, and it was not expensive for a moment to reach the periphery of Thunder Tribulation.

This demon's hair is blue and white, he wears a helmet and a crown of armor, and a tyrannical aura of the demon race has already reached the stage of the late stage of dispersal.

It was definitely the most tyrannical existence in this Blue Wind City.

"The city lord is here!"

"Meet the city lord!"

The strong monsters of the monster race bowed all at once when they saw this figure.

Cao Tianxiao, the lord of Qingfeng City, is about to enter the late stage of Sanxian, and it is said that he is quite appreciated by the lord of Qingluan.

That's why he was allowed to sit in Qingfeng City.

Now, this thunder tribulation has alarmed the Blue Wind City Lord, and the ending is already doomed.

"Hehe, I don't care about the Lord of Qingfeng City or Qingluan, here, it's forbidden to step in! If you don't, you will be at your own risk."

Ling Tian's voice rang out again.

"Huh, you are still mad now, I really think that Cao Tianxiao can't display it!?"

"If you are a good talker, it's fine, now, put it away!"

Cao Tianxiao was furious. How could he be ridiculed as the city lord in front of so many strong monsters?

Immediately, the light in his hand condensed, and a moon-covering long knife with shining brilliance appeared in his hand.

The rank of this weapon has reached the level of a quasi-immortal soldier. Although it is nothing in the eyes of the strong human race, it can be placed in the monster race, but it is absolutely extraordinary.

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