Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1682: Candle Dragon Essentials

Dragon domain core.

The area of ​​the entire Dragon Territory is not large. After all, this place is just a place for the Dragons to avoid catastrophes, with a radius of one million li. If they drive at the full speed of Ling Tian, ​​they will be able to traverse the entire continent in about a month.

Under the leadership of Ling Tian and Long Xuan, the Qinglong clan came out from the nest and slew towards the Sky Dragon Palace at the core of the Dragon Region.

Along the way, they were like a broken bamboo. Although the evil dragon army continued to rush out frantically, the Azure Dragon army arrived at the core of the Dragon Realm where the Qingtian Dragon Palace was within half a month.

And along the way, small five-color dragon races continued to join the Azure Dragon army, and in the end, it grew to a crowd of fifty thousand!

However, when the dragon army smashed outside the core wasteland of the dragon domain, it was isolated by a storm wall that penetrated the sky and the earth.

This wall of wind is like a barrier, but it is not a barrier, because there is no eye at all, and it can't be broken.

"What is this!?"

Ran Hongfu looked at the endless wind wall in front of him, and couldn't help frowning. Outside, he couldn't see the scene inside, let alone the Qingtian Dragon Palace.

"Brother Long Xuan, when you came here before, was there a wind wall here?"

Qin Mingyue asked.

"I remember very clearly that there was absolutely no such wind wall at the time, and the wind wall was filled with the aura of evil dragons, which should be used by the evil dragons to seal off the area."

Long Xuan frowned and shook his head.

"Huh, it's just a mere wind wall, I'm afraid he's doing something wrong!"

In the rear army, the hot-tempered soldiers of the Red Dragon clan laughed disdainfully, and rushed into the wind wall.

However, as soon as he entered the wind wall, the dragon warrior was shocked. After reaching a hundred feet, the dragon scales all over his body were cracked by the wind in the wind wall. When he wanted to come back, he was not halfway there. Strangled into a mass of flesh and blood, fallen!

All of a sudden, the dragon army was shocked.

Although the fighters of the Red Dragon clan were not extremely strong, they also had the combat power of the late Sanxian stage, but they died within the wind wall like this! ?

It's too scary.

"It's him, the **** of the evil dragon clan, my red dragon clan fights with you!"

"Warriors, don't be afraid of death, follow me!"

The Red Dragon Lord roared and rushed in again.

In the wasteland, the light is dim, and the fierce wind blows like a knife. Every wind here is like a sharp divine object. The fierceness is strong enough to tear the dragon scale protection of the dragon. Once it is hit The middle body, even the dragon clan powerhouse in the late Sanxian stage, could hardly bear it.

At this time, in this wasteland filled with gang wind, thousands of red dragon fighters rushed in fiercely under the leadership of the red dragon lord, and then they used their own means to rush toward the depths of the wasteland. go with.

It's just that in this kind of flying, there will be screams from time to time, and the dragon scales that surround the red dragon's body are directly torn apart by many winds, and then their tyrannical bodies , Is also torn apart in an instant.

These dangerous places are simply Jedi.

Even the Lord of the Red Dragon is going forward extremely hard in the wind.

Seeing that hundreds of soldiers of the Red Dragon clan were ruined.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​you can't go on like this, think of a way!"

Long Xuan anxiously said.


Ling Tian nodded.

In fact, this Gangfeng Wind Wall was terrifying, but in Ling Tian's eyes, it was nothing.

The reason why he didn't make a direct shot was just to let the tens of thousands of dragons behind him know that this time the battle for the rise of the dragons would be impossible without the other tribes taking over the sky.

Immediately, Ling Tian's shoulders shook, and a large green and black cauldron came out from behind, facing the storm, and instantly it was a phantom of a thousand-square-meter radius.

"Qing Xu, open the way!"

Ling Tian shouted, holding the giant cauldron and rammed into the wind wall directly.

