Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1666: Violent Lin Yanyan


At this moment, a fire burst out of the canyon, and the rocks on the surrounding mountain walls that tremble broke and fell.

Ling Tian quickly leaned over and looked over and found that there was a group of figures in the canyon at this time, and in the middle of the canyon, a blood-red scorpion with a pair of huge wings was screaming frantically.

This blood spirit is so huge that it occupies almost half of the canyon.

Moreover, there are several golden profound patterns growing on its wings, and its ancient aura is mighty and mighty. Even though it has become a blood spirit, the blood pressure is still extremely astonishing.

Even looking at it from a distance, it still makes people's hearts tremble.

Absolutely surpassed the combat power of the late Sanxian Dacheng!

Even more terrifying than the old general of Qingluan's main city seen outside the formation of Bloodline.

This is not terrifying. Although this is the core area of ​​the Bloodline Land, it has not yet reached the center. Is this blood spirit so powerful now?

So if the most central blood volume, how strong should it be?

At this time, Ling Tian felt more and more mysterious about this bloodline land.

Moreover, he had heard of the existence of Blood Lord from the mouth of Xue Ling more than once.

But until now, Ling Tian had never seen the so-called Blood Lord.

Now, the blood spirits in this gorge already have the combat power of the late stage of Sanxian Dacheng, the combat power of that blood master, is Sanxian Consummation! ?

If it exists, I am afraid that it can already be comparable to the Lord of Qingluan, right?

Just now, the human race is also the existence of the four great masters of Sendai.


However, Ling Tian was thinking, a muffled grunt suddenly sounded in the canyon. Ling Tian's pupils flickered with golden light, and he stared at it, only to find that the huge tail of the blood spirit scorpion suddenly tore the void and slammed into the sky. A figure.

The figure was full of flames, and the long whip in his hand greeted him.

But the scorpion's giant tail was so fierce that the long whip was invincible, and it was directly blown away.

The flames all over his body could not be extinguished, scattered under the blue silk, revealing the face that made Ling Tian's heart tight.

Yan Yan!

This time Ling Tian finally saw the front face of this figure, it was definitely Lin Yanyan.

Moreover, although his body was full of evil spirits, he couldn't hide Ling Tian's feelings.

This is definitely a magical secret technique!

Not only that, but the aura of Taichu Wuhun in Lin Yanyan's body is too strong, it turned out to be two ancient Taichu!

Lin Yanyan actually had such a terrifying opportunity, which really surprised Ling Tian a lot.

You know, in the Southern Tang Dynasty, Lin Yanyan's qualifications were far inferior to those of Qin Mingyue, Ji Jiuyou and other women.

Now it looks like it's not bad at all.

The demon clan's cultivation base that had evolved from that magic demon art was enough to reach the realm of Dacheng in the middle stage of dispersing immortals, and was not different from Ran Hongfu today.

"Yan Yan!"

In the canyon, the other five monster races were also women, and when they saw Lin Yanyan being shaken off, they immediately exclaimed.

The latter is the strongest existence in their team. If they lose, then this blood spirit scorpion, they have nothing to do.

"It's okay, be careful!"

Lin Yanyan jumped up from the ground again, but without waiting for her to remind, the blood spirit scorpion swung its tail together, and drew all the five female demons away.

Compared to Lin Yanyan, they are simply too weak.


Lin Yanyan snorted angrily when he saw this, and the long whip in his hand danced, crashing down like a fire-colored training, and lifted the blood spirit scorpion away.

At this time, Lin Yanyan was full of flames tumbling, and his combat power was raised again, the long whip in his hand was dazzling, and the blood spirit scorpion he screamed again and again.

After a full cup of tea, Lin Yanyan, with full combat power, finally completely suppressed the blood spirit scorpion.

Even though the blood spirit is powerful, it still screams again and again.

In the end, Lin Yanyan used a long flame whip to lock his head directly, and it shattered with a bang.

The blood spirit, which was as powerful as the late Sanxian Dacheng, was killed by Lin Yanyan alone.

Seeing this, Ling Tian couldn't help but took a deep breath.

Good deed, is this still the Lin Yanyan he knows?

If this level of cultivation returns to Nantang, I'm afraid it will scare his father Lin Shan!

"Tsk tusk, Ling Tian, ​​is this your sister, she is a pervert!"

Even Ran Hongfu couldn't help but admire.

"I didn't expect it either."

Ling Tian smiled bitterly.

In the canyon, the blood spirit scorpions were killed, and the banshees suddenly looked happy.

Lin Yanyan didn't go to get the blood spirit and crystal core, but in the past helped the banshees up one by one and bandaged the wounds.

"Hey, Sister Yanyan, it's a godsend blessing that you can come to Xuanmu City to help us!"

"That is, with the talent of Sister Yanyan, if you go to the main city of Qingluan, you will be praised as a guest of honor."

"We can't ask for the blood of this blood spirit anymore, Sister Yanyan, go and collect it!?"

The banshees were grateful.

"No, I can't use it."

However, Lin Yanyan smiled faintly, his body shook, and the flames all over his body were unpredictable.

"Sister Yanyan, what's the matter with you!?"

The five banshees led Lin Yanyan quickly.

"Sister Yanyan, you, you are hurt!?"

At this time, they discovered this time that there was a bone-visible wound on Lin Yanyan's back waist. Although it was gradually healed now, blood was still bleeding out.

The banshees were shocked and all gathered around.

"I'm fine, the blood spirit is very strong, and my injuries are normal."

Lin Yanyan hissed, swallowing a bottle of pill, and leaning on the stone, "Ling'er, go and collect the **** essence and flames. After refining this one, your blood If you can achieve sixth rank, then you will leave this core area."

"Go, go quickly."

Seeing the banshee's eyes still with tears, Lin Yanyan pushed her past.


The banshee couldn't survive Lin Yanyan, so she nodded, bit her lip and walked towards the **** scorpion.

However, just as the banshee reached out to take the blood back, on the top of the mountain, a sound of breaking through the air, like thunder, exploded, and the next moment, an electric light burst out, shaking in In the canyon.

Although the banshee named Ling'er was not hit directly, the aftermath also spewed its shocking blood and flew out.


The sudden change caused Lin Yanyan, who was sitting on the ground to heal, to be taken aback. He immediately stood up, but suddenly found that there was a figure standing on the ground where the original blood spirit scorpion had fallen.

He wore a gray robe, and his face was also dark. Among his pupils, he was extremely dark, standing there like a zombie.

Lin Yanyan didn't know the monster that appeared suddenly. She flew over and rescued Ling'er who had never landed, and found that it was seriously injured, even if she was furious.

Put the banshee on the ground, Lin Yanyan's long whip in his hand pointed directly at the gray-robed demon clan.

"you wanna die!"

Today's Lin Yanyan, with murderous intent on his face, with upside-down eyebrows, is very different from the quirky spirits of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

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