Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1662: I accepted it too early

"Arrogant, I'm really afraid of you if I'm Utai!?"


Wu Tai roared, without any hesitation, he directly attacked Ling Tian.

The blood of the crocodile cow in his body was activated, and his burly body slammed into it like a hill, his strength rushing like an ancient fierce beast.

One punch blasted out, and the person was still in the air, and the fist burst burst the air apart. The terrifying coercion swept across, and Ling Tian carrying a large scorpion, his clothes were blown and hunted.

"Good job!"

The light flashes in Ling Tian's eyes, and he can lift it up in the wind.


At this time, Wutai had already appeared in front of Ling Tian like lightning. The huge shadow of the fist pierced through the void like a mountain, and blasted toward his head fiercely.

Utai, who possesses a mid-stage Sanxian Dacheng cultivation base, under full combat power, can go up to late stage Xiaocheng, or even stronger.

The power of a punch is quite terrifying.

But at the moment when this punch was about to fall, Ling Tian finally moved.

The momentum on his body exploded directly, his five fingers clenched, and he was also unceremoniously greeted with a punch.


The fists collided, making a loud noise, and Ling Tian's majestic aura transformed into a blue dragon roaring and roaring, instantly smashing the fierce and powerful on the opponent.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a short while, there were more than ten punches against each other. No matter how fierce and violent the other party was, Ling Tian held the big scorpion, and didn't move at all.


At this moment, the blazing fire that had abandoned the crocodile buzzard joined the battlefield like a lightning, and a scorching flame was overwhelming, and the breath surging out from his body was like a vast sea of ​​fire. The battle axe cut in his hand shook the sky and waves in the sea of ​​fire, and the dazzling fire light illuminates the dim basin.

The big disciple of the Boundless Battle Hall, the owner of the Martial Soul of the Beginning, had to say that there was indeed something extraordinary.

"Hehe, but so!"

Ling Tian still stood still.

"Don't hide? You are really looking for death!"

Cang Huo sneered, he really didn't believe that Ling Tian had any way to survive under the joint hands.

But without waiting for his smile to fall, Ling Tian waved his hand, squinting in his hand. In the rumbling sound, it rises up like a mountain and sweeps out!


Canghuo's terrifying axe slashed, and the bombardment erupted with a dull loud noise on the big beam, echoing in the mountains like thunder and deafening.

The heaviness of the big beam far exceeded Canghuo's expectations, and the strength of the counter-shock returned made him snorted and didn't make any progress in the air.

Ling Tianren was in the air, spinning and raising his hand. Junxiu's face had sharp edges between her eyebrows, her eyes bloomed, and she shouted in a deep voice, "Get out!"


The big scorpion that blocked the blue fire suddenly rolled, and bounced like a tight bowstring, and the beast roared out like a dragon, shining like black flames.

When Ling Tianwu came out of his backhand, a shuddering light suddenly appeared in the basin.

At this moment, Ling Tian was bathed in golden light, with long flying hair and a handsome face like a demon. Against the background of this light, no dead spots could be found. This face seemed to be frozen in time, suffocating people, Ling Tian shot it was the Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon!


The Canghuo who had been culled was too late to react, so he was slashed back. Kacha, the armor on his body that even the crocodile buzzard could not shred, was cut to pieces abruptly under this sword.

Above it, even if there is a platinum inscription, it is useless.


Cang Huo spit out blood, flew upside down on one knee and knelt on the ground. The fire-colored totem of his naked upper body was all twisted at this time, and even his whole body changed drastically, transforming the demon condensed by the magical secret technique. Qi, even at this moment, Ling Tian almost broke it!

A trace of aura that was different from that of the monster race slowly spread!

"You! Canghuo, you really are not..."

On the side, Wutai, who was shaken back by Ling Tian's punch, saw this scene, and was suddenly shocked.

The astonishment in my heart came like a tide.

But without waiting for him to finish speaking, Ling Tianlun's grandeur swept in unabated.


Na Utai was shocked, and it was too late to exclaim, and he immediately slanted the stick in his hand to block in front of him.

This weapon is the ultimate treasure of the Wu Family in Heishui City. It should be able to...

But Wu Tai was thinking about it, Ling Tian's big smashed down.


With a blast, Utai, together with his own weapons, was completely shattered.

Life and death are just a short time.

The eldest son of Heishui City fell like this.

"Hehe, I'll accept your primordial martial arts soul!"

Recapture the flying out of the river, and then point directly at the distant Canghuo.

Ling Tian's voice, a **** desperate in a sea of ​​blood.

"You...who are you!?"

Canghuo was shocked.

This guy can not only see through his own magical mystery skills, but he also knows that he is carrying a martial spirit from the beginning! ?

It's a bit too fascinating.

More importantly, this guy is still so scary.

Could it be that the high level of the Yaozu already knew that they had mixed in?

"Hehe, who am I, can't you guess?!"

Ling Tian sneered, as if deliberately teasing him.

But Canghuo frowned, no matter what, he just couldn't guess.

He had never thought that the guy on the opposite side was also a human race.

"Forget it, just forget it if you don't think it, but that primordial Wuhun and this crocodile buzzard are all mine."

Ling Tian hurried his shoulders, and didn't want to play anymore.

"Hmph, I want to take my primordial martial arts soul, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

Cang Huo let out a cold snort, and his murderous intent burst out. Now that he has been seen through, he is no longer covered up. The vitality cultivation base in the Qi Sea has been directly urged to the limit. Although the original martial soul cannot be used, it is of various top The quasi-immortal technique was unfolded, and fiery flames burst all over his body, holding the battle axe, rising from the ground again, and blasting towards Ling Tian.

"The Boundless Extinction Slash!"

The power of this blow was so terrifying that it could be said to be Canghuo's last resort.

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"Haha, yes, it's worth my use of the Shenlong Qi Yao triple killer move!"

Ling Tian's expression did not change at all, his whole body shone with golden light, the golden phantom of the holy dragon appeared, a round of Haori exploded from his hand, he lifted it up, and greeted the battle axe.

Between the heaven and the earth, one stroke, one axe, tearing space apart!

Boundless Extinction confronts the Seven Lights of the Sacred Dragon, both of which are martial arts known for their fierce and domineering, but one is the human quasi-xianshu, the latter is the monster's magical power.

Needless to say, Canghuo's Extinction Slash was better than the crocodile buzzard being trapped, but it was also not lightly killed by this battle axe.

If it can hit, even if the monster is physically tyrannical, it will inevitably be severely injured, or even killed by a single blow.

Click! Click! Click!

When the two big ultimate moves collided, the Cang Huo, who had completely opened his cultivation base, immediately gained the upper hand. The golden light radiated from Ling Tian's body was constantly forced back.

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