Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1665: Saintess of Luan tribe [Thanks to boss Chen for unblocking]

Looking at the shield, Ran Hongfu liked it more and more.

"Xiaoying, but I don't have anything to take out of my baby."

However, Ran Hongfu suddenly felt a little embarrassed and turned around, but he still couldn't show anything.

Compared with other Tianjiao, she is a copycat owner, there is no family background.

Moreover, ordinary babies are not worthy of Xiaoying at all.

"It's okay, I'll give it to you."

Ling Tian raised his hand and looked at the Canghuo battle axe. The material and the spirit of the weapon were good. It was enough to change Xiaoying's weapon.

"Let's go, let's find a safe place to rest for a while, and wait for your cultivation to enter the mid-term, or even higher, before we go deeper."

After all, Ling Tian summoned Xiaoqing, carried Xiaoying and Ran Hongfu, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the basin.


One month later.

Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu had already reached the core of the bloodline.

Different from the powerful blood spirits everywhere in the periphery, after crossing a blood-colored forest, the vast expanse of ancient mountains in front of them, however, rarely appeared blood spirits.

As for the blood spirits along the way, Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu had never taken any action, and they were all solved by Xiaoying alone.

With such a super beater, Ling Tian felt a sense of being robbed of the limelight, so after entering this core area, Ling Tian put the Xiaoyingguan brand on it.

This is a bug that seriously affects the balance.

But in the past month, Ran Hongfu has made rapid progress in his cultivation under the supply of countless crystal nuclei, and now he has reached the mid-term Dacheng realm.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter, isn't there any blood spirit here? We are already thousands of miles away!?"

The two stopped on top of a mountain, and Ran Hong frowned.

I don't know why, she suddenly felt a little flustered, invisible, she always felt like looking at herself with a pair of eyes.

"Well, it's really strange, but don't worry, let's wait for the news."

Ling Tian also nodded, of course he would not ignore the abnormalities here.

After a while, a team of Phantom Stinger Bees flew back.

Ling Tian listened for a while, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What? I saw Yan Yan, are you sure!?"

First; send 0y

Those phantom thorn bees shook and buzzed and looked very excited.

"That's broken, we have to hurry over!"

After receiving the phantom sting bee, Ling Tian looked anxious, pulling Ran Hongshu and swept towards the sky.

"what's happenin?"

Ran Hongfu was a little surprised.

"The Phantom Stinger Bee found a powerful blood spirit, but someone has already arrived there first."

Ling Tian looked a little cold.


"Yes, it was my sister when I was in the Southern Tang Dynasty. I loved her as my own sister. I didn't expect that after so many years, she would really appear in the demon realm."

"I don't know why she came here, but now, the position of the blood spirit has been exposed, and the saint of the Qingluan clan has already taken a large number of monster clan to go."

"She may be in danger, I have to save her."

Ling Tian said, the cultivation base skyrocketed again, and the cultivation base directly climbed to the peak of the middle stage of Sanxian, raising the speed to the extreme.

"It seems that there is really going to be a battle!"

"Haha, the saint of the Qingluan clan, that is Luan Yunlin."

Hearing the words, Ran Hong's eyes rose with boundless fighting spirit. After waiting for a month, she waited for a smooth battle.

It seems that this opportunity is finally coming.


However, in just half an hour, Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu crossed thousands of miles, swept down the high sky, and entered a strange rocky mountain range with countless strange peaks below.

As soon as he approached here, Ling Tian already felt a powerful blood spirit aura.

Moreover, the roaring martial arts supernatural powers resounded through the mountains one after another, and it seemed that the blood spirit had not been killed yet.

Hearing that voice, the blood spirit was within a gorge in the mountain range. When Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu approached the area, they saw some hidden corners with monster masters hiding almost everywhere. The intersection of the canyon.

After Ran Hongfu's identification, it can be determined that these monster races are the main city of Qingluan.

To block the entrance of the canyon, almost a hundred strong monsters were used. This kind of handwork is truly worthy of the name of a saint.

However, it is absolutely impossible for these monster clan powerhouses to block Ling Tian.


The silhouettes of Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu flickered again and again, walking through the void like a teleport. Along the way, the hidden monster clan masters were silently killed by Ling Tian.

After half a cup of tea, Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu finally touched the edge of the canyon, but they also saw a group of strong monsters who were also hiding on the cliff and looking down the canyon.

Each of these monster races caught a blue robe to hide their aura, lying behind the rock, within the canyon is not close to here, it is indeed extremely difficult to find.

Moreover, there are as many as a hundred people, and the cultivation base is without exception. They are all above the middle stage of Sanxian, and they are definitely top-level talents in Qingfeng City.

The scale of the battle is staggering.

Ling Tian observed in secret, and then sneaked with Ran Hongfu to the other side of the canyon, hiding behind the strong man of the Qingluan clan.

At this time, Ling Tian finally saw that there were three leaders. These Tianjiao's combat power was not bad, but it was obvious that these three were the main ones.

Although the person in the center covered her light with a blue cloak, her face was beautiful, and she wore a crown of feathers on top of her head. Needless to say, the appearance of this woman was similar to that of Luan Yunxiao, she was undoubtedly the saint.

However, the demons on both sides of her were not the Qingluan clan, Ling Tian couldn't guess.

"Ling Tian, ​​the face of the saint on the left is gray and black, and her name is Tikui. She has a sixth-rank and eight-winged black bloodline and is proficient in toxins.

Ran Hongfu introduced in a low voice.

"Crow? See you for the first time."

Ling Tian nodded and saw that the guy was holding a feather fan in his hand, looking serious, but he didn't expect it to be a crow.

"The one on the right is called Kuisen, with the blood of the 6th-Rank Golden Devil Bear, and it's also very powerful."

"These two monster races have always been around the Qingluan Saintess. In the Qingluan area, few people dare to provoke them."

Following Ran Hongfu's introduction, Ling Tian looked to the other side. The monster race was sturdy in shape, with a terrifying height of more than two feet, and matched with the burly figure, it looked like a hill.

Regardless of whether it's Nakui or Kuisen, the cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Sanxian Dacheng realm. The sixth-rank bloodline should be able to compete with the blood spirits of the late Sanxian Dacheng. In addition, the Qingluan Saintess and hundreds of demon races , The combat power is not generally strong.

However, I am afraid that they did not expect that when they planned to be the oriole, they were already praying mantises, right?

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