In an instant, the wind blade oscillated on the phantom shadow of the great cauldron, and there was a dense explosion of explosions, but despite the sharpness of the wind blade, there was no way for the cauldron to do anything about it.

"Follow me!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly from the wind wall.

"Dragons, keep up!"

Long Xuan was overjoyed and led tens of thousands of dragons into the wind wall.

The Qingxu Ding is really too powerful. Under the six-lined cauldron that has been sucking day and night, it is now close to the Profound Sky Treasure, and within the wind wall, it is like a broken bamboo.

Those fierce winds slashed on it, and they were just rippling the waves. That kind of defense, all the dragons who looked at were stunned. There were so many hidden methods of the human race!

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​this is the power of Xuantian Supreme Treasure. It is really powerful. Legend has it that in the Qingtian Dragon Palace, there is our Dragon Clan’s Xuantian Supreme Treasure Fengtian Bell. It is said that the Supreme Treasure can close the sense of heaven and is extremely powerful." Looking at the great cauldron on top of Ling Tian's head, Long Xuan said with envy.

"Brother Longxuan, when I was in the Human Race, I heard that the sacred artifact of your Dragon Race, isn't it the Dinghai Divine Needle?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Dinghai Shenzhen...Yes, that is one of the three holy artifacts of my dragon clan."

"Dinghai Shenzhen, Fengtian Bell, and the blood of the Candle Dragon are also called the three sacred objects of our dragon clan.

"It's just that Dinghai Shenzhen was taken away by the four dragons, and Fengtian Bell is in Qingtianlong Palace."

Long Xuan nodded.

"Well, the blood of the candle dragon among the three holy objects? What is that!?"

Ling Tian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ling Tian is extremely sensitive to dragon blood.

Not to mention the blood of the candle dragon.

The candle dragon is the sacred dragon among the dragons, a real beast.

"Uh, it's just a legend that the dragons have hidden candle dragon essence and blood, but I don't know if there is any. Maybe even if it has, it has been swallowed by the previous dragon masters for so many years. If it is still there, it should be. In the treasure house of Qingtianlong Palace."

Long Xuan shrugged, as if he didn't care about the blood of the candle dragon.

"Oh, that's a shame."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, but he didn't give up in his heart.

He is bound to win the blood of the candle dragon.


Suddenly, the big tripod on top of his head was shaken and rushed out of the wind wall.

After a huge earthquake.

Stabilizing his body, Ling Tian's gaze was projected for the first time, and immediately his body paused slightly, and what appeared in front of him was a barren land with no end in sight. It was just that the land was intertwined. Vertically and horizontally, there are many gullies. These gullies, at first glance, it is known that they were not formed naturally, but were torn apart in an extremely terrifying battle.

This space looked like a devastated ancient battlefield, an ancient tragic atmosphere, even after thousands of years, it was still strong.

Looking far away, I can see some huge bones of the forest. These bones are extremely broken and it is impossible to distinguish their shape, but even after ten thousand years, there is still fluorescence emerging on the bones. , A wave of wild waves radiated out, enough to imagine that before that ten thousand years, these bone masters must be earth-shattering generations!

Moreover, what surprised Ling Tian was that among these skeletons, there were not only dragon races, but also other monster races, human races and even magic witch races.

Come to think of it, ten thousand years ago, when the dragon clan evacuated, it still experienced a melee and massacre.

After all, this is the Sky Dragon Palace, its treasure house is enough to seduce all races.

The line of sight continued to spread, and Ling Tian and Long Xuan behind him took a breath!

A palace!

A palace that is magnificent to the extreme, stands in the distance!

The palace is too big, standing there, it seems to be a god-like peak above the sky.

Fangyuan doesn't know how many feet, and the whole body is like a stone cast, magnificent to the extreme!

All of them were Dragon Clan Xijin. Now that he saw this Qingtian Dragon Palace, Ling Tian finally believed it.

