Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1683: Nine-layer dragon

"What!? Terran!?"

The Lord of the Dragon was shocked when he heard this.

How can there be a human race in this Qingtian Dragon Palace, which has never been born for almost ten thousand years! ?

Moreover, also entered the Fengtian Bell?

This is incredible!

What made him even more unacceptable was that the Fengtian Bell in front of him could not be opened.

"Hey, isn't it shocking, but I can also feel it, you are not a real dragon at all, tsk tsk, no wonder you can't hold this heavenly clock, you can't get his approval, no matter how powerful you are, it is in vain!"

"In that case, don't disturb Lao Tzu's sleep, get out!"

However, the voice inside the Fengtian Clock suddenly seemed a bit impatient.

"Damn it, the trivial human race, how can you allow you to occupy the treasure of my dragon race!"

"I don't believe it, I can't hold this sky clock!"

Naturally, the Lord of the Dragon would not give up. He sat cross-legged in front of the Fengtian Bell, and vomited out a dark dragon breath that seemed to burn the sky and boil the sea, and enveloped the Heavenly Bell, hoping to transform the dragon's treasure into life. Into the body.

"Fuck, don't tell me, he's really a bit hot, this **** doesn't work to seal the clock, it can trap Lao Tzu, but it's not insulated!"

Inside Fengtianzhong, the voice seemed to jump with angrily.


Inside Qingtianlong Palace.

Ling Tian entered it from the palace gate in the south direction.

The space in the Dragon Palace is larger, as if it were a self-contained space.

Moreover, within the corridor, there are scattered pieces of Dragon Palace puppets everywhere, and it is clear that there is indeed the existence of entering the Dragon Palace first.

Ling Tian took the broken puppet casually into his hand and glanced at it, frowning slightly.

Sword wound...

And the incision is extremely flat.

Although the puppets at these gates are not very powerful, they also have combat power comparable to the mid-term Sanxian.

Moreover, the golden armor on his body is not an ordinary quality.

Being able to be cut so easily shows that the sword is absolutely extraordinary.

"The breath of the sword domain...hehe, it really is a human race."

Ling Tian shattered the fragments, if other weapons came, that was all.

But these puppets were injured by the sword blade, so it is absolutely impossible to hide from Ling Tian.

"It seems that the people in front should be from Tianyu Xiandao."

Ling Tian snorted coldly, and the golden light surging all over his body turned into a shadow of a golden dragon and shot into the tunnel.


After entering the Dragon Palace, Ling Tian discovered that the Great Sky Dragon Palace was shaped like a pagoda, with a total of nine floors, and the higher it went, the more tyrannical the puppets encountered.

Moreover, each layer is equivalent to a treasure house.

The stored ore materials, monster crystal nuclei, medicinal materials, and even the spirit stones used by the human race are countless.

More, it is gold coins.

Although the materials of these gold coins are very general, they can only be used to forge armor, but the number is the most.

Ling Tian rushed directly into the sixth floor in one breath.

However, standing at the end of the corridor on the sixth floor, looking at the four puppets standing at the core in the hall.

Ling Tian frowned.

The puppet is like a statue, dressed in a dazzling armor, with a spear in his hand, guarding the entrance to the seventh floor.

It seems that it is still intact.

But what about the strong man from Tianyu Fairy Island who came in?

Isn't it here?

However, Ling Tian denied this idea in an instant.

If the people of Tianyu Island have been here, they can never hide their spiritual thoughts.

The only possibility now is that this person has entered the upper level.


Ling Tian's eyes swept around, and he found a gray-white cloak as expected.

Reaching out his hand to photograph the cloak, the corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised.

"Hehe, what a golden cicada's ability to escape from the shell, it's a little tricky!"

The human aura still remained on the cloak. Obviously, the island owner of the Heavenly Island had a lot of means, using this cloak to deceive the guards on the sixth floor.

Otherwise, just these four puppets will inevitably cause him a lot of trouble.

Although these magical powers could not Ling Tian, ​​to him, the four puppets in front of him were not a trouble.

It's broken!

Throwing away the cloak, Ling Tian walked directly out of the tunnel.


Suddenly, Ling Tian's breath drew, and the four puppets wore treasure armor and stepped on the mysterious footwork. Between them, the auras all connected together. The majestic spear and power came over, like a wandering dragon, piercing through the void, and with the roar, the wandering dragon swelled like a mountain in the blink of an eye, trying to swallow Ling Tian whole.

A different color flashed in Ling Tian's eyes, and as he expected, the four puppets on the sixth floor were far more tyrannical than the fifth floor.

There is even an extremely confined cooperation between them, and with the blessing, the combat power is even more powerful than the perfect Sanxian!


-Of course, Ling Tian would naturally not show weakness. He raised his hand to block the blow, and the ground on which the sole of his foot had stepped exploded cracks. The four long spears continued to give pressure, allowing the cracks to continue to spread out.

"Sacred Dragon Seven Lights!"

Ling Tian let out a loud shout, the five fingers of his left hand condensed, and his whole body rushed to merge with the true essence, and blast out.


Amid the loud noise, Ling Tian did not step back, and the four puppets were shaken back under this stance.

When the four puppets dispersed, the terrifying power of dragon swimming suddenly weakened a lot.

"Haha, won't you break it if you eat me?"

Ling Tian let out a sneer, and was also extremely surprised at the materials used by the puppet.

He has cultivated Taiyan Art, and can also make puppets, but the previous immortal puppets' combat power is long gone, and he has not found more powerful puppet materials. Therefore, this puppet technique has been Ling Tian. The snow hides.

Now, the puppet warrior in this dragon palace made Ling Tian hot again.

The puppet art really cannot be wasted.

Although he was amazed at the puppets in his heart, but Ling Tian held the big scorpion in his hands, but did not stop, stirring up a storm of sword strength, preventing the four puppets from converging.

Clang clang clang!

Taking advantage of this storm, he took the initiative to kill in, slamming like a sword, like a violent storm, and constantly blasting in all directions.

In an instant, there were countless **** shadows, tearing the air like cloth, constantly tearing the treasure armor on the puppet's body.

"Drive me!!"

Now Ling Tian's physical strength is not what it used to be. After knowing the upper limit of the puppet's combat power, Ling Tian didn't want to try any more, and immediately smashed Ling Tian and cut it down.

The big 槊 condensed into a majestic tornado and rushed away, engulfing all the four puppets. In the tornado, the shadow of the Fengfeng kept raiding, sharp sword light, dazzling silver light, crystal clear and translucent.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

When Ling Tian's stance was over, none of the four puppets were complete, and the ground was full of fragments of parts.

Completely shattered.

Sanxian's consummate combat power could not resist Ling Tian for too long.

With a cold snort, Ling Tian carried the big scorpion and walked directly into the entrance to the upper floor.


After crossing a simple barrier, Ling Tian appeared in a dark passage.

It's just that the moment Ling Tian walked out, he felt the supernatural aura that hadn't dissipated here, and the puppet fragments that had covered the ground, still carrying warmth.

Finally, let him catch up.

Seventh floor!

Ling Tian fell sharply to the ground, and did not hide his aura at all. The weapon's blade slid in the tunnel, with sparks and piercing sounds, which spread along the tunnel.

When Ling Tian reached the end of the tunnel.

There are puppet warriors in this seventh floor hall, and they haven’t moved yet.

It's just that this time around these puppets, there is a faint cyan light cover, and on top of their heads, the source of that cover is actually a big blue seal.

Xuantian Lingbao!

Ling Tian frowned.

The secret way this guy's methods are really endless,

Before, she used her body technique, but now she uses Lingbao.

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