Such a large palace was actually built with Yuanru Jinjingshi. Although the materials are not so precious, but with such a large volume, I am afraid that all the Yuanru Jinjingshi in this world are here, right?

"It's so crazy, this is the treasure of the dragon clan! Seeing Lao Tzu, my eyes are hot!"

In Taoyuan, Yang Lin was amazed.

As a dragon hunter, he was also the first time to see the real Sky Dragon Palace.

"However, the evil dragon clan is indeed one step ahead of us."

Long Xuan's handsome face was tight and his eyes were torch.

As far as I could see, on the plain of Qingtianlong Palace, there were evil dragons everywhere.

It's just that these evil dragon races are fighting with the dragon bone battle armor that springs from the Sky Dragon Palace.

Those dragon battle armors are shaped like puppets, but they are dressed in golden armors, fearless to die, and countless in number, so far they have not been killed by the evil dragons.

But now above the Great Dragon Palace, the four palace gates were forcibly shattered. Obviously, the strong had already stepped into it.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​we can't wait any longer. If the Lord of the Dragon or the Saint Son of Tianpeng and the people from Tianyu Xiandao get the Fengtian Bell, we will be unable to return to heaven!"

"In the Dragon Region, Fengtian Bell is absolutely invincible!"

Long Xuan anxiously said.


Ling Tian nodded, even if he gave an order, "Jiuyou Yiyi, you take the dragon warriors to solve the evil dragon warriors outside first."

"Long Xuan, Mingyue, Hongfu, the four of us, each one has a palace gate, let's go in!"

"However, be careful!"

Ling Tian took back Qingxuding and said.

"Hehe, it's easy to say, I can't wait!"

Ran Hongfu's halberd shook on the Juyan Shield, and was the first to rush down.

Long Xuan followed closely, and Ling Tian also killed Qin Mingyue after summoning the phantom sting bee swarm.

Among the army, Ling Tian is undoubtedly the first combat power. Although Qin Mingyue is still a blessing cultivation base from the beginning, after all, he has the Moon Flying Sword in his hand, and it is not good enough, and the Baolian Lantern is the last life saver.

But Ji Jiuyou and Liu Yiyi are relatively weak.

Outside of the Dragon Palace, there is no strongest member of the evil dragon clan. It is the best choice to let them be outside.

In an instant, tens of thousands of dragon army descended from the sky, like a needle sticking straight into the back of the dragon army.

Even the evil dragon clan is fierce, but facing such a front and back attack, if there is no change, it will be annihilated, it will be sooner or later.

Qingtian Dragon Palace, inside the Qingtian Dragon Palace.

A black dragon blasted through the palace gate formation and forcibly rushed in.

Then the body of the black dragon collapsed into a two-foot-tall humanoid warrior, with a black gold armor and a dragon spear in his hand, full of terrifying coercion, making the space tremble between slow steps.

Even the numerous restrictions in the Dragon Palace were broken one by one under his brute force, showing the tyrannical and terrifying combat power.

When the black dragon warrior saw the big golden bell placed on the central high platform in the main hall, his hideous face finally raised a smile.

"Fengtianzhong! My evil dragon lord has been looking for you for a hundred years!"

"You will eventually be used by me!"

With a big laugh, the dragon lord flew before his body and was about to put away the heavenly bell.

"Damn, a hundred years is a fart, I have waited for almost five hundred years, and finally I can hear you breathe!"

However, the Lord of the Evil Dragon pressed his big hand on the Fengtian Bell to find that he could not put away this treasure!

"who are you!"

Hearing the sound of the bell, the Lord of the Dragon was even more shocked.

Who is talking about this? Could anyone be here before him! ?

"Hehe, who am I? Lao Tzu is a human grandfather!"

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I have slept in this clock for five hundred years, come and come, open this clock to Laozi, and I will teach you how to be a dragon!"

But inside the Fengtian Clock, there was a joking laugh.